Druid Runes – WoW Season of Discovery
| Tags: WoW News
| Author Timo Reinecke

Here is everything you need to know about Druid Runes in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.
A quick rundown of all things runes for the Druid.
Druid SoD Phase 2 Runes Update
Season of Discovery phase 2 will introduce new runes and new rune slots for the Shaman class. Starting February 8, Druid players will be able to engrave helm, bracers, boots and belts with SoD runes. Here's the complete list of the Druid SoD phase 2 runes!
- Berserk
- Dreamstate
- Eclipse
- Efflorescence
- Gale winds
- Gore
- Improved Barkskin
- Improved Frenzied Regeneration
- King of the Jungle
- Nourish
- Survival Instincts
SoD Druid Rune Locations
How to Get Berserk Rune in Season of Discovery
Prerequisite: Level 40
- Travel to Thousand Needles and find the Beastly Effigy (69, 55).
- Use Challenging Roar on the effigy to spawn Zai'enki. Defeat the mob to obtain the “Idol of the Heckler”.
- Equip the idol and taunt two or more enemies with Challenging Roar simultaneously before killing them.
- Do this five times before activating the Idol to obtain the Berserk rune.
How to Get Dreamstate Rune in Season of Discovery
Prerequisite: Level 40
- In eastern Desolace, farm Kolkar Centaurs until one of them drops a Dessicated Seed Pod.
- Go south towards a pond (70, 70) and swim in it until the item transforms into a “Satyrweed Bulb”.
- Travel north until you reach Sargeron and plant the seed in Sandy Loam (75, 20) to get the Dreamstate rune.
How to Get Eclipse Rune in Season of Discovery
Prerequisite: Level 40
The Eclipse rune is obtained by starting a questline at Desolace. You need to reach Level 30 to obtain the “Eclipse” rune.
- Travel to Desolace and go northwest of Kodo Graveyard until you find an Extinguished Campfire (47, 54). Start the “Highway Robbery” quest.
- Head to Kormek's Hut (63, 39) to find Bibbly F'utzbuckle. Finish the quest and start “On the Lam”.
- Find the inn at Booty Bay and speak to Tokal. Finish the quest and start “Cherry for Your Thoughts?”.
- Buy her Cherry Grog and start the “No Honor Among Thieves” quest.
- Travel to Arathi Highlands and board a boat that will take you east of the region (52, 91).
- Look for Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot “Illari's Key” to get the Eclipse rune from her chest. Dark Elves get a dialogue option to peacefully obtain Illari's key.
How to Get Fury of Stormrage in Season of Discovery
You need to reach Level 4 to find the “Fury of Stormrage” rune.
- Night Elf: From the starting area, start “The Woodland Protector” quest and farm the Grell for a “Lunar Idol” drop. Equip this in a relic slot, kill 6 enemies affected by Moonfire, then activate Lunar Idol to change it into the Fury of Stormrage.
- Tauren: Go to Brambleblade Ravine and loot the Lunar Idol in a nearby chest (61, 76). Equip this in a relic slot, kill 6 enemies affected by Moonfire, then activate Lunar Idol to change it into the Fury of Stormrage.
How to Get Lacerate in Season of Discovery
- Night Elf: There are two locations where you can find the Lacerate rune as a Night Elf.
- Darkshore
- Farm Crab Treats either by looting Furbolgs or fishing in Darkshore.
- Feel Crab Treats to a Young Reef Crawler to get the Lacerate rune.
- Loch Modan
- Find Khara Deepwater (40, 39) and purchase “Rainbow Fin Albacore Chum”.
- Feed the chum to a thresher to get the Lacerate rune.
- Tauren: Travel to the Barrens and head to the northwest edge of the Forgotten Pools (44, 22). There you'll spot an abandoned Snapjaw nest that gives you an “Abandoned Snapjaw Egg”. Take the egg and head east of Lushwater Pond to find an “Empty Snapjaw Nest” (48, 40). Interact with the nest to leave the egg and receive the Lacerate rune.
How to Get Lifebloom in Season of Discovery
The interactable corpses in thes Rune quests have a 7-minute spawn time, so bring your friends to save time.
- Night Elf: In northern Teldrassil, there is a Skeleton among the Harpies that spawn in the area (33, 35). Interacting with the skeleton begins a ritual, which you or party members can trigger to obtain the Lifebloom rune.
- Tauren: Travel to Mulgore and enter the Venture Co. cave. Go to the northmost exit and speak to the Adventurer's Remains to begin a ritual (party members can do this for you). Afterwards, an Adventurer's Spirit will be summoned. Interact with the spirit to receive the Lifebloom rune.
