Overwatch 2 The Best Hero for Every Map in Season 2

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Overwatch 2 The Best Hero for Every Map in Season 2

Take control of every map you play in Overwatch 2's second season!

Season 2 has arrived, and with new updates come new challenges.

Blizzard’s team-based shooter sequel has seen some ups and downs during the first months of release. With their frustrated prayers for balance changes finally getting answered, the fans are going to see much-needed nerfs for Sojourn and a few other player characters within the game’s growing hero roster. On top of that, we’re also getting treated to new events, legendary skins, and Hero 36’s release, but only time will tell if the powercreep he supposedly brings to the game will find credence with Overwatch’s 10 million players.

A complete list of hero adjustments was released in Blizzard's most recent patch notes when Season 2 finally went live! The heroes list for every map has been updated accordingly to match the new hero power potential.

A staple of Overwatch’s gameplay has always been the freedom to freely swap in and out of heroes. With an impressive roster of 30+ heroes, mixing up your team composition has been one of the game's biggest hallmarks. It makes sure that every match-up feels fresh and unpredictable, and that each game feels totally different. Though in the process of learning and adapting to situational combat with different heroes, the map you play in always has a huge influence over your performance.

The world of Overwatch showcases futuristic environments that are modeled after our own. With over 25 maps released throughout its 6-year run, Blizzard-Activision's team-based game offers its players plenty of colorfully unique playgrounds. But each game can feel like a coin toss, depending on which skills you decide to bring to the table. Considering the new Season 2 changes, here’s everything you need to know about Quick Play and Competitive hero picks in all of Overwatch’s maps, and how to counter them.

Maps in Overwatch (Current Rotation)

  • Control 
    • Busan – Night
    • Ilios – Evening
    • Lijiang Tower – Dawn
    • Nepal – Evening (NEW)
    • Oasis – Morning (NEW)
  • Escort
    • Circuit Royal – Night
    • Dorado – Evening
    • Junkertown – Morning
    • Rialto – Morning (NEW)
    • Route 66 – Night
    • Shambali Monastery – Night (NEW)
  • Hybrid
    • Blizzard World – Overcast (NEW)
    • Eichenwalde – Evening
    • King's Row – Evening
    • Midtown – Morning
    • Paraíso – Morning
  • Push

Maps Out of Rotation

  • Hollywood
  • Hanamura
  • Havana
  • Numbani
  • Temple of Anubis
  • Volskaya Industries
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Game modes

Control has both teams compete for an objective area found between their spawn points until completion. Your team must wrest and maintain control of the point until you reach the 100% mark.

Escort lets the attacker's side push the payload toward the Defenders' base on the other side of the map. The game ends if the payload makes it to the very last point, or when the Attackers are kept away from the vehicle and run out of time. Successfully getting the vehicle to a checkpoint increases the offensive team's timebank. The game progressively gets more difficult as the Attackers approach their enemy's spawn point. Defenders may stop their enemy's progress by staying in close proximity to the payload. In competitive mode, positions are switched after every round, and the winner is decided by who pushed their cart the farthest.

Hybrid maps combine Control and Escort game modes. The Attackers must claim a control point before they get access to a payload they then escort to the enemy base.

Push is a new game mode that came with the sequel's release. In push, both teams fight over a friendly robot named “TS-1” that pushes a barricade toward the other team's base. The robot remains neutral until one side takes control. If the enemy team takes back control of TS-1, it will leave your barrier to push the enemies. The team with the most distance pushed on their barrier wins. Happy with the new game mode, fans have favored Push's more lively format over the removed Assault’s.

Complaints about Assault's endless stalemates and ceaselessly boring stalls made Blizzard completely remove the game mode. Often dubbed as “2CP”, this game mode had both teams struggle for 2 control points as the clock counted down. With less rewarding gameplay overall, these maps held little to no excitement for the fans, which led to the devs relocating it to Overwatch 2’s Arcade.

Overwatch BlizzardWorld Polygoncredit

Blizzard World

People new to Overwatch 2 will finally get their tickets to visit Blizzard World in Season 2’s live map roster. However, they may be disappointed to find that Blizzard World’s video game-inspired rides have been temporarily shut down due to inclement weather. 

