Lethal Company: Scraps Spawn Rates For All Of The Moons

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Lethal Company: Scraps Spawn Rates For All Of The Moons

Looking to learn where and how many scraps spawn on the moons in Lethal Company? Then, keep on reading to find out all of the scraps spawn rates

Lethal Company is a very popular co-op survival indie horror game that was published on 24 October 2023 by the developer, Zekeerss which is currently in early access. The game is set in a retrofuturistic and post-apocalyptic dystopian world. An anonymous corporate organization hires the players named the “Company” to explore abandoned and industrialized moons to collect scraps for sale. Currently, there are 9 explorable moons or maps in the game with three different tiers.

During these exploration adventures on the abandoned moons, players’ sole objective is to collect as many scrap items as possible to fulfill the profit quota while facing many lethal creatures. As of writing this, there are 51 scrap items total in the game. Hence, keep on reading to find out all of the scraps spawn rates for all of the moons in Lethal Company.

Scraps Spawn Rates in Lethal Company

Lethal Company: Scraps Spawn Rates For All Of The Moons
Credit: @IGN on YouTube

Now, as mentioned before, there are a total of 9 explorable moons or maps in Lethal Company. This includes the Company Building moon, Gordion, where scrap cannot spawn. Excluding that, there are 8 other moons or maps ranging from Tier 1 to 3. Depending on the tier of a moon, scraps spawn on the map. This is why, it is essential to know the proper scraps spawn rates on every moon to be able to meet quota more efficiently by choosing more profitable moons

Hence, here is a list of all scraps spawn rates for all of the moons in Lethal Company:

Experimentation (Tier 1/Easy)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Experimentation moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 0.49% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 3.10% 44 56 50 11
Candy 0.33% 6 36 21 11
Cash Register 0.49% 80 160 120 84
Clown Horn 0.49% 52 72 62 0
Cookie Mold Pan 0.82% 12 40 26 16
Dustpan 5.22% 12 32 22 0
Egg Beater 1.63% 12 44 28 11
Flask 6.85% 16 44 30 19
Gift 10.77% 12 28 20 19
Gold Bar 0.16% 102 210 156 77
Homemade Flashbang 3.59% 10 28 19 5
Jar of Pickles 1.63% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 13.05% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 13.05% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 0.65% 32 100 66 0
Metal Sheet 14.36% 10 22 16 26
Plastic Fish 1.96% 28 40 34 0
Steering Wheel 5.22% 16 32 24 16
V-Type Engine 14.68% 20 56 38 16
Wedding Ring 0.49% 52 80 66 16
Yield Sign 0.98% 18 36 27 42

Assurance (Tier 1/Easy)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Assurance moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 1.31% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 14.55% 44 56 50 19
Brass Bell 3.67% 48 80 64 24
Cash Register 0.39% 80 160 120 84
Clown Horn 1.31% 52 72 62 0
Coffee Mug 1.57% 24 68 46 5
Comedy Mask 0.66% 28 52 40 11
Cookie Mold Pan 6.42% 12 40 26 16
Egg Beater 4.46% 12 44 28 11
Flask 1.57% 16 44 30 19
Gift 8.26% 12 28 20 19
Hair Brush 3.41% 8 36 22 11
Hairdryer 0.52% 60 100 80 7
Homemade Flashbang 1.83% 10 28 19 5
Jar of Pickles 2.62% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 3.93% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 7.73% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 1.05% 32 100 66 0
Magnifying Glass 2.75% 44 60 52 11
Metal Sheet 3.01% 10 22 16 26
Old Phone 0.92% 48 64 56 5
Plastic Fish 1.31% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 1.57% 18 90 54 7
Remote 1.70% 20 48 34 0
Robot Toy 0.79% 56 88 72 21
Steering Wheel 1.57% 16 32 24 16
Stop Sign 4.46% 20 52 36 21
Tea Kettle 4.19% 32 56 44 21
Toy Cube 3.15% 24 44 34 0
Tragedy Mask 0.39% 28 52 40 11
V-Type Engine 5.24% 20 56 38 16
Whoopie Cushion 1.44% 6 20 13 0
Yield Sign 2.23% 18 36 27 42

