Reverse 1999 Characters List – From 3 Star to 6 Star Characters
| Tags: Features
| Author David Hollingsworth

Wondering who all the Reverse 1999 characters are? We've got you covered in this comprehensive Reverse 1999 Characters List article, featuring images and main details.
Reverse 1999 has been one hell of a ride since launch. The game's character roster is huge now, and looks like it has no signs of slowing. If you’re new to the game, a returning player or just trying to keep up with all the additions, then you've found the right article.
This article will add new characters once the English release gets them and we have the full details of their abilities and damage types. Every character brings something different to the table, so whether you're playing for lore or gameplay, this resource will help you stay on top of Reverse 1999’s evolving lineup and make the most of each addition as the game continues to grow.
Below you will find the full list of characters, which we aim to update monthly. The article is broken down into Star order, so use the navigation bar the help. If any information on this list is incorrect, reach out to us and we'll get it fixed as quick as we can.
Reverse 1999 Characters List
Reverse 1999 6 Star Characters
A Knight (6✦)
A Knight is very simple to explain. Extremely consistent damage output. He's easy to earn Moxie with using a standard amount of Action Points, and after dealing heavy damage with his own Ultimate, increases the damage output of his allies as well. There's no specific team he has to be played with, and nothing difficult to understand about his kit. He's just a heavily consistent damage dealer.
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
An-an Lee (6✦)
An-an does the best job of balancing buffs, debuffs, and damage. She has an attack skill, a mass buff for the team, the ability to stop enemies from acting for a single round, and incantation star additions. Every good buff was backed into a single character, which is why she is undoubtably the best buffer in the game, possibly the best support in general. Mixed with an awesome design that represents one of the later time periods included in the game, she's top tier in absolutely every category.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Centurion (6✦)
Centurion is the culmination of everything a damage dealer is expected to be in terms of Reverse 1999 characters. She is completely focused on damage, packing a single target attack, mass attack, and an Ultimate debuff that decreases damage the enemies put out allowing attackers to attack more comfortably. Along with her Beast Afflatus, she simply feels like everything that damage dealers are supposed to be.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Druvis III (6✦)
For anybody who wants maximum Plant damage, Drivis is the way to go. With the ability to do single target damage, mass attack damage, and make it all high output at that, Druvis isn't just the best Plant Afflatus attacker, but one of the best attackers at release. She's so good in fact, that they made her a boss that makes you realize you're going to have to pay attention to your team's level from that point forward.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Eternity (6✦)
Eternity is a damage character based on HP and healing. Her attacks are valuable given she has a single target attack and a mass attack alongside a mass attack Ultimate. Each of her attacks decreases her HP by 10%, while her Ultimate leeches 50% of the damage it does. Her single target attack also has a debuff that decreases incoming healing for enemies. In a way she can take damage, output damage, and heal herself all alone before any team assistance.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Lilya (6✦)
Many players will make the mistake of thinking Lilya is less valuable than other characters of her rarity. In reality, she's heavily based on Crit Rate and Crit DMG, with her secondary attack only activating if she hits a critical attack. Early on her Crit Rate isn't high enough for her to be fully utilized, but as she's invested into she becomes a complete powerhouse with tons of attacking utility. She has the potential to do some of the highest single round damage of any character on release.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Melania (6✦)
Melania is one of the most stacked damage dealers, having single-target attacks, dual-target attacks, and the ability to remove AP from enemies. Being a large-scale damage dealer with debuff options makes her a well-rounded slot for any team that leaves lots of room for other roles to fill the rest of the team. She made a huge impact on the game as the first new character to release after the launch of the game.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Medicine Pocket (6✦)
Medicine Pocket, while having a strange name, has a great healing ability. It's quite simple but extremely effective. When healing teammates, they receive Sturdiness, boosting the DMG Taken Reduction and making them even more survivable. Mixed in with some defense debuffs on enemies and an Ultimate that can stop an enemy from acting entirely for a single round, Medicine Pocket is the perfect backup for any team.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Ms. NewBabel (6✦)
Though she has a very interesting design, Ms. NewBabel isn't what most players want out of a 6✦ character. She's objectively a fine character, but in comparison to her class, she's less than desirable. She simply provides shields to her entire team and also draws enemy attacks to herself with her Ultimate. Nothing too impressive, but as long as the play has at least one more rare character with more damage capabilities, that kind of defensive support will work better.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Pickles (6✦)
