Dota 2 Lion Guide – Get Instant Kills with Finger of Death
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Chetan Shekar

You can kill enemy heroes instantly in Dota 2 using Finger of Death while playing Lion.
Intelligence heroes make Dota 2 way more fun to play. These characters have specialized skills that can be used to support the team during tough battles in the strategy game. People can choose Intelligence heroes for an easier time while pushing different lanes and destroying enemy heroes in Dota 2.
Many players choose Lion to get instant kills in Dota 2 matches within seconds of entering a team fight. Lion has maintained a high win rate over the years and promises to provide people with fast kills to increase their kill counts in the massively multiplayer game.
Take a look at how you can use Finger of Death with Lion to get instant kills in Dota 2.
Lion – Get Instant Kills with Finger of Death
Lion is a support hero who can deal massive amounts of damage to enemy heroes with his abilities. The Intelligence hero has a base mana pool of 291, giving him plenty of mana to stun enemies early in the game. He can drain the mana of his opponents and turn them into critters to disable enemy heroes during crucial moments of a battle.
The ranged hero gains 3.5 Intelligence per level in Dota 2. Most people who pick Lion take the mid lane to earn bonus gold and experience at the start of a game. Lion can attack enemy creeps in the mid lane to farm more gold and build items that can help him get instant kills during team fights.
Early-game items, such as, a Null Talisman can be useful to cast multiple spells in the mid lane. You can buy a Bottle for 675 gold after heading to the mid lane with Lion to be able to replenish health and mana to the Intelligence hero. A Bottle can be used to restore up to 110 health and 60 mana to Lion over a duration of 2.7 seconds.
Lion can use up to 3 charges of a Bottle to regenerate his health and mana after being attacked by enemy units. You can use a Bottle to store and activate runes around the river to regain charges for the Bottle. A majority of the people who play Lion place a few Observer Wards near the river to find and store runes as soon as they spawn on the map.
You can activate Arcane runes to reduce the cooldown and mana cost of spells in Dota 2. Lion has an attack damage of 47 – 53, letting the Agility hero take last hits with ease in the mid lane. He has a maximum range of 600, giving Lion sufficient distance to farm gold by hitting enemy creeps from a safe distance.
His ulti, Finger of Death, can be used to get instant kills in the game. Lion can level up spells like Earth Spike and Hex before reaching level 6 to be able to disable enemy heroes during battles. The support hero can cast Earth Spike to stun enemy units for a duration of 2.6 seconds. Enemy units stunned by Earth Spike will take up to 260 damage from the spell. Earth Spike has a cooldown of 12 seconds and consumes 160 mana.
Lion can cast Earth Spike to stun and disable multiple enemy heroes in front of him. You’ll need to land an Earth Spike on enemy heroes without missing your targets for instant kills in the game while playing Lion. Players can increase the damage dealt by Earth Spike at level 10 through the Talent Tree.
The support hero can cast his ulti, Finger of Death, to neutralize enemy heroes in an instant by dealing 600 damage at level 1. People can roam the map right after unlocking their ulti with Lion to get fast kills in Dota 2. Finger of Death has a cooldown of 160 seconds and requires 200 mana to be used. Lion’s ulti gains an additional 40 damage per kill, making Finger of Death stronger with every enemy hero you kill with the spell.
Taking Hex in Dota 2 matches can prove to be helpful while playing Lion. You can cast Hex to disable enemy heroes for up to 4 seconds. Enemy units will be unable to hit allies with physical attacks or use their abilities for the duration of the spell. Hex has a cooldown of 12 seconds and needs 200 mana.
Lion can cast Earth Spike and Hex on enemy heroes to weaken them during team fights. A maxed out Finger of Death can deal up to 850 damage per cast. A fully leveled up Finger of Death has a reduced cooldown of 40 seconds and consumes 600 mana.
A lot of people who play Lion regularly might run out of mana after using Finger of Death to get instant kills in the game. Lion can drain the mana from nearby enemy creeps and enemy heroes using Mana Drain to absorb up to 120 mana per second. The Intelligence hero can channel Mana Drain for up to 5 seconds. Enemy units affected by Mana Drain will have their movement speed slowed by 35% for the duration of the spell. Mana Drain has a cooldown of 6 seconds and requires 10 mana per cast.
