Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft Skins Revealed as fan Favourite Crossover Returns
| Tags: Overwatch
| Author Paul G

Blizzard's popular hero shooter and the best MMO ever made collide with the new Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft Skins collab.
World of Warcraft-themed skins are coming to Overwatch 2, and they look glorious.
The Overwatch 2 Season 12 trailer showed off a ton of exciting content for the upcoming meta. Not only did we get a new hero, new game modes and a reworked “Anubis” map, but we also caught a glimpse of the next confirmed crossover game collab.
In an inter-Blizzard bonanza, players will get to put on the faces of Azeroth's heroes (and villains) in the new Overwatch 2 WoW skin collection. Here's everything you need to know about the new skins!
Before we get into the World of Warcraft crossover, don't forget to read out Best Hero for Each Map Guide to prepare for the new WoW x Overwatch content.
The Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft Skins Are Here
The new trailer showcases a first-person amusement ride through Blizzard World, showing off each new skin.
All Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft Skins
The World of Warcraft legendary skins include:
- Sylvanas Windrunner Widowmaker
- Lich King Reinhardt
- Thrall Zenyatta
- Diamond Magni Torbjorn
The new Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft collab also comes with a bunch of voice lines, sprays and accessories full of WoW references.
How Much Are The Overwatch WoW Skins?
The Overwatch 2 WoW collab skins are here! Here's how much they're worth:
- Lich King Reinhardt Bundle: ~US$30
- Sylvanas Widowmaker Bundle: ~US$30
- Thrall Zenyatta Bundle: ~US$30
- Diamond Magni Torbjorn Bundle: ~US$30
Each package includes each emote, spray, name card, voice line, highlight intro, and victory pose for that specific hero. Fans can also go for the Warcraft Mega Bundle which gives you all four cosmetic sets for US$65.
The previous non-canon crossover was with the Transformers franchise, which gave us limited-time skins like Optimus Prime Reinhardt, Bumblebee Bastion and Megatron Ramattra.
Reinhardt's Optimus skin was sold for 1900 Overwatch Coins, and bundles that included other Transformers skins went for 2500 Overwatch Coins (about US$25.) Similar pricetags were also seen in the Cowboy Beebop special, so it'd be reasonable to expect the same price point. But there's one more thing to consider.
The WoW Hype Is Real
World of Warcraft recently released its latest expansion The War Within, which not only introduced new hero talent trees, but a whole new epic saga as well.
With concurrent players near an all-time high, the WoW fandom is seeing a bit of a renaissance. Given the hype, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to expect higher price tags on the new Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft skins.
This will be the seventh collab Overwatch 2 has ever done. So far, the highlight of these fun collabs has always been the cosmetics and the creative ways the artists fuse pop culture icons with the Overwatch aesthetic.
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