Greeted by huge statues, attackers exit the Hearthstone tavern to get through a chokepoint that leads to the capture point. Long-range heroes do well here, and barriers are a must when running down mid. Flying heroes have free reign in the first two areas of the map, but can be easily countered by Widow or Ana. The chapel at the other end of the map sees brawlers perform well due to the tight spaces commonly seen near the finish line of escort maps.

Fun fact: The last time we saw heavy rain on a map was during the Story Archive mission “Storm Rising”, when heroes pursued a high-value enemy figure to learn of Talon’s plans. This storied event was also the first time we saw Ramattra.

  • The Best Heroes for Blizzard World
    • Ana
    • Baptiste
    • Cassidy
    • Echo
    • Lucio
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
    • Sombra
    • Widowmaker
  • Best Counters
    • Genji
    • Moira
    • Orisa
    • Reaper
    • Sojourn
    • Soldier: 76

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Set in one of South Korea's biggest tourist destinations, the small maps that make up Busan offer plenty of opportunities for every kind of playstyle. As it blends the traditional and modern, it also combines important chokepoints and plenty of cover to make this Control map a favorite for dive comp heroes. Additionally, snipers and backline supports can also use Busan's tight corners and nearby health packs to escape from enemy flankers, who especially thrive in the second sub-map. 

Downtown – our first sub-map has the heroes spawn on opposite sides of a train station control point flanked with Busan's city buildings. A round platform overlooks the map's objective, and one side of the station's control point goes off the edge of the map.

Temple – Busan's cultural center becomes a warzone as both teams contest a very tight control point. Suppressive fire from long range can force your enemy to hide in one of the side areas or retreat. Using the large pillars in the center of the map offers a lot of cover, but may place you in close quarters with the enemy.  Practice situational awareness, as flankers have easy ways to sneak past your front line.

MEKA Base – Past Temple's garden environment is a futuristic factory of steel. MEKA's base of operations combines the best parts of Downtown and Temple, and even holds a few easter eggs. The map features decisive chokepoints and a wide drop-off near a control point surrounded by high ground. Brawlers are right in their element when it comes to contesting MEKA Base's control point, so have an escape plan whenever you dive into the objective. 

  • The Best Heroes for Busan
    • Ana
    • Baptiste
    • Cassidy
    • Echo
    • Lucio
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
    • Sombra
    • Widowmaker
  • Best Counters
    • Genji
    • Reaper
    • Sojourn
    • Torbjorn
    • Widowmaker
    • Winston

overwatch 2 maps circuit royal

Circuit Royal

Overwatch 2's beta-stage map gives players an opulent experience in its grand depiction of a futuristic Monaco. In this Escort mission, Attacking heroes must fast-track a hovering racecar through Circuit Royale's lavish and shop-lined streets to reach its endpoint: the luxurious inn that the Defenders guard.

As defenders, use the stone bridge near the first turn of the map to pin the enemy down. Flankers can enter the fray from any of the side buildings and exit just as quickly. Strong hitscan heroes can deter the enemy's advance if you've got a good one on your team. Opportunities to bunker down beneath the bridge also come with its advantages, despite losing the height advantage. The struggle for Point B turns into a literal uphill battle, forcing you to fight for control on a steep path. Flankers should disrupt the opponent using the right-hand stairs to get to the backline.

Circuit Royal's environment completely shifts as you finally enter the hotel. The final stage provides high balconies that attackers can use to pressure defenders, but bunker comps can easily seek cover behind nearby corners to avoid charging enemy ults. Often, dive heroes are used to clear the way for the rest of the team to push the payload.

  • The Best Heroes for Circuit Royal
    • Ana
    • Ashe
    • Doomfist
    • Hanzo
    • Soldier: 76
    • Widowmaker
    • Winston
  • Best Counters
    • D.Va.
    • Junkrat
    • Sombra
    • Widowmaker
    • Sigma

overwatch 2 maps colosseo


Centered around one of the world's wonders, Italy's Colosseo is arguably the most challenging Push maps for new teams. Each section of the map encourages defending teams to engage from a distance, with sightlines that stretch far. Past the Coliseum's curving corridor, attackers will usually encounter resistance on the ground before they reach the café under the bridge. The chokepoint under the bridge is where players typically get halted in their advance.

