Eminem in Fortnite Leak – Huge Fun Event to Close Ch 4

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Eminem in Fortnite Leak – Huge Fun Event to Close Ch 4

Eminem in Fortnite has leaked with the latest patch! What do we know about this latest crossover and what it means for the newest Fortnite live event?

Fortnite leaks have heated up this week as Epic pushed out an unexpected hotfix. Rather than immediately moving to the next part of the Fortnite OG schedule, this update has largely added things which aren’t active yet. Prime among them, it seems there’s a Fortnite Eminem live event coming. Epic is already teasing what they’ve got planned for the end of Chapter 4. Rather than a re-run of the black hole, we seem to have our answer in an Eminem Fortnite event.

The next Fortnite live event looks pretty certain to contain at least an element of an Eminem in Fortnite live event. Epic has done these in-game concerts before. However, for the most part, these concerts were kept outside of season-ending lore events, with it being more of a Fortnite experience than a key part of Battle Royale. Looking at the current timing, that strategy might be going away with the Eminem Fortnite concert. It seems Chapter 4 and Fortnite OG’s blowout finale won’t be a major piece covering the game’s lore as we move to a new start, instead, it’ll be the Eminem x Fortnite crossover.

The current leaks for the game have highlighted a few things that are coming for the end of the season. As this is close to our last (if not the last) patch before Fortnite OG wraps up, we now know quite a bit about what’s coming. This is what we can expect and even some of the hints we’ve just gotten about what’s coming next.

Eminem in Fortnite Leaks Eminem Fortnite Concert Coming

Eminem in Fortnite Live Event

The latest Fortnite leak has included some skins in-game and even a loading screen pointing towards an upcoming Eminem Fortnite event. The leaks show off the in-game skin for the rapper, along with different styles. There’s also a loading screen which places the event firmly at the end of Fortnite OG. This version of the next Fortnite live event was unexpected, but it’s actually not the first time we’ve seen hints at Eminem in-game.

Epic maintains a Radio Station in-game which utilizes music played only by those featured in Fortnite. We can hear Major Lazer, Kid Laroi and more. Back in Chapter 2, Epic briefly made this radio station play nothing but Eminem. Many thought this meant a Fortnite X Eminem event was coming soon, but one never materialized.

In fact, after that, Epic relegated in-game concerts to creative maps. While impressive things are achieved by using UnrealFN Fortnite maps for these concerts, they never had quite the same impact as those that interrupt the whole of Battle Royale to take place. While the past inclusion on Icon Radio might have been a prelude to something that never arrives, it seems Epic wasn’t done with Eminem yet.

The latest Fortnite leaks are showing the rapper is back in-game. This time we’re getting full skins and his music will likely feature in a big way for the next Fortnite live event. According to leaks so far, the event, titled the Big Bang, will even see a rhythm mode for gameplay

Fortnite Eminem Skin Leaks – Fortnite Event Skins

Eminem in Fortnite Live Event

As soon as the latest Fortnite update went live, dataminers began to mine out potential new Fortnite event content. As often happens with a new live event’s prelude update, they found a lot. Dataminers like ShiinaBR on Twitter have discovered a full set of Eminem in Fortnite cosmetics. This is what we’ve found.

  • Eminem
  • Marshall Never more
  • Slim Shady
  • Marshall Magma edit style

These are some interesting picks for skins. The Marshall Magma edit style will be an exclusive addition for those who manage to attend the Eminem Fortnite concert. If you’ve already purchased the skin, this will unlock once you’ve completed the live event. If you haven’t got the skin during the event, you won’t unlock this. These styles could go on to be some of the rarest Fortnite skins, so it’s worth keeping this in mind if you plan to pick it up eventually.

The other skins might give us some clues about the performances during the live event. They seem to show different styles of Eminem in Fortnite over the years, which could mean we’re getting a bit of a best of in the Fortnite live event or a medley. This would all line up with what we’ve had for past major collabs.

Eminem in Fortnite Loading Screen Leaked

Eminem in Fortnite Live Event

Along with the Fortnite Eminem concert and skin leaks, a loading screen has been found in the files too. That’s showing Eminem in front of what seems to be a major stage. This could likely be our staging ground for the live event. It might start off with Eminem performing on a more traditional stage. Since we’re back in Chapter 1 for Fortnite OG, this would be a nice parallel to the earlier Fortnite concerts that simply took place on stages in the map.

Along with this loading screen though, we’ve got a look at the tagline for Chapter 5. It’s a nice reminder that while the Fortnite event is coming up, after that we’re going somewhere entirely new.

Eminem in Fortnite Live Event

What’s Next? After the Next Fortnite Live Event

Along with actually seeing the skins that are coming to the game, they’ve discovered part of what the role will be. The Fortnite Eminem live event won’t be a side mode in Creative like the last few. It’ll return to being part of a full Fortnite live event. Our first since the conclusion of Chapter 3. Fortnite leaks currently indicate a return to the Black Hole that wrapped up Chapter 1. If this Eminem in Fortnite event is a part of that, we’ll likely have a party with that music featured, before the world ends entirely.

What comes after this? At the moment, it seems like Chapter 5 will begin a few days later or the next day, December 3. We’ll have some more full-on down time compared to more recent changeovers. When the game relaunches in December, a Fortnite Lego crossover during the event and early Chapter 5 too. This looks like one of the more full on crossover events we’ve seen so far. First, the next Fortnite live event is going on.

According to the loading screen, the tagline for the new season could be “It’s a whole new world out there”. We know we’re getting a new Chapter 5 map, which explains the new world. We’re a little more in the dark when it comes to new features and mechanics though. Hopefully Epic has something big planned, especially since Fortnite OG has managed to capture record player numbers for the game. There are a lot of eyes on whatever is coming next for Fortnite.

Eminem in Fortnite Leak – Huge Fun Event to Close Ch 4
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.