Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

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Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

In order to excel in season 20, we are listing down the best perk combos for each Legend in Apex Legends

Every Legend is getting an upgrade to their abilities in Season 20. Each Legend can choose between two perks when they level up in a game. A Legend levels up thrice per game. The first two upgrades give the player a choice between two perks to upgrade their abilities. We will look into the best combination of all these perks for each Legend.

Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

There are 25 Legends in the game and a total of 100 perks.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Murder Machine – After a squad wipe, callout nearby squads
  • Persistence – Marked for Death reveals for 60s

LVL 3:

  • Lasting Snare – Arc Snare multiple enemies. Greatly increase lifetime.
  • Twin Snares – +1 Tac charge

Murder Machine is the perfect ability for Ash as she can call out any nearby third parties. Combined with her passive, it is a very powerful tool. Twin Snares goes best with Murder Machine as she can easily snare two enemies in close range.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Care Package Insight – Can reveal Care Packages
  • Ammuvision – See ammo in deathboxes

LVL 3:

  • Extra Bullet – +1 Tac charge
  • Lasting Bullet – Smart Bullet duration tripled

Ballistic should use Ammuvision combined with Lasting Bullet. He’ll always have ammo and prevent an enemy from shooting for a long time allowing a lot of breathing area.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Big Bang – See ordnance through walls and deathboxes
  • Ultimate Artillery – -25% Ult cooldown

LVL 3:

  • Cover Me – Auto-Ping enemies who trigger Passive
  • Refuge – Regen HP inside Smoke

Bangalore has an extremely strong ultimate with its only drawback being its time to charge. Any perk that reduces that is sure to help. She is also one of the best Legends to disengage from a fight and run away using her smokes. The smokes now heal her with Refuge therefore it is an obvious choice.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Tactical Upgrade – Reduced Tac cooldown
  • Hunting Ravens – White Ravens charge Ult

LVL 3:

  • Taste of Blood – 25HP/knock while in Beast of the Hunt
  • Full Coverage – Double Tac full-body scan duration

Bloodhound players can be the ultimate aggressive team player using their reduced cooldown tactical. Combining their ability to point out enemies’ locations and Taste of Blood which will encourage Bloodhound players to track down their prey and strike.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Prolific Piercings – +1 max active Spikes
  • Ferro Throw – Increase Spike throw range

LVL 3:

  • No Show – Increase Dark Veil lifetime
  • Long Form – Increase Dark Veil length

Catalyst’s extra tactical charge will allow her to control a room for longer and combining it with Long Form will allow her team to make easy rotations.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Lightweight – Increase Tac throw range
  • Diffuse – Increased gas area for ult

LVL 3:

  • Residual Toxins – Extend Nox Vision time
  • Breathe It In – Regen HP inside Nox Gas

Caustic players are great at blocking areas and with a longer throw range for his barrel, he can essentially use them as grenades. Breathe It In will provide him with a small HP regen as his enemies take damage.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Shield Inclined – See Battery count on deathboxes
  • Access Denied – Increase Ult mine damage radius

LVL 3:

  • Split Charge – +1 Tac charge, -50% shield heal duration
  • Ranged Healer – +15% Tac range

Conduit players must use Access Denied, as her ultimate is already amazing for blocking paths. This ability, combined with Ranged Healer, will allow her to constantly help her enemies.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Recovery Protocol – Reduced Tac Cooldown
  • Ultimate Upgrade – Reduced Ult cooldown

LVL 3:

  • Wider Network – +50% Passive and Ult range
  • Satellite Ping – Call out squads in the area on Drone Deploy

Crypto should use his Ultimate Upgrade combined with Satellite Ping to let of massive EMPs in short periods of time.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Walk it Off – Ignore slow and 50% damage from Ult
  • Big Bang – See ordnance through walls and deathboxes

LVL 3:

  • Wreckless – -25% explosive damage
  • Explosive – Speed Boost on Knuckle Cluster hit

Fuse combines Walk it Off with Explosive making him the ultimate assault Legend.


LVL 2:

  • Big Ups – Revive allies to 50 HP
  • Killer Handling – Auto reload shotguns on knocks

LVL 3:

  • Baby Bubble – Smaller bubble. Faster cooldown.
  • Bubble Bunker – +4s Tac lifetime

Gibby’s Big Ups combined with Baby Bubble will make him the ultimate tank who can also be a great support.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Big Bang – See ordnance through walls and deathboxes
  • Ammuvision – See ammo in deathboxes

LVL 3:

  • Tactical Upgrade – Reduced Tac cooldown
  • Ultimate Upgrade – -14% Ult cooldown

Horizon has a somewhat disappointing selection, but combining Big Bang with Ultimate Upgrade will make her Ultimate extremely strong.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Quick Response – +20% Revive speed
  • Tactical Upgrade – -10s Tac cooldown

LVL 3:

  • Last Stand – Gain a Self-Revive
  • Allied Support – Next Ult is a Supply Drop

Lifeline should use a combination of Quick Response and Last Stand to become the best support Legend in the game once again.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Market Expansion – Black Market range increased
  • Shopping Spree – Loba can take an extra item from Black Markets

LVL 3:

  • Tactical Upgrade – Reduced Tac cooldown
  • High Value – Increase Tac height and range

Loba’s Shopping Spree and High Value will allow her to gain the most loot in the shortest amount of time.

