Overwatch League Season 2 Countdown – Vancouver Titans (#5)

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Overwatch League Season 2 Countdown – Vancouver Titans (#5)

#6 – LA Valiant |  #7 – Seoul Dynasty – |   #8 – Paris Eternal |   #9 – San Francisco Shock |  #10 – Toronto Defiant |   #11 – Dallas Fuel |   #12 – Shanghai Dragons |   #13 – Atlanta Reign |   #14 – Guangzhou Charge |   #15 – Hangzhou Spark |   #16 – Houston Outlaws |   #17 – Florida Mayhem |   #18 – Boston Uprising |   #19 – Washington Justice | #20 – Chengdu Hunters

Next up on our power rankings is an expansion team with more experience than most of the original ones: Vancouver Titans. The Titan’s roster is almost entirely from the Korean Contenders two-times champion RunAway. Most of the players have been playing together for over two years, creating a great synergy within the team. Will their Contenders experience and team play be enough to climb the ladder in the OWL? Let’s take a more in-depth look into this squad.


Ji-Sub ”paJion” Hwang takes the helm as the head coach. He is a former member of Korean Trials team Bon’s Spirit Gaming, where he coached several Vancouver Titans. He also helped Fusion University win two titles of Contenders North America, alongside Aaron “Aero” Atkins, the current head coach of Dallas Fuel and Team USA.

Yang-Won ”Yang1” Kwon joins as an assistant coach for the Vancouver Titans. Yang1 was part of the RunAway coaching staff, helping the team win the Korean Contenders. Harsha ”Harsha” Bandi also signs as an assistant coach. He is mainly known for being an analyst, whether on his YouTube channel or with the San Francisco Shock in OWL Season 1.


Tank Players

Sang-Beom ”Bumper” Park is the main tank for the Vancouver Titans. He is one of the original members of RunAway, and has experience protecting his teammates as a Reinhardt or peeling as Winston. Bumper is a flexible player capable of aggressive plays and provides high-quality ult combos with his off-tank JJANU.

Hyeon-Woo ”JJANU” Choi is the other half of RunAway’s tanking duo. He mainly played D.Va, saving his teammates with key peels and ravaging D.Va bombs. The Bumper/JJANU duo already proved its worth in the Korean Contenders, but the Overwatch League is a new chapter for them.

DPS Players

Hyo-Jong ”Haksal” Kim is one of the original RunAway members, playing mostly on Genji, Pharah, Doomfist, and Zarya. He joined RunAway at only 15 and is now making an entrance in the Overwatch League at 18. Haksal had good results on the Contenders team, and will most likely be part of the starting lineup for the Vancouver Titans.

Stitch Runaway Vancouver Titans OWL
Stitch playing with RunAway


Chung-Hee ”Stitch” Lee has formed a DPS duo with Haksal for over two years. He is mainly known for his Tracer and McCree but can pull out a Widowmaker if needed. The latest meta didn’t give much credit to Tracer, resulting in Stitch joining the bench for some time. While his duo with Haksal remains one of the valuable assets of the Vancouver Titans, the current meta shifts will seal Stitch’s position on the roster.

Min-Soo ”Seominsoo” Seo is a flex DPS player. He leans more towards projectile heroes such as Pharah but can play a good Zarya if the situation requires it. While he didn’t shine during his time with Runaway, he does have experience playing with the other team members which can create a great synergy within the Vancouver Titans.

Dong-Eun ”Hooreg” Lee is a name known by OWL fans. Formerly of GC Busan, he joined the London Spitfire in OWL Season 1 but was made inactive in May, until his contract ran out. He then joined RunAway, where he met the rest of the current Vancouver Titans lineup. Hooreg played as a substitute for RunAway, helping them reach their second Korean Contenders title.

Support Players

Joo-Seok ”Twilight” Lee is known amongst the professional Overwatch scene for his Sombra plays. He quickly established the hero as a viable alternative for 3 DPS composition, winning fights with his self-healing and devastating EMP. Twilight's primary role is support, especially on aim related heroes such as Ana and Zenyatta.

RunAway Vancouver Titans OWL
The fans have high expectations for the former RunAway’s roster in OWL


Sung-Jun ”SLIME” Kim is a main support player shining on Mercy. He forms a potent duo with Twilight, with whom he played the last two seasons of Contenders Korea as part of the RunAway roster.

Jun-Keun ”Rapel” Kim joins in as the flex support player for the Vancouver Titans. Formerly from Element Mystic, Rapel is the only player who wasn’t part of the RunAway lineup. He is best known for his Zenyatta and provided consistent performances throughout the season. However, due to Twilight and SLIME's great synergy and experience, Rapel could be benched often.

Contenders Korea Grand Finals Highlights:

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Images Via: Inven Global, Dexerto, and Overwatch League

Overwatch League Season 2 Countdown – Vancouver Titans (#5)
Ophelie Castelot
Ophelie is both an esport and journalism lover. She is the former head of the CS:GO section for a major esport website. Ophelie has been analyzing Overwatch ever since its release in 2016.