Vow (Tier 1/Easy)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Vow moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 1.11% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 9.09% 44 56 50 19
Brass Bell 4.43% 48 80 64 24
Cash Register 0.55% 80 160 120 84
Chemical Jug 5.10% 32 84 58 32
Clown Horn 1.11% 52 72 62 0
Coffee Mug 1.33% 24 68 46 5
Cookie Mold Pan 5.43% 12 40 26 16
Egg Beater 5.54% 12 44 28 11
Flask 5.43% 16 44 30 19
Gift 6.65% 12 28 20 19
Hair Brush 5.10% 8 36 22 11
Homemade Flashbang 1.33% 10 28 19 5
Jar of Pickles 2.22% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 3.33% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 3.44% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 0.89% 32 100 66 0
Magnifying Glass 2.33% 44 60 52 11
Metal Sheet 1.77% 10 22 16 26
Old Phone 0.78% 48 64 56 5
Plastic Fish 3.55% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 1.33% 18 90 54 7
Remote 2.11% 20 48 34 0
Robot Toy 0.67% 56 88 72 21
Rubber Duckie 2.33% 2 100 51 0
Steering Wheel 1.33% 16 32 24 16
Stop Sign 4.43% 20 52 36 21
Tea Kettle 3.55% 32 56 44 21
Toy Cube 1.88% 24 44 34 0
V-Type Engine 4.43% 20 56 38 16
Whoopie Cushion 5.43% 6 20 13 0
Yield Sign 1.77% 18 36 27 42

Offense (Tier 2/Intermediate)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Offense moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 2.15% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 7.45% 44 56 50 19
Clown Horn 2.58% 52 72 62 0
Cookie Mold Pan 0.86% 12 40 26 16
Gift 8.88% 12 28 20 19
Homemade Flashbang 1.58% 10 28 19 5
Large Axle 13.47% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 12.75% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 1.43% 32 100 66 0
Magnifying Glass 2.01% 44 60 52 11
Metal Sheet 14.33% 10 22 16 26
Old Phone 1.15% 48 64 56 5
Plastic Fish 4.01% 28 40 34 0
Remote 2.15% 20 48 34 0
Robot Toy 1.29% 56 88 72 21
Stop Sign 3.87% 20 52 36 21
Tea Kettle 3.44% 32 56 44 21
Teeth 1.58% 60 84 72 0
Toy Cube 1.86% 24 44 34 0
V-Type Engine 11.46% 20 56 38 16
Yield Sign 1.72% 18 36 27 42

March (Tier 2/Intermediate)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the March moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 4.54% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 8.95% 44 56 50 19
Candy 0.4% 6 36 21 11
Cash Register 0.4% 80 160 120 84
Clown Horn 5.74% 52 72 62 0
Cookie Mold Pan 1.74% 12 40 26 16
Flask 5.61% 16 44 30 19
Gift 8.01% 12 28 20 19
Gold Bar 0.53% 102 210 156 77
Large Axle 12.55% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 11.88% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 0.4% 32 100 66 0
Magnifying Glass 0.53% 44 60 52 11
Metal Sheet 11.08% 10 22 16 26
Plastic Fish 3.74% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 0.27% 18 90 54 7
Remote 2.14% 20 48 34 0
Robot Toy 0.27% 56 88 72 21
Stop Sign 3.87% 20 52 36 21
Tea Kettle 3.2% 32 56 44 21
Toy Cube 2.4% 24 44 34 0
V-Type Engine 10.68% 20 56 38 16
Yield Sign 1.07% 18 36 27 42

Rend (Tier 3/Hard)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Rend moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 0.9% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 5.16% 44 56 50 19
Brass Bell 5.38% 48 80 64 24
Candy 1.68% 6 36 21 11
Cash Register 1.79% 80 160 120 84
Clown Horn 0.9% 52 72 62 0
Coffee Mug 4.93% 24 68 46 5
Comedy Mask 5.94% 28 52 40 11
Fancy Lamp 5.49% 60 128 94 21
Gift 8.07% 12 28 20 19
Golden Cup 2.69% 40 80 60 16
Hair Brush 2.8% 8 36 22 11
Hairdryer 4.82% 60 100 80 7
Jar of Pickles 0.45% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 0.22% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 0.45% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 0.56% 32 100 66 0
Magic 7 Ball 2.58% 36 72 54 16
Magnifying Glass 3.92% 44 60 52 11
Old Phone 1.91% 48 64 56 5
Painting 6.28% 60 124 92 32
Perfume Bottle 3.14% 48 104 76 0
Pill Bottle 0.45% 16 40 28 0
Plastic Fish 1.79% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 2.91% 18 90 54 7
Robot Toy 5.16% 56 88 72 21
Rubber Duckie 1.79% 2 100 51 0
Tea Kettle 2.8% 32 56 44 21
Teeth 3.48% 60 84 72 0
Toothpaste 2.69% 14 48 31 0
Toy Cube 3.7% 24 44 34 0
Tragedy Mask 2.8% 28 52 40 11
V-Type Engine 0.22% 20 56 38 16
Wedding Ring 2.13% 52 80 66 16