Effectively disrupting mid-ranged DPS players with brawler picks will help your team advance. Crowd control is king when you enter engagements past the Coliseum. Additionally, any hero that lets you hold your own against people on the high ground is a good choice in Colosseo. Combining smart picks and team communication can see TS-1 blaze through Rome's Push map in a matter of minutes. Just don't get too distracted by the view.

  • The Best Heroes for Colosseo
    • Ashe
    • Doomfist
    • D.Va
    • Lucio
    • Sigma
    • Soldier: 76
    • Tracer
    • Winston
  • The Best Counters
    • Ana
    • Brigitte
    • Moira
    • Roadhog
    • Sombra
    • Zarya



Dorado's payload cart pushes up through quaint village streets, a festive plaza, and a giant Ziggurat housing the map's final checkpoint. Attackers must make a grouped effort to reach the classic map's first checkpoint, as the first stage's environment offers plenty of advantageous spots for defenders to capitalize on.

Attackers with vertical mobility and flight capabilities have the best chances to scramble enemy defenses early in the game. Point A is ultimately taken by the side that controls the chokepoint below the roofed bridge. Shield tanks are vital in defending against off-angle attacks and aerial assaults, especially after recent changes. Defenders may also populate the high balconies that lead up to Point B. Maintaining control over key locations can be extremely pivotal in this phase. Defending heroes can expect an aggressive turn of events here, so maximize every skill you have from safe vantage points to turn the tide.

Finally, entering the “LumériCo” power plant presents new challenges as the invading team must crest its most challenging hill yet. The platforms and walkways ensure that the defending side always has a clear line of sight on all of the invading opponents. Brawlers shine here for their ability to sustain themselves despite the height disadvantage and to stall long enough for downed teammates to return.

  • The Best Heroes for Dorado
    • Baptiste
    • Echo
    • Genji
    • Hanzo
    • Lucio
    • Mercy
    • Soldier: 76
    • Sombra
    • Winston
    • Wrecking Ball
  • The Best Counters
    • Bastion
    • Junkrat
    • Roadhog
    • Sojourn
    • Sombra
    • Torbjorn
    • Widowmaker

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In this Hybrid map, players revisit the war-torn battleground that was secured by the Crusaders in Reinhardt's “Honor and Glory” animated short.  Set in post-omnic crisis Germany, Eichenwalde is another classic Overwatch playground that rewards every playstyle in the game. After arriving on the outskirts of an emptied village, attacking heroes are presented with an arduous climb. Pushing under a stone bridge has attackers contest for the payload in a war-torn courtyard. Getting to Point B activates the battering ram on the payload and blasts the castle doors open in the final siege for Point C.

Attackers unwilling to deal with enemy fire under the bridge will seek shelter in one of the side buildings in front of the point. Those braving the assault can easily deter the enemy with the elevated positions overlooking the first objective. Brawl and dive comps are popular here. With that said, off-angle attacks from your foe can often win the game. The fight for Eichenwalde castle is difficult, since defenders have a major height advantage. Use the battlements above to ping enemy targets for team awareness. Lastly, like all hybrid maps the final stage chaotically brings enemies closer in a high-stakes battle for the win. Use self-sustaining heroes to help your team break through enemy lines.

  • The Best Heroes for Eichenwalde
    • Ashe
    • Brigitte
    • Cassidy
    • Lucio
    • Mei
    • Moira
    • Orisa
    • Pharah
    • Reaper
    • Reinhardt
  • The Best Counters
    • Bastion
    • Hanzo
    • Junkrat
    • Sombra
    • Torbjorn
    • Zenyatta
    • Widowmaker

overwatch 2 maps esperanca


The newest map at the time of writing, Esperança's Push map, shines brightly in Overwatch 2. The sunny coastal port town holds much to be discovered, as winding paths and back alleys lead players to every section they need to get to. It's design easily makes it one of Overwatch's finest environments, fostering teamplay to advance their barrier amidst constant flanks. Widow mains will be delighted to make use of Esperança's many windows and balconies to suppress enemy advancements. Due to its open design, high-mobility operatives often go up against bunker comps for control over TS-1.

Positioning is a huge factor in winning Esperança. The center of the map features several pivotal high-ground locations, and dominating them will have much impact. You'll need to move the cargo through a lot of open terrain, so take care to avoid being ambushed when you traverse particularly wide gaps outside of cover.