Pickles is, and forever will be the cutest character in the game. This intelligent dog with a translation device is impressive in more ways than one. He is a self-sufficient damage dealer and buffer, who can increase the damage of his attacks with the status applied onto enemies by his ultimate. One of his attacks also removes buffs from enemies, making him a wall-breaking in buffing and debuffing.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Regulus (6✦)
A fan favorite for many reasons, with high damage output, and interesting storyline, and a cool character design. She's a fully rounded-out attacker able to output damage in any capacity at any team. She's worth pumping a lot of Action Points into in order to build toward her Ultimate which can apply an ability to her allies to dodge any non-Ultimate attack. Not a bad team buff for a damage dealer.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Sotheby (6✦)
This high-energy, born with a silver spoon potion maker will win your heart in the story and in battle. She is a rare healer/debuffer combo that can heal and cure teammates while poisoning enemies. Her kit is built around outlasting enemies by ticking their health down while increasing the health of her own team. With high damage attackers paired with her players can easily outpace even high health boss enemies.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Voyager (6✦)
Voyager is to be feared by all enemies, as she can turn any attacker into a powerhouse. By afflicting enemies with massive defense and Critical Resist debuffs she is the Ultimate enabler for a Hyper Carry teammate. She can also stall enemies from ever reaching their Ultimate with her own, removing Moxie from them while lowering their Critical Resist. Voyager has the ability to shorten rounds by several turns.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
37 (6✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
6 (6✦)
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Mental
Jessica (6✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: August 2023
Jiu Niangzi (6✦)
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: January 2024
Kaalaa Baunaa (6✦)
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Mental
Released: September 2023
Shamane (6✦)
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: September 2023
Spathodea (6✦)
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: November 2023
Tooth Fairy (6✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: July 2023
Isolde (6✦)
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Reality
Released: February 2024
Vila (6✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: April 2024
Windsong (6✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: June 2024
Marcus (6✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: February 2024
Ezra Theodore (6✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: December 2023
Getian (6✦)
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: February 2024
Lucy (6✦)
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 2024
Semmelweis (6✦)
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 2024
Kakania (6✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 2024
Mercuria (6✦)
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 2024
Argus (6✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 2024
Reverse 1999 5 Star Characters
Baby Blue (5✦)
Baby Blue not only afflicts enemies with a wide variety of debuffs from dropping their defensives to increasing their damage taken, but she then increases the damage of her Ultimate using these debuffs. So not only does she constantly elevate the damage output of her teammates, but she then adds to the damage pool by committing her Ultimate to the pot.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Balloon Party (5✦)
Balloon Party is similar to the lovable Medicine Pocket but with a bit more damaging ability. Not only does she have a damaging skill, but she can counter any enemy that attacks a healed ally. She's tough to understand due to how many buffs she can apply, but once she's fully understood she becomes one of the most valuable tools on a player's roster.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Bkornblume (5✦)
Bkornblume is the most powerful of the debuffers that enable themselves. Her mass debuff that lowers Reality Defense and Increases DMG Taken on enemies makes her the ultimate Reality team support with that alone. Not to mention her own attack skill is buffed by the debuffs being applied. Her Ultimate can also shut down enemy Ultimates like most great debuffers.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Charlie (5✦)
Any character that is damage focused but can provide buffs or debuffs is going to be more valued, especially if they're only a 5✦. Charlie is a mostly single-target damage dealer that uses enemy buffs against them. One of her attacks does bonus damage to buffed enemies, while her Ultimate removes those buffs when they're hampering team progress in the battle. Enemy buffs are no longer a concern with Charlie on the team, and she's supposed to be focused on damage!
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Click (5✦)
Not only is Click valuable for his Afflatus, but he's self-sustainable as well. He outputs consistent Spirit Mental damage while reducing enemy damage output. He doesn't require much investment from the rest of the team, allowing more slots to be filled by other debuffers, buffers, or even damage dealers.