How to Get Living Seed in Season of Discovery
- Night Elf: Go to Teldrassil and loot 3 “Glade Flower” flowers (can be shared among your group) and combine them into a “Glade Crown”. Next, find a “Wooden Effigy” (66.9, 57.7). Place the crown on the effigy to summon an “Unleashed Nature Spirit” elite mob. The Living Seed rune can be looted off of this mob.
- Tauren: Go to Mulgore and loot 3 “Prairie Flower” flowers (can be shared among your group) and combine them into a “Prairie Crown”. Next, find a “Wooden Effigy” (37.7, 49.5). Place the crown on the effigy to summon an “Unleashed Nature Spirit” elite mob. The Living Seed rune can be looted off of this mob.
How to Get Mangle in Season of Discovery
- Night Elf: Go to Teldrassil and farm “Rageclaw” for the Mangle rune drop. Remain over 50 Rage for 60 seconds to learn it.
- Tauren: Go to Mulgore and farm “Flatland Prowler” for the Mangle rune drop. Remain over 50 Rage for 60 seconds to learn it.
How to Get Nourish Rune in Season of Discovery
- In Central Kalimdor, head to Dustwallow Marsh and kill the Rotting Ancient (45, 50).
- Loot its Rotten Seed to start the questline.
- Travel to Moonglade and speak to Orokai to begin the second part of the questline, “The Lost Saplings”.
- A timer will start for the remainder of the questline. Teleporting, dying or running out of time fails the mission.
- Water 4 Ancient Saplings across the Eastern Kingdoms:
- Arathi Highlands (47, 71)
- Alterac Mountains (58, 44)
- Stranglethorn Vale (33, 65)
- Swamp of Sorrows (10, 39)
- Turn in the quest with Orokai and gain the Nourish rune.
How to Get Savage Roar in Season of Discovery
- Night Elf: Head to Darkshore and kill “Den Mother” for the Ferocious Idol drop. Equip the idol and deal 20 instances of bleed damage to humanoids. Then, activate the idol to learn Savage Roar.
- Tauren: Go to the Barrens and loot the Ferocious Idol from Kolkar's Booty chests. Equip the idol and deal 20 instances of bleed damage to humanoids. Then, activate the idol to learn Savage Roar.
How to Get Skull Bash in Season of Discovery
Purchase for 4 gold 50 silver when you hit honored with the new Supply Factions (Go to the Durotar Supply and Logistics Guide if you're playing for the Horde, and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players)
How to Get Starsurge in Season of Discovery
Alliance & Horde:
Head to the Westlands and head inside a cave (35, 14). There, you'll find a Dwarf that will give you a “Marshroom”, which you can use to speak to a frog near a pond (31, 18). Talking to this particular frog awards the Starsurge rune.
How to Get Sunfire in Season of Discovery
- Night Elf: Travel to Teldrassil and find 3 white “Lunar Stones” around (63.2, 64.2). Cast Moonfire on each stone to reveal a Lunar Chest that holds the Sunfire Rune.
- Tauren: Return to Mulgore and find 3 white “Lunar Stones” (35.72, 69.61). Cast Moonfire on each stone to reveal a Lunar Chest that holds the Sunfire Rune.
How to Get Survival Instincts Rune in Season of Discovery
Prerequisite: Level 40
To get the Survival Instincts rune, you'll need to catch various bugs across multiple environments.
- Go to the Swamp of Sorrows to buy an Entomology Starter Kit from Amaryllis Webb (25.0, 54.1).
- Catch 3 bugs.
- Arbor Tarantula in Stranglethorn Vale (45, 19)
- Hay Weevil in Arathi Highlands (30, 27)
- Flesh Picker in Desolace (51, 59)
- Return to Amaryllis Webb to finish the quest and receive the Survival Instincts rune.
How to Get Survival of the Fittest in Season of Discovery
Travel to Ratchet and buy it from Grizzby, who will only offer the Rune after you complete 3 of his pre-quests, namely:
- Shredder Turbochargers
- Dark Iron Ordinance
- Fish Oil
How to Get Wild Growth in Season of Discovery
To get the Wild Growth rune, you need to find 3 Owl Symbols, namely:
- Symbol of the First Owl
- Travel to Northeast Ashenvale (89, 41).
- Defeat three waves of enemies (2/wave) to obtain the Symbol of the First Owl.