  • The Best Heroes for Esperança
    • Ashe
    • Baptiste
    • Echo
    • Genji
    • Kiriko
    • Orisa
    • Sigma
    • Sojourn
    • Wrecking Ball
  • The Best Counters
    • Bastion
    • Reaper
    • Sombra
    • Tracer
    • Widowmaker
    • Zarya

ow2 ilios


Overwatch's top tourist destination sees players duke it out for control over Greece's sunny vistas, winding stone paths, and unearthed ruins. These unique destinations have a lot to offer for bunker tanks and high-agility heroes — but don't get too comfortable. Some environments present hazards that could send you right back to spawn if you're not careful, so be extra wary of heroes that can push you off the map.

Lighthouse stands at the base of the Santorini-inspired island as Ilios' first objective. The small control point is nested right below the map's signature structure, inviting bunker tanks and melee heroes to claim its territory. Beyond the small enclosure is a cliff that shows a scenic view of the Mediterranean Sea, but don't stare out for too long. Use this to your advantage whenever you reclaim the objective.

Well is perhaps the most recognizable sub-map of Overwatch's Ilios. Past its white stone steps and blue-capped houses, players will find the huge, circular pit that gave the map it's name. Another picturesque drop-off can be found off to the side, so flanking can be difficult.

Ruins holds its control point in a sunken excavated site. The wide open spaces around the objective are especially good for heroes with flying capabilities, and the snipers that counter them.

  • The Best Heroes for Ilios
    • Doomfist
    • D.Va
    • Junkrat
    • Lucio
    • Mercy
    • Pharah
    • Reinhardt
    • Roahdog
    • Widowmaker
    • Winston
  • The Best Counters
    • Genji
    • Reaper
    • Widowmaker
    • Wrecking Ball
    • Zarya

overwatch 2 maps junkertown


A wildly chaotic battleground set in a desert shanty town, the home of the Junkerqueen is one of the most versatile environments seen in the game. This map is a wild ride for dive comps, and flanking players can get in on the fun too.

Surrounded by auto shops, the wasteland offers a hostile environment right outside of Attacker's spawn. Bridges and platforms with quick escapes all work toward the Defender's advantage. Players may expect bunker comps right out the gate, so avoid dive comps in the early game. Highly mobile tanks like Doomfist and Wrecking Ball work well to divert attention away from the spawn doors. The payload brings a treasure hoard across no-man's-land until it reaches Junkertown's massive gates. Defenders still hold the long-range advantage here, but dive tanks like Winston can easily force them to reposition.

Junkertown's high ground stretches along one side of the payload's path. Presence is needed here to make sure that the Defenders don't fully capitalize on the advantage. On the other hand, distractions from these areas can also provide high-value flanks around struggling attackers. The Junkerqueen's throne awaits at the very end of the final area. Use the rotating platforms to get a leg up on your opponents, and use the rooms on the side to escape and recuperate. Shield tanks like Zarya and Sigma can push encroaching defenders back while other aerial heroes control the skies. Dive comps are very common in the tight zones, so keep an eye on supports.

  • The Best Heroes for Junkertown
    • Ana
    • Ashe
    • D.Va
    • Lucio
    • Reaper
    • Roadhog
    • Sigma
    • Wrecking Ball
    • Widowmaker
  • The Best Counters
    • Echo
    • Orisa
    • Winston
    • Zarya
    • Zenyatta

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King's Row

Being a universal fan favorite, King's Row lets players brawl in a post-Omnic crisis warzone. The hybrid map has attackers claiming the payload after clashing in a city square. The payload is then carried through London's ritzy neighborhood, getting closer to the underground factory complex, which serves as the final checkpoint.

King's Row offers plenty of high vantage points for snipers to maximize. On the other hand, Echo and Pharah are very good at fending off ambushers from the backline. London gives Ana a lot of space to control the flank, using her Sleep Dart to escape from Reapers and Wrecking Balls when she can. Capture the upper ground whenever you can once you reach the factory to give your allies time to push. Protectors in King's Row should also keep their distance when setting up to discourage assassins from straying too far from their team.