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Diggers (5✦)
Diggers is a very underrated pick as a debuffer. He doesn't specialize in a single kind of debuff, but uses all of his abilities effectively. With his attacks, he can apply weakness to enemies making them easier to eliminate, while his other attack can remove moxie from an enemy. His ultimate provides the strongest debuff, causing an enemy to be unable to act for one turn, or two if the enemy has any negative statuses which, of course, Diggers can easily apply with his other attacks.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Dikke (5✦)
An unexpectedly high damage dealer for a healer, Dikke provides just enough support to keep the team alive at all times while putting out heavy damage of her own when she can. By using healing to build up Moxie, Dikke can easily get to her high damage output Ultimate which turns her from a healer to a fight-ender. On top of that, she's a healer that can be slotted into any team.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Matilda (5✦)
This pretentious French girl will grow on players throughout the game. She's a decent attacker, with the ability to lower Critical Resistance in enemies while boosting Critical Rate in her own Ultimate. Not only does she enable herself, but she can enable to Crit reliant Star Addlatus character Lilya as well creating an absolutely destructive team against Mineral Afflatus enemies.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Necrologist (5✦)
Necrologist is a bit outclassed in everything she wants to do. She's Action Point hungry without providing reliable damage in comparison to the top-tier characters, and her Ultimate healing is very unreliable. She can function if invested into with Action Points, but she won't function as smoothly as other options for characters of the same purpose.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Oliver Fog (5✦)
Though he seems like a defensive support at first, Oliver Fog can actually hold his own in battle. Aside from his skill that adds Mass Sturdiness to teammates, the rest of his kit is meant to output damage. He can even heal himself while dealing damage granting him the ability to solo sustain in teams that don't take too many turns to output damage and defeat enemies.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Satsuki (5✦)
While Satsuki is mostly a damage dealer, she also packs the ability to slow down enemies. She can output massive damage with her rarity and powerful skills, but alongside that, she can also slow enemies by petrifying them. Not only does her damage dealing skill do this, but her massive damage Ultimate can also apply Petrify when Rigidity is stacked which is quite easy to do when investing Action Points into her.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Sonetto (5✦)
The Timekeeper's loyal friend and the best character received for free upon starting the game. Regular damage dealing isn't too impressive coming from Sonetto, but her ability to consistently apply Disarm to enemies, buff damage and defense for teammates, and heavily boost her own Ultimate equips her for a heavy variety of situations. Her only downside is the requirement of being a bit Action Point hungry, though the value from the Ultimate makes it worth it.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Sweetheart (5✦)
A very standard damage dealer with just a bit of debuff capability. Sweetheart is very reliable for being able to draw consistent attacks of both Single Target and Mass attacks. While there are other straightforward attackers to compete with, her variety in strictly attack skills makes her a good hyper-carry or hyper-offensive teammate.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Tennant (5✦)
Tennant is a mass shielder who doesn't sacrifice attack capabilities to be able to buff teammates. She's able to manage shielding all teammates at once while also being able to output significant single-target damage. For players looking to run a balanced team, this is the kind of character you want providing protection while being self sufficient with damage as well.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
X (5✦)
The Twitter rebrand personified, X is one of the few release characters with the Intellect Afflatus. He has many dispells across his skills and Ultimate, able to debuff any enemy no matter what they prep to do on their next turn. While his damage is middling, it's the best out of all Intellect Afflatus characters at release, giving him a bit more value than simply debuffing.