Mad Maggie:

Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Crowd Control – +1 Tac charge, -25% active duration
  • Big Guns – 1.5x Depth and width of Tac

LVL 3:

  • Killer Handling – Auto reload shotguns on knock
  • Fireball – A little inspiration from Fusey

Maggie’s Crowd Control, combined with her Fireball will make her a force to be reckoned with. The additional drill will allow her to prevent enemies from taking cover. Fireball makes her Ultimate the best thermite in the game.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Revive Master – Revives allies with HP Regen
  • More of Me – +1 Ult decoy, -30s cooldown

LVL 3:

  • Me Two – +1 Tac charge
  • Bamboozle Bonus – Bamboozles refresh Tac

Mirage’s More of Me and Bamboozle Bonus will confuse his opponents beyond recovery. The constant flow of decoys is sure to keep his enemies busy in a fight.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Resilient Support – Mobile Shield +250HP
  • Mobile Support – Increase Mobile Shield speed

LVL 3:

  • Revive Master – Revives allies with HP Regen
  • Stronghold – Increase Castle Wall HP and energized duration

Mobile Support will let Newcastle to run with his Tactical. Adding Revive Master to that will make him an annoying tank to deal with.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Thick Skin – -25% Stim damage
  • Reckless – +25% explosive damage

LVL 3:

  • Aerial Agility – Change directions on double-jump
  • Mad Hops – +1 Ult charge

Thick Skin is the way to go as Octane Players love stabbing themselves at every interval. Combining Aerial Agility will let any player tap strafe with the speed demon.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Forward Scout – Gain access to Survey Beacons
  • Insider Knowledge – Gain access to Ring Consoles

LVL 3:

  • Death Grapple – Reset Tac on knock
  • Zipline Zen – Take less damage on energized Ziplines

Pathfinder can use either first upgrade depending on the game. His Death Grapple is sure to be a game-changer that will make him the go-to offensive power.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Ultimate Upgrade – -20% Ult cooldown
  • Bandolier – Carry extra ammo per stack

LVL 3:

  • Running Hot – Improved Sheila handling and spinup time
  • Amped Reloads – Faster reloads with Sheila & Amped Cover

Rampart should use Ultimate Upgrade combined with Amped Reloads. The Amped Reloads are busted as Rampart reloads guns within seconds allowing her to have no down time. This also applies to her Ultimate so Shiela can go wild.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Tactical Upgrade – Reduced Tac cooldown
  • Murder Machine – After a squad wipe, callout nearby squads

LVL 3:

  • Full Send – -20% Tac charge time
  • Kill Thrill – Tac refresh on knock

His Tactical Upgrade and Kill Thrill will make him a weaker Pathfinder. However, replicating Path in any capacity is always going to be strong.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Sense from Afar – +25m Pas/Tac range
  • Mobile Senses – Faster movement using Passive

LVL 3:

  • Eyes On Me – +1.5s scan duration
  • Theatrical Projection – +20m Ult throw range

Seer’s combination of Sense from Afar with Eyes On Me will give him some of his former glory back.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Extra Thrusters – Launch higher with Skyward Dive
  • Aerial Expert – Improved Jetpack handling

LVL 3:

  • Full Coverage – Missile Swarm widens to 3/5
  • Fuel Depot – +25% Jetpack fuel

Valkyrie’s Aerial Expert combined with Fuel Depot will allow her to soar to the skies. She can control the air and will be annoying to shoot at kind of like that one mosquito at night.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Insider Knowledge – Gain access to Ring Consoles
  • Ultimate Efficiency – Increase Ult Accel charge

LVL 3:

  • Echo Assist – Improved Tac double-jump
  • Sharpshooter – Refresh Tac on hits with Ult

Vantage’s Ult Efficiency combined with Sharpshooter will let her capitalize on the damage she does with her Ultimate.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Amped Revive – Revive allies to 50 HP
  • Renewable Energy – Ult interceptions spawn Arc Stars

LVL 3:

  • Power Pylon – Double Ult HP and capacity
  • Full Coverage – Double placement & Ult Accel speed

Wattson’s Renewable Energy combined with Full Coverage will make her one of the strongest defensive Legends in the game. She can block any incoming artillery and have a never ending supply of Arc Sars.


Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends

LVL 2:

  • Tactical Upgrade – Reduced Tac cooldown
  • Sixth Sense – Passive triggers when squads approach

LVL 3:

  • Ultimate Upgrade – Reduced Ult cooldown
  • Quick Shift – Faster Tac wind-up

Wraith should use her Tactical Upgrade and Quick Shift. These perks will allow her to keep the top spot as the sweatiest Legend in the game.

Check out which perks we think are the best in coming to the game

Best Perk Combos for Each Legend in Apex Legends
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