  • The Best Heroes for King's Row
    • Brigitte
    • Cassidy
    • Hanzo
    • Junkrat
    • Lucio
    • Mei
    • Moira
    • Reaper
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
    • Widowmaker
  • The Best Counters
    • Brigitte
    • Cassidy
    • Echo
    • Pharah
    • Sombra
    • Winston
    • Wrecking Ball
    • Zenyatta

Credit: IGN

Lijiang Tower

This commercial megacomplex gives players a very practical map whose sharp architecture complements every player's way of approaching the game. As both teams make their way up the state-of-the-art city region, each match gets more exciting than the last. Its hidden side paths and enclosed capture points make Lijiang Tower a flanker's delight, so keep a watchful eye on your supports to avoid getting wiped.

Night Market – Overwatch once again infuses the cultural foundations of society with a touch of modernity. Past food stalls and city eateries sit a large temple that both teams fight for. Railings on the outer side of the temple protect against a steep fall out to the city streets below, and foes can come in from any of the main area's 7 openings.

Garden – arguably the best map for Lucio, Garden is flanked by a tight line of small buildings that provide cover and respite from the battlefield in the center. A mirrored bridge on both sides of the map precariously curves towards the map's covered Control point, making it a risky trek back if you ever get downed.

Control Center – at the top of Lijiang Tower stands its control center. Consider using brawl comps and shield tanks to successfully traverse the hallway leading to the control point. Break your enemy's formation by placing dependable heroes on the high ground to provide overwatch on Control Center's objective. Opponents can come from any angle, so stick close to healers and focus on crowd control until you achieve 100% supremacy.

  • The Best Heroes for Lijiang Tower
    • Junkrat
    • Lucio
    • Mei
    • Pharah
    • Reaper
    • Reinhardt
    • Winston
  • The Best Counters
    • Echo
    • Reaper
    • Soldier: 76
    • Sombra
    • Zenyatta

overwatch 2 maps midtown


The city streets of the Big Apple make its fabulous debut as Overwatch's first Hybrid map. In Midtown heroes compete over an adorable omnic-driven firetruck that seeks the fastest route to Grand Central.

Point A on Midtown boasts a stylish map design that was introduced in the Overwatch 2 beta. Attackers can travel via the extremely broad primary chokepoint, which runs below a bridge. A small subway tube also connects to a railed platform overlooking the capture point. Defenders won't always know where the attackers are coming from, so utilize the large pieces of cover in front of the point when contesting.

The second point functions quite similarly to Watchpoint: Gibraltar's first point, but replaces the high ground with a descending tunnel. The defenders normally control the bridge above, but may also bunker down in front of the payload. Attackers looking to gain control of strategic positions should use dive comps, but should switch out once they reach the inside Grand Central Station.

The futuristic depiction of New York's largest train station is showcased in full as you approach Point C. Narrow sightlines around the first corner can be used to prevent dives and flying heroes from getting close. Mid-ranged combat erupts as Defenders usually work with brawl comps. Beware of getting pinned and stunned in the narrow hallway that leads to Grand Central's critical endpoint.

  • The Best Heroes for Midtown
    • Ana
    • Brigitte
    • Doomfist
    • Genji
    • Lucio
    • Moira
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
    • Soldier: 76
    • Winston
  • The Best Counters
    • Junker Queen
    • Junkrat
    • Pharah
    • Reaper
    • Roadhog
    • Symmetra
    • Tracer

overwatch 2 maps nepal


The Himalayan mountains that once provided respite to its Omnic denizens will see a disruptive evening with a new time of day change that will switch things up in Nepal. Nepal’s spiritual haven lets players journey through a narrow chokepoint to reach wide control points found in every map's center. And since the time of day changed to evening, flank heroes will find hidden.

Village – the first control point is found at ground level between a courtyard that leads to higher ground and an indoor stable. Use the platforms to suppress enemies that go through the main thoroughfare, and opt for heroes with close-range capabilities to defend the cramped control point.

Shrine – a great open-air map where everyone can thrive, Shrine introduces Nepal's greatest environmental hazard beside its elevated control point. Aerial, Brawl, Dive, and Flanker comps can all find ways to take advantage of Shrine's unique environment.

Sanctum – what was once a serene temple is now up for grabs as both teams violently contest the Shambali's inner sanctuary. One of the paths lead to a health pack and a quick way down to the control point, which sits beside a large pit. Unlike its first map, Nepal's indoor sanctum leaves open sightlines from corner to corner. As a result, long-ranged supports enjoy a wide line-of-sight, while medium-ranged heroes dominate drawn-out firefights.