Dine (Tier 3/Hard)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Dine moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 1.18% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 4.95% 44 56 50 19
Brass Bell 5.17% 48 80 64 24
Candy 1.72% 6 36 21 11
Cash Register 1.29% 80 160 120 84
Clown Horn 1.18% 52 72 62 0
Coffee Mug 4.74% 24 68 46 5
Comedy Mask 3.12% 28 52 40 11
Fancy Lamp 5.27% 60 128 94 21
Gift 7.43% 12 28 20 19
Golden Cup 2.58% 40 80 60 16
Hair Brush 2.69% 8 36 22 11
Hairdryer 4.63% 60 100 80 7
Homemade Flashbang 1.08% 10 28 19 5
Jar of Pickles 0.43% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 0.22% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 0.43% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 0.54% 32 100 66 0
Magic 7 Ball 2.48% 36 72 54 16
Magnifying Glass 3.77% 44 60 52 11
Old Phone 1.83% 48 64 56 5
Painting 5.38% 60 124 92 32
Perfume Bottle 3.01% 48 104 76 0
Pill Bottle 0.43% 16 40 28 0
Plastic Fish 1.72% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 2.8% 18 90 54 7
Robot Toy 4.95% 56 88 72 21
Rubber Duckie 1.72% 2 100 51 0
Tea Kettle 2.69% 32 56 44 21
Teeth 3.34% 60 84 72 0
Toothpaste 2.58% 14 48 31 0
Toy Cube 3.55% 24 44 34 0
Tragedy Mask 6.89% 28 52 40 11
V-Type Engine 0.22% 20 56 38 16
Wedding Ring 2.05% 52 80 66 16
Whoopie Cushion 1.94% 6 20 13 0

Titan (Tier 3/Hard)

Here is a list of all scraps spawn rates on the Titan moon in Lethal Company:



Min Value

Max Value

Average Value

Weight (lbs)

Air Horn 2.52% 52 72 62 0
Bottles 3.47% 44 56 50 19
Brass Bell 3.89% 48 80 64 24
Clown Horn 1.68% 52 72 62 0
Coffee Mug 2.21% 24 68 46 5
Comedy Mask 4.52% 28 52 40 11
Fancy Lamp 2.84% 60 128 94 21
Gift 7.04% 12 28 20 19
Golden Cup 2.84% 40 80 60 16
Hair Brush 3.26% 8 36 22 11
Hairdryer 3.15% 60 100 80 7
Homemade Flashbang 0.95% 10 28 19 5
Jar of Pickles 0.84% 32 60 46 16
Large Axle 3.89% 36 56 46 16
Large Bolt 4.94% 20 32 26 19
Laser Pointer 1.05% 32 100 66 0
Magic 7 Ball 1.68% 36 72 54 16
Magnifying Glass 2.63% 44 60 52 11
Old Phone 2.31% 48 64 56 5
Painting 3.57% 60 124 92 32
Perfume Bottle 1.47% 48 104 76 0
Pill Bottle 1.58% 16 40 28 0
Plastic Fish 1.68% 28 40 34 0
Red Soda 3.99% 18 90 54 7
Robot Toy 3.68% 56 88 72 21
Rubber Duckie 2.52% 2 100 51 0
Tea Kettle 3.15% 32 56 44 21
Teeth 2.21% 60 84 72 0
Toothpaste 3.78% 14 48 31 0
Toy Cube 2.1% 24 44 34 0
Tragedy Mask 4.83% 28 52 40 11
V-Type Engine 4.2% 20 56 38 16
Wedding Ring 2.84% 52 80 66 16
Whoopie Cushion 2.73% 6 20 13 0


Needless to say, the 8 explorable moons or maps in the game being divided into three different tiers is a good thing. This is because it makes it easier for players to understand just how tough it will be to fulfill the profit quota on such different moons. However, it is quite easy to navigate the moons and successfully collect loot for sale if you know exactly what scraps may spawn on the map.

Hence, make sure to read up on all the information given above about the scraps spawn rates. Also, check out our creatures’ spawn rates for Lethal Company to get some information on when and how many creatures will spawn on each moon and stay tuned for more such content in the future.

Lethal Company: Scraps Spawn Rates For All Of The Moons
Who knew combining a love for cheesy one-liners and Valorant would lead to a writing career?