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Blonney (5✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Reality
Released: July 2023
Desert Flannel (5✦)
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: December 2023
Ulu (5✦)
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Mental
Released: November 2023
Yenisei (5✦)
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: January 2024
Avgust (5✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: April 2024
Horropedia (5✦)
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Mental
Released: August 2023
Reverse 1999 4 Star Characters
APPLe (4✦)
APPLe is given to players by default at the beginning of the game, and he may stick on some teams for a while. He can provide healing for his team while outputting damage and does surprisingly high damage against enemies with low Mental DMG Resistance. While feeling very much like a standard early-game character, he works well in most content in the game.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Bunny Bunny (4✦)
Bunny Bunny is a great character for players to learn mechanics with. Carrying heavy damage attacks, debuffs, and a healing Ultimate, Bunny Bunny is the full package. At 4✦ she's not the easiest character to pull, but players are bound to get her in the first few rounds. The Beast Addlatus is competitive, but not all Beast characters are as flexible as Bunny Bunny.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Cristallo (4✦)
A tragic character from the looks of things, Cristallo luckily isn't so tragic in performance. She not only provides almost every defensive buff under the sun, but even provides some defense and healing debuffs to enemies. Her skills are easy to rotate through during battles for more consistent survivability and damage output at the same time.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Eagle (4✦)
Eagle looks like a very typical mid-level character but ends up being a really reliable damage dealer in terms of Plant Affluatus. She is the most accessible Plant damage dealer, being built exclusively for damage output. The majority of players are going to want her against Star Afflatus enemies paired with some kind of buffer or debuffer.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Erick (4✦)
A decent attacker in her own right, Erick's added ability to debuff enemies while outputting damage makes her a mixed attacker and debuffer. She can decrease Critical Resist on enemies as well as remove their buffs with her Ulitmate. She functions very well as a team's sub DPS to enable the main DPS while putting out her own damage as well.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Mesmer Jr. (4✦)
Mesmer Jr. is not only a very interesting story character with a great design, but a solid team character as well. She carries a strong single-target attack, a team buff, and a debuff Ultimate. She's an attacker who can empower herself, making her a reliable damage dealer of a less common Afflatus. Did we mention she has a really cool design?
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Mondlicht (4✦)
Mondlicht is a great character to use for early-game players who are fortunate enough to pull her. She packs tons of damage with easy conditions to meet for bonus damage. Her entire style is a rip from RWBY's main character, but that may just make her even cooler. Most of her attacks are Mass attacks with the exception of her Ultimate which can be used as an execute after dealing enough prior damage.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Ms. Moissan (4✦)
It is hard for Ms. Moissan to stand out against other Mineral Addlatus characters, but players who want a very slow defensive playstyle may enjoy using her. Being able to apply shields to teammates and also freeze enemies, she can really slow down the game. Building up buffs and healing will be much easier with Ms. Moissan buying time.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Nick Bottom (4✦)
As a single target buffer, Nick Bottom doesn't provide much of what most teams want from a supporter. He absolutely requires a healer to be played with as his Ultimate removes 99% of his health, meaning he can only be played with a hyper carry attacker, but can't play on a team with a damage buffer. Unless a team is in dire need of a Beast character, he limits team building a bit too much unless used as a sacrifice.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Rabies (4✦)
Rabies starts off as a lackluster character, having damage bonuses on his attacks that he can't activate himself. At Insight I though, he gets the ability to apply Poison to enemies with each attack, which then activates the effect of his most powerful attack, giving him thepotential to deal 550% damage to a target. He requires a bit of investment to reach the level of stronger characters, but his playstyle is one of the most fun to use.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Poltergeist (4✦)
Poltergeist is one of the Reverse 1999 characters that will really surprise players. As a damage dealer, she will never be too impressive, but her Ultimate is very original and fun to use. She can draw enemy attacks to her, while also becoming immune to Reality DMG. This can void entire enemy turns and free up space for your team to combine Incantations and produce stronger attacks.