  • The Best Heroes for Nepal
    • Ashe
    • Brigitte
    • Cassidy
    • Doomfist
    • Echo
    • Lucio
    • Mei
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
    • Symmetra
    • Zenyatta
  • The Best Counters
    • Baptiste
    • Bastion
    • Junkerqueen
    • Soldier: 76
    • Sombra
    • Tracer

overwatch 2 maps new queen street

New Queen Street

Overwatch's futuristic take on a Toronto-inspired winter map was another welcome addition to the game when Blizzard released it in the Overwatch 2 beta. Unlike other Push maps, New Queen Street doesn't provide any favorable positions for snipers until the very last checkpoint. As both teams fight over “TS-1” through a winding path, attackers battle towards a hill that connects to the final objective. Forward spawns are hard-fought in this map, so situational awareness goes a long way.

  • The Best Heroes for New Queen Street
    • Baptiste
    • Cassidy
    • Doomfist
    • Echo
    • Genji
    • Junkerqueen
    • Moira
    • Winston
    • Wrecking Ball
  • The Best Counters
    • Brigitte
    • Hanzo
    • Junkrat
    • Pharah
    • Tracer
    • Widowmaker
    • Zarya

Credit: IGN


Set in one of the most technologically-advanced places in the mythos, Oasis shows off its futuristic marvels in style. The jewel of the Arabian Desert rises first in its bustling City Center, and leads to one grandiose environment after another. 

Since the time of day has changed, use the extra lighting to suss outflanking enemies and spot long-range adversaries. More often than not, taking the high ground to cover troops on the ground lets your team win more engagements in Oasis.

City Center – Oasis' first capture point is a hotspot for stalls and frequent flanks. The circular courtyard is an absolute playground for heroes like Lucio and Wrecking Ball. Other agile heroes can easily contest the point while using the pavilion to avoid enemy fire.

Gardens – Gardens gives its players a regular game experience with an open Control map that lands right in the middle of the design spectrum. Cramped rooms and long halls around the capture point connect to an elevated area for mid-ranged heroes to make a significant impact.

University – team comps that focus on survivability and close-ranged combat tend to be the last one standing here. Dive contests are common here, so stay close to your tanks to avoid getting isolated. Similar to the one in Ilios, a large pit in the center can be used to take opponents out of the fight. Heroes with no vertical mobility will have to take the stairs to get back into the fight.

  • The Best Heroes for Oasis 
    • D.Va
    • Genji
    • Lucio
    • Reaper
    • Reinhardt
    • Soldier: 76
    • Tracer
    • Wrecking Ball
  • The Best Counters 
    • Brigitte
    • Moira
    • Roadhog
    • Sigma
    • Torbjorn
    • Zarya

overwatch 2 maps paraiso


Littered with fond references to Lucio's backstory, Paraíso's map is one of a kind. In the new Overwatch 2 map, attackers make their way up from a scenic roadside beach and capture a green parade float. They then escort it through Rio de Janeiro's incredibly colorful residential district until they arrive at Lucio's nightclub. As opposed to Paraiso's airy aesthetic, the unused nightclub interior places heroes in immediate vicinity. Much like Dorado's last checkpoint, melee brawl comps are essential to push through the bottleneck.

Utilize high-ground positions and the endless flank potential within Paraiso to scatter bunker formations. A Pharah-Mercy combo is invaluable during the upwards push to Nightclub. Just make sure to watch out for any Reapers looking to drop down for a team kill with his Death Blossom.

  • The Best Heroes for Paraíso 
    • Doomfist
    • D.Va
    • Genji
    • Kiriko
    • Lucio
    • Reaper
    • Sigma
    • Tracer
    • Winston
  • The Best Counters
    • Bastion
    • Moira
    • Junkrat
    • Pharah
    • Reinhardt
    • Roadhog
    • Sojourn
    • Torbjorn
    • Zarya

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Venice never looked so good. Decorated with marble banister bridges, Overwatch 2’s Rialto is a masterclass of map design. Its first segment features short walkways that span the famous canals of the flooded city, which leads attacking players to a small courtyard with side passages and opportune high ground. Be sure to mind your surroundings or else you’ll be taking a swim.

