WoW Season of Discovery Runes – Everything You Need to Know

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WoW Season of Discovery Runes – Everything You Need to Know

Learn everything about WoW Season of Discovery Runes right here.

Do you need Runes? We got Runes. With World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery right around the corner, everyone's been wondering what those Runes are all about. While most around them are still cloaked in mystery we did learn some details about them after BlizzCon from various visitors and the developer chats.

So if you're looking for all the details, we're your one-stop destination for everything Rune-related in Season of Discovery.

WoW Season of Discovery Runes Explained

Runes is a completely new feature coming to Season of Discovery. Think of them as augmentations to your Class' already existing kit which can change up their gameplay significantly. They range from simple damage boosts to changing the role of your class.

You could be a Mage with the ability to heal or a Rogue who's proficient in tanking. From what we've seen so far these Runes allow players to adjust for solo play, flex into different roles in instances, or focus on PvP. This will make leveling much more bearable for most and put a spin on the tried and true gameplay of WoW Classic.

We haven't been able to confirm yet if you can change these Runes on the fly, but you will be able to equip up to 3 of them for your Hands, Legs, and Chest slot.

How to Obtain Runes

During the Q&A posted by Blizzard after BlizzCon, we got some insights into how players will earn these Runes in the first place. The answer seems to be quests, according to the developers players will learn about their Class in these quests while unlocking these new and powerful abilities.

They also mentioned that Priests would be able to obtain the blessings of other Races.

WoW Season of Discovery Rune Locations

Please note that all of this info comes from the demo playable at BlizzCon and none of this is final. We'll update this list once Season of Discovery releases.

Wow Season of Discovery Phase 2 Runes

There'll be more Runes to Discover in Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery. As soon as the information becomes available, all existing guides will be updated. You can find out everything that is coming to Phase 2 right here.

And that sums up everything we know (so far) about Runes in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. For more on the upcoming Classic mode, check out what we learned at BlizzCon, the newly announced World Soul Saga, and what is going on with the upcoming Cataclysm classic.


WoW Season of Discovery Runes – Everything You Need to Know
Timo Reinecke
Has once claimed that FSH is the only job in FFXIV worth playing and stands by that firmly. Top Guy, Smart Guy, Educated Speaker. (sometimes) Writer of all things FFXIV, FGC, News, Reviews and More