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Pavia (4✦)
Pavia is a very mixed bag, but overall is good when he's played correctly. He's a mass attacker who relies on bonuses that are based on his HP level. He can fluctuate between low HP and high HP by healing with his Ultimate, making it possible for a dedicated player to play both sides of his kit and maximize damage output. Because of his difficulty and lack of reliability, as well as his strict mass attack style, he works best as a secondary DPS.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
TTT (4✦)
As one of the most interesting designs out of all of the Reverse 1999 characters, TTT stands out in her skill kit as well. Though her stats don't scale as well as some characters, her ability to debuff enemies by preventing the Moxie gain gives her a niche in teambuilding. As long as she's fed AP by being allowed to attack frequently, she can slow down the enemy team and prevent enemies from building up ultimates.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Зима (4✦)
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: October 2023
White Rum (4✦)
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Reality
Released: September 2024
Reverse 1999 3 Star Characters
aliEn T (3✦)
aliEn T is a Reverse 1999 character that has decent abilities, but no synergy between them. With one ability applying Taunt and Counter to aliEn T allowing it to attack enemies when targeted while its ultimate Disarms and Silences enemies making them unable to perform any attacks, it becomes a lackluster variety character instead of having synergistic skills.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Bette (3✦)
You'd think Bette's consistent shielding of teammates would be enough to make her usable, but on top of that, she even has a buff attached to her Ultimate. With her Ultimate, she can add a star to an ally's incantation for 2 rounds, boosting enemy attacks alongside the shields she adds to them. Multifaceted but not stretched too thin, the perfectly flexible character.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Darley Clatter (3✦)
As a mainly attacking character with some healing capabilities, Darley Clatter ends up serving as a poor replacement for Dikke. The damage nor healing is as impressive as other characters that serve those purposes, but having the ability to do both does serve to make Darley slightly valuable for those who want to work only a small amount of healing into a team and happen to need a Beast character.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
John Titor (3✦)
John is an easy-to-pull healer from a lesser-seen Afflatus. Providing both shields and health for teammates, John is one of the most supportive Reverse 1999 characters. Because of how easily they can be pulled, players can have a high Potray John Titor to utilize pretty early on as long as they're making use of the banner pulls.
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
La Source (3✦)
Never judge a book by its cover! This 3✦ peasant child can be a really great support for any team. She's mainly a healer, providing Mass healing frequently, and even having a Mass attack to assist attackers in taking down targets. Her Ultimate does huge damage, especially against Star enemies, and removes Moxie which slows down enemy Ultimate building.
Afflatus: Plant
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Leilani (3✦)
Easy to obtain and easy to understand, Leilani is a fairly strong character that every player will receive for free. She is primarily a single target attacker, chipping down specific enemies until she earns her Ultimate which rewards players for using her Action Points on her to build Moxie and do heavy Mass damage, even boosting Moxie for allies. Not bad at all for a free character.
Afflatus: Beast
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Onion (3✦)
Onion is a very standard character to use in the early game if needed. More than likely players will already have a better lineup, but if in dire need of a buffer, Onion can provide the team with Sturdiness which will increase their DMG Taken Reduction. She's a very simple character but gets the job done in a pinch alongside stronger characters.
Afflatus: Mineral
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Sputnik (3✦)
Sputnik is one of the several Reverse 1999 characters that is simply an object. It serves as a decently well-rounded debuffer. It can stop attacks, buffs, debuffs, and healing as well as stick a counter on enemies that attack it, removing their Moxie and slowing their build towards an ultimate.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
The Fool (3✦)
Jack of all trades, master of none. With middling damage output, decent defence building through level advancement, and some debuffing capabilities, The Fool ends up just being a filler character for any team needing a Star Afflatus slot covered. If given lots of action to work with he can build up plenty of debuffs on the enemy, but it would take action from big damage dealers.
Afflatus: Star
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Twins Sleep (3✦)
Twins Sleep isn't just a cool reference to “The Shining”, they are also the best 3✦ character on release of the game. They can decrease enemy damage, defense, and turns. That's right, this 3✦ character's Ultimate can completely stop an enemy from taking their turn until they're hit. On a team with single-target attackers, you can take an enemy completely out of the battle until the rest of the team is dealt with first. They are one of the coolest styles to play, with a valuable Afflatus, lots of support capability, and a great reference to other media.
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0
Reverse 1999 2 Star Characters
Door (2✦)
A sacrifice character, as the 2✦ characters were at release. It provides a Moxie boost to allies, giving the ability to draw team Ultimates at crucial times in battle. Though many may be weary of using sacrifice characters, the empowering effect of the Ultimate is very noticable.
Afflatus: Intellect
Damage Type: Reality
Released: 1.0
Ms. Radio (2✦)
Both 2✦ characters at launch were sacrificial characters. While carrying some regular attacks, Ms. Radio's main usage is in the Ultimate which removes Moxie from the enemy, prevents them from regaining Moxie for multiple turns, and deals a bit of damage. Shorter battles will prove beneficial for Ms. Radio, but otherwise she's not going to be a team staple.
Afflatus: Spirit
Damage Type: Mental
Released: 1.0