What is Apex Rumble? Apex Legend’s Newest Addition
| Tags: Apex Legends
| Author The Old One
Apex Legends added Apex Rumble with the Urban Assault event. What is this rather obscure addition to Apex and how does it work? We’ll look into that in this article.
Apex Legends has had an amazing season. Season 20 is reaching its end and is leaving with a bang. Apex introduced their newest mechanism, Apex Rumble with the launch of Season 20’s final event, the Urban Assault Collection Event. But what exactly is Apex Rumble? Apex states it's a leaderboard of sorts. However, it is different from the ranked mode. We will be going through what Apex Rumble is and how it works in this article.
What is Apex Rumble?
Apex Rumble is the perfect fusion of ranked and casual games. You must have an account level of 20 or above to take part. The mode does not allow pre-made squads. This was originally thought to be a solo mode for Apex. However, it just means you team up with random players instead of your pre-made Apex team. This was likely done to avoid three Apex Predators taking part in one team and make the mode not fun for everyone else.
Apex Rumble is currently only playable with the Three Strikes game mode. This allows players to constantly take on fights and play more casually. Three Strikes is also one of Apex’s best game modes so it's a change from the typical battle royale format. Apex Rumble also provides you with rewards based on your performance.
In Apex Rumble, you rack up points by getting kills, assists and a new addition, damage. Additionally, your placement will also add to the total amount of points you receive in the game mode. The higher your points are, the better tier you are placed in.
Your Tier is based on your placement on the leaderboard. There are five total tiers. They are the Top 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and Top 100 players. Each tier gives you a badge that you can show off on your Legend’s banner. Each tier additionally provides you with specific in-game rewards. These include Legend skins, weapon skins, charms, and a lot more.
The number of times you can enter a match for the Apex Rumble is however limited so you are incentivized to play well every match. If you are not satisfied with your placement in the end, you can use Legend Tokens to re-enter the Apex Rumble and get a better score on the board.
Apex Rumble looks to be a great addition to Apex. It tests a player’s skills in the game and challenges them to do better in casual games. It is not as high stakes as regularly ranked and teaches beginners the ropes of Apex Legends Ranked.