Past the square lies a wide curved bridge that puts defenders face-to-face with oncoming invaders as they push their payload to the other half of the map. A whitestone building ahead features a lobby with tall windows that force attackers to go around it to find the final objective within a Talon base.

Every one of Rialto’s map segments encourages every playstyle. Defender bunker comps and snipers should utilize high ground and long sightlines in front of enemy spawn. Awareness goes a long way here as attacking dive heroes can easily slip in and out of engagements around the venetian buildings. Almost every part of the map is outdoors which gives flying heroes enough space to make a significant impact in firefights. 

Attackers must guide the payload up a small hill that features a choke point. Flanking heroes perform phenomenally here, as they can scramble Defense team formations by targeting backline supports while their team pushes.

  • The Best Heroes for Rialto
    • Ashe
    • Baptiste
    • Brigitte
    • D.Va
    • Hanzo
    • Mei
    • Orisa
    • Sigma
    • Soldier: 76
    • Zarya
  • The Best Counters
    • D.Va
    • Genji
    • Roadhog
    • Tracer
    • Widowmaker

ow2 route66

Route 66

Escorting the payload on Route 66 can feel like an odd journey through time. After making your way past a broken railroad, you'll pass by empty gas stations, repair shops, and an old-timey cafe before encountering the final checkpoint in a large industrial complex. The Deadlock Gorge earns its reputation by being a one-way trip back to the spawn point if you venture too close to the edge, so don't get cocky.

  • The Best Heroes for Route 66
    • Ana
    • Ashe
    • Cassidy
    • Genji
    • Hanzo
    • Mercy
    • Mei
    • Reinhardt
    • Sigma
  • The Best Counters
    • Baptiste
    • Brigitte
    • Sombra
    • Tracer
    • Widowmaker
    • Zarya

ow2 shambalimonasterymap min

Shambali Monastery

A somber nighttime landscape stretches across a monastery once shared by two Omnic brothers. Shambali’s design perfectly reflects its order’s pacifistic dogma, inspiring those who walk its snow-covered steps to seek enlightenment in the midst of tumultuous times. 

Shambali encourages attackers to take an early aggressive approach in their path to the summit. A mix of hitscan and dive comps are preferred when going against defenders in the high ground, who can use bunker comps and brawlers to stop enemies from advancing. The map slopes up and opens on a small courtyard holding the first capture point. The defender’s high ground has a good stretch of sight on pushing attackers. Meanwhile, a side building housing a 2-story repair shop provides good cover for those wanting to poke or distract enemy bunker tanks.

An arduous climb through the mountain leads the Monastery’s visitors toward a huge courtyard objective. When going through the tunnel, keep an eye on the stone “window” up above for enemy Junkrats. That said, the flexibility of Sigma’s Experimental Barrier works extremely well here, being able to cover teammates from above or in front. Further, the open courtyard gives both teams great sightlines for long-mid-range play. Here, aerial assaults from Defenders can be game-ending, so watch out.

Finally, the candle-lit temple curves out into a snowy path that takes players to the highest point of Shambali Monastery. Flankers can use the side alley to quietly get around attackers within the temple, so backline supports become prime targets here. Splash damage heroes like Junkrat and Ana can capitalize on the temple exit chokepoint to help their team score some kills. Something worthy of note is that Ramattra’s ultimate ability works extremely well in each of the map’s 3 courtyards, so coordinate with your team to avoid his ult’s dangerous radius.

  • The Best Heroes for Shambali Monastery
    • Ana
    • Baptiste
    • Cassidy
    • Junkrat
    • Ramattra
    • Sigma
    • Sojourn
    • Soldier: 76
    • Widowmaker
    • Winston
  • Best Counters
    • Doomfist
    • Genji
    • Mercy
    • Ramattra
    • Reaper
    • Zenyatta

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Overwatch 2 The Best Hero for Every Map in Season 2
Paul Goño
Paul started writing for ESTNN in 2022, the same year he beat his first Souls game. An avid fan of RPGs, his all-time favorites include Baldur's Gate 3, Assassin’s Creed and Kingdom Hearts 2. Besides being a professional nerd, he still struggles to get over the broken PS2 memory card that stored years of his save files.