Overwatch League 2020 Power Rankings – #6 Los Angeles Gladiators

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Overwatch League 2020 Power Rankings – #6 Los Angeles Gladiators

Coming in at #6 we have the Los Angeles Gladiators, we break down what changed for them in the off season and what to expect in 2020.

See also: #20 Boston Uprising #19 Los Angeles Valiant #18 London Spitfire #17 Chengdu Hunters#16 Dallas Fuel#15 Washington Justice#14 Toronto Defiant –  #13 Houston Outlaws#12 Florida Mayhem#11 Guangzhou Charge#10 Paris Eternal#9 Hangzhou Spark#8 Seoul Dynasty#7 Philadelphia Fusion

The Los Angeles Gladiators has always been a solid team and fierce opponent, while never being able to climb on the League’s podium. The team ended up on the 5th position of both the Inaugural and the 2019 Season.

Los Angeles Gladiators has the potential to compete with the big names of the League, such as the San Francisco Shock or Vancouver Titans, they've but never managed to impose themselves as the team to defeat. Will 2020 finally be their year?

Who is leaving?

As for many teams, the off-season was quite busy for the Gladiators. David “dpei” Pei, now both Head Coach and General Manager, took the matter into his hands and made some strategic roster changes.

The players who will not be playing for the Los Angeles Gladiators this season are:

  • Chang-hoon “rOar” Gye, now with Washington Justice,
  • João Pedro “Hydration” Goes Telles, now with Houston Outlaws,
  • Gui-un “Decay” Jang, now with Dallas Fuel,
  • Jun-woo “Void” Kang, now with Shanghai Dragons,
  • Lane “Surefour” Roberts, now with Toronto Defiant,
  • Riku “Ripa” Toivanen, now with British Hurricane,
  • Byung-ho “Panker” Lee, now with Phase 2.

What does the Los Angeles Gladiators 2020 roster look like?

To fill in the now empty spots, David “dpei” Pei signs major players who should give the Los Angeles Gladiators the raw power they need to go beyond the 5th place of the League.

Main tank Min-seok “OGE” Son, previously from Dallas Fuel, joins as an exchange against Gui-un “Decay” Jang. Joining him on the tanking line is Indy “SPACE” Halpern from Los Angeles Valiant. SPACE was a 2019 World Cup champion with Team USA. Which means they can count on a returning Los Angeles Gladiators member; one who also spent a couple months with Guangzhou Charge, to sub for them when needed: Hyung-seok “Bischu” Kim. Former Paris Eternal Roni “LhCloudy” Tiihonen also bring his insight to the team, subbing as a main tank.

The historic support duo of Los Angeles Gladiators, Jonas “Shaz” Suovaara and Benjamin “BigGoose” Isohanni, have been faithful to the team ever since they joined in 2017. To help them keep everyone alive joins Nolan “Paintbrush” Edwards, who played in Contenders with Mayhem Academy and Revival.

One of the most exciting signings happened on the DPS lineup, with League Champion Ji-hyeok “birdring” Kim, formerly of the London Spitfire, joining the roster.

Despite average results last season, fans hope birdring still have what it takes to bring his team to the highest level. To help him succeed, two players come in right from Contenders: Gia Huy “MirroR” Trịnh from Uprising Academy and Jason “Jaru” White from Team Envy.

A profile pictures of each team member appears in a grid with their handle written beneath. The teams logo is to the left side on a purple background

Los Angeles Gladiators 2020 roster:


  • Min-seok “OGE” Son
  • Indy “SPACE” Halpern
  • Hyung-seok “Bischu” Kim
  • Roni “LhCloudy” Tiihonen


  • Jonas “Shaz” Suovaara
  • Benjamin “BigGoose” Isohanni
  • Nolan “Paintbrush” Edwards


  • Ji-hyeok “birdring” Kim
  • Gia Huy “MirroR” Trịnh
  • Jason “Jaru” White
Overwatch League 2020 Power Rankings – #6 Los Angeles Gladiators
Ophelie Castelot
Ophelie is both an esport and journalism lover. She is the former head of the CS:GO section for a major esport website. Ophelie has been analyzing Overwatch ever since its release in 2016.