Items to Buy for Lion
Blink Dagger
Lion can jump right into battles by using a Blink Dagger. The Intelligence hero can use a Blink Dagger to teleport up to a distance of 1200 to perform instant kills using Finger of Death. Lion can blink into team fights and cast Earth Spike to stun enemy heroes before dealing burst damage with his ulti in the game. A Blink Dagger can be bought for 2250 gold.
Rod of Atos
Rod of Atos provides 24 Intelligence, 12 Strength, and 12 Agility to the Intelligence hero. The item can be purchased for 2750 gold in the game. Lion can use Rod of Atos to root enemy heroes using Cripple. The ranged hero can cast Cripple on enemy heroes to prevent them from moving for up to 2 seconds. Rod of Atos has a cooldown of 18 seconds and needs 50 mana per cast.
Glimmer Cape
Glimmer Cape can be used by Lion to turn invisible. You can equip Glimmer Cape in your inventory for 1950 gold in the game. Lion gains 20% magic resistance by purchasing Glimmer Cape in Dota 2.
People can activate Glimmer Cape to become invisible for up to 5 seconds. Glimmer Cape has a cooldown of 14 seconds and requires 90 mana to be used. Lion can use invisibility to move closer to enemy heroes before annihilating them with Finger of Death.
Aeon Disk
Aeon Disk provides 250 health and 300 mana to the Intelligence hero. The item costs 3000 gold in the game. Aeon Disk will be activated after Lion loses up to 70% of his maximum health during battles. Lion gains an additional 75% Status Resistance for 2.5 seconds and nullifies all incoming damage for the duration of the item. Aeon Disk has a cooldown of 165 seconds.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity grants 20 movement speed, 10 Intelligence, and 2.5 mana regeneration to Lion. The Intelligence hero can buy a Eul’s Scepter of Divinity for 2725 gold. Lion can cast Cyclone using Eul’s Scepter of Divinity to disable enemy heroes for 2.5 seconds. Eul’s Scepter of Divinity has a cooldown of 23 seconds and consumes 175 mana. You can cast Finger of Death with Lion to strike enemy heroes with lethal amounts of damage in Dota 2 matches after using Eul’s Scepter of Divinity during battles.
Best Allies for Lion
Pudge is a Strength hero who can pull enemy heroes aside using his abilities. His skills make the melee hero just right to decimate enemy heroes in team fights. Allies playing Pudge in Dota 2 matches along with Lion can isolate opponents and dish out massive amounts of damage to mitigate enemy heroes.
Teammates can use Meat Hook to drag enemy heroes from a distance of 1300 in the game. Enemy units caught by Meat Hook take up to 360 Pure damage from the spell. Meat Hook has a cooldown of 12 seconds and consumes 110 mana, letting the Strength hero cast multiple Meat Hooks to initiate team fights in Dota 2.
Loads of people who play Pudge in the massively multiplayer game use Rot and Dismember immediately after pulling enemy heroes with Meat Hook. Rot deals up to 120 damage per second (DPS) and slows the movement speed of enemy units by 32% within a radius of 250.
Pudge’s ulti, Dismember, deals 120 DPS and an additional 0.9 damage for every Strength point gained by Pudge throughout the game. Dismember can disable enemy heroes for up to 3 seconds, giving Lion a chance to cast Finger of Death for quick kills in Dota 2. The melee hero’s ulti has a cooldown of 20 seconds and requires 170 mana per cast.
Silencer is a reliable ally to Lion in Dota 2. The Intelligence hero can cast Arcane Curse on enemy units in a radius of 400 to reduce their movement speed by 25%. Arcane Curse deals an initial damage of 100 and an additional 40 DPS for 6 seconds.
The ranged hero can cast his ulti, Global Silence, to prevent all enemy heroes on the map from using their spells for up to 6 seconds. Lion can easily walk up to enemy units who are silenced by his allies’ ulti to cast Finger of Death on them in team fights.