- Symbol of the Second Owl
- Travel to Duskwood and head northeast part of Twilight Grove (50,35). Pick up the buff.
- Go east to where the Worgen spawn and find Agon (Level 25 Boar).
- Symbol of the Third Owl
- Go to Hillsbrad and look for two islands near (36, 76) and (54, 82).
- Swim between the islands in less than 2 minutes while in aquatic form, clicking all of the statues you pass by.
When you obtain all 3 symbols, head to the Druid trainer in Moonglade and complete the “Trial of The Owls” questline. Doing so rewards you the Wild Growth rune.
How to Get Wild Strikes in Season of Discovery
Alliance & Horde:
Take the southeastern entrance into Stonetalon Mountains (80, 88) and farm the “Idol of the Wild” from level 14-15 Grimtotem Ruffians and Grimtotem Sorcerers. Both mobs must be Tauren.
Druid Runes
SoD Druid Runes Phase 1
- Living Seed – Critically healed targets obtain the buff Living Seed for 30% of the amount healed. Living Seed will then bloom once the target is attacked within the next 15 seconds.
- Wild Strikes – While in Cat/Bear/Dire Bear form, party members within 20 yards have a 20% chance their attacks deal 20% more damage. Doesn't work under the effect of a Windfury Totem.
- Fury of Stormrage – The Mana cost of Wrath is decreased by 100% and each cast of Wrath has a 12% chance that your next Healing Touch cast becomes instant.
- Survival of the Fittest – Reduces all damage taken by 10% and is reduced by an additional 10% when in any Bear Form. Also reduces the chance of being critically damaged by melee attacks by 6%.
- Starsurge – Deals Arcane damage which benefits from the effects of Wrath or Starfire.
- Lifebloom – Can heal a target over 7 seconds. If dispelled or completed, the target heals instantly and Druid recovers half of the mana cost.
- Skull Bast – Lets you charge at a target and interrupt spells within 13 yards. This will also prevent the target from casting any spell related to the previous cast.
- Savage Roar – Increases damage by 30% in Cat form, duration depends on the number of combo points used.
- Sunfire – Deal nature Damage and an additional amount of nature Damage over 12 seconds.
- Lacerate – Causes the enemy target to bleed for 15 seconds plus 20% weapon damage for existing Lacerate DoTs on target. Stacks up to 5 times and causes a high amount of threat.
- Wild Growth – Heals all targets within 15 yards for 7 seconds. The amount of healing will decrease as the HoT ticks down.
- Mangle – Disorients the target and disables your auto attack. Damaging the target will cause the effect to fall off. Damage and duration will depend on the combo points available.
SoD Druid Runes Phase 2
- Gale Winds – Doubles Hurricane's damage, removes its cooldown and reduces the mana cost by 20%.
- Gore – 15% chance of resetting Mangle (Bear) cooldown when attacking with Lacerate, Swipe, or Maul. 5% chance of resetting Tiger's Fury when using Shred or Mangle (Cat).
- Improved Barkskin – Barkskin can be cast on allies, ignores melee combat speed/cast time and can be cast in animal form.
- Efflorescence – Swiftmend now applies an AOE healing effect within 15 yards of the target.
- Improved Frenzied Regeneration – Frenzied Regeneration now works in and out of shapeshift. Converts up to 10 Energy, 10 Rage or 5% mana into HP over 10 seconds.
- Berserk – Removes cooldown of Mangle (Bear) and lets it hit up to 3 targets. Halves the energy cost of all of your Cat form skills. Clears the Fear condition and gives you Fear immunity during the duration. Lasts for 15 seconds.
- Eclipse – Starfire gives your next two Wraths +30% crit chance. Wrath also gives your next Starfire +30% crit chance. Both effects stack (4 charges) and have +70% cast chance against taking damage.
- Nourish – Greatly heals an ally. HP granted is increased by 20% with active Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, or Wild Growth effects. Healing Touch effects can be triggered by Nourish.
- Dreamstate – Dealing critical damage from spells gives you +50% mana regeneration for 8 seconds while buffing your Nature spell damage by 20% for 12 seconds.
- King of the Jungle – Alters “Tiger's Fury” to give you 60 energy and a 15% boost on all physical damage. Switches to a 30 second cooldown.
- Survival Instincts – Gives a 30% HP increase for 20 seconds. Dodging grants 5 Rage in Bear Form, 10 Energy in Cat Form and 1% mana for other transformations.
For more on Runes check out our collection of all you need to know here and for more on Season of Discovery stay tuned on ESTNN