All Fortnite Reload Weapons – Best and Worst Fresh Guns

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All Fortnite Reload Weapons – Best and Worst Fresh Guns

Reload has gotten a Ranked mode, if you want to climb up fast what are the best Fortnite Reload weapons you can carry?

Fortnite Reload has gone from strength to strength since it launched, now getting a Ranked mode. Now you’re actually trying to grind up and not just have fun, you might have to get serious in what you carry.

The Fortnite Reload weapons are an interesting set. Rather than a new batch of weapons like we see elsewhere, it’s more of a remixed loot pool.

At times the weapons have taken heavy inspiration from the third and fourth Chapters of the game. Although, in the past it's been inspired by the original Chapter's loot. Reload tends to have a bit of a mish-mash of past weapons.

If there’s ever a weapon you kind of forgot about or didn’t think you’d see again, it seems to be showing back up in Reload.

There’s a decent number of Fortnite Reload guns here. Now we’ve had an update to the guns too, it’s starting to take form as something quite fun and unique. Mobility and other weirder items are popping up here and there too.

How do you decide which guns to carry each game?

There is a collection of the best Fortnite Reload weapons. The guns that have stood out since the mode was released. What are the must carries in Fortnite Reload and what’s best left behind?

All Fortnite Reload Items

When Does Fortnite Reload Release

The Fortnite Reload items are a pretty small group. It’s parred back to match the quicker format for gameplay, and items with weird novelties have largely been left behind. Unless you stumble on a mythic or Exotic that is, which can get just as wacky as the base game.

These are all of the guns in the game at the moment:

  • Combat Pistol
  • Suppressed Pistol
  • Mammoth Pistol
  • Auto Shotgun
  • Striker Pump Shotgun
  • Thunder Pump Shotgun
  • Maven Auto Shotgun
  • Ranger Shotgun
  • Stinger SMG
  • Combat SMG
  • Twin-Mag SMG
  • Hammer Assault Rifle
  • Ranger Assault Rifle
  • Flapjack Rifle
  • Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle
  • Suppressed Sniper Rifle
  • Lever Action Rifle
  • Rocket Launcher

Which are the best Fortnite Reload Items? We can break it down across a few tiers to see what stands out in the game.

S Tier – Best Fortnite Reload Weapons

Striker and Thunder Pumps

Fortnite Reload Weapons - Thunder Pump

Both pumps are the better choices for shotguns in this meta. Over the years, Epic has added a lot of different Pumps that are just a slightly modified version of the base. Both are strong items though.

These even give the normal pump a run for its money at times. With high headshot damage, dealing enough to take players out with a hit of twice fairly often.

Players will likely have a preference for one over the other, but both are worth picking up depending on the rarity you stumble on them in. In builds, it’s pretty much the only way to play with shotguns.

Mammoth Pistol

Fortnite Reload Weapons - Mammoth

The Mammoth Pistol is a particularly fun item from Chapter 4. While it has a different name, it’s a common archetype for Fortnite Remix weapons. The one-shot pistol.

These weapons have come in a few forms over the years. They’ve always been rewarding to skilled players though. If you have decent aim and timing on you, you’ll be able to take out enemies in a single shot with this.

Although, with just a single shot and an annoying reload, it’s not the most useable. It’s a fitting weapon for the sweaty Fortnite players you see in Reload though.

Flapjack Rifle

The Flapjack Rifle has always been a bit of a weird gun. It’s tricky. You’ll need to know how to aim well in Fortnite to get the most out of it.

If you can aim properly, you’ll rack up kills with this weapon. Especially with how long and fast you can fire. It’s one of the more lethal guns in the game.

The downside is that it’s tricky to use. You’ll have to master it to get the most out of it. Once you do that though, it can make a real difference to your performance.


Fortnite Reload Weapons - Grappler

The singular mobility tool in Fortnite Reload! No cars to be found. And definitely no crazy mobility like the Hover Jets or Shockwave Hammer. We’ve just got the Grappler.

The Grappler is ideal for getting around the map and out of trouble. It’s another must-carry. As the only mobility tool, it’s best to keep one in your inventory at all times to get the best chances of winning Fortnite games in Reload.

There aren’t enough mobility items to really consider not having a slot for this. In the early part of the game where Reloads means you don’t have to carry as many meds, you should have plenty of space for this too.

A Tier

Fortntie Weapons Tier list - Best OG Fortnite Weapons OG Sniper

  • Ranger Shotgun – The Ranger Shotgun isn’t quite a pump but it has some really good features. It does weirdly good damage at a range. Not the most useable in traditional Fortnite games, but can do a lot.
  • Twin-Mag SMG – The Twin Mag is a fun weapon that can shoot for much longer than most SMGs thanks to its second mag. You can do a lot more damage and it’s more versatile than the typically short-range weapons.
  • Hammer Assault Rifle – The Hammer AR is one of those strange Fortnite Reload weapons. It’s probably not many people’s favorites. There’s nothing really wrong with it though. It can deal enough damage and get kills.
  • Ranger Assault Rifle – Like the Hammer, the Ranger is often outshined by other ARs but has its role. Without the better guns in the loot pool, it’s a bit higher on the Fortnite Reload weapons tier list. Slower, but can be great at longer ranges.
  • Suppressed Sniper Rifle – It’s always great to get the suppressed Sniper in the game with its incredible damage. Reload is less of a Snipers game than Battle Royale though, so it’s not quite top tier here.
  • Lever Action Rifle – The Lever Action never picked up much steam in its original release. As a marksman rifle though it’s pretty solid. Not as good as the hunting Rifle but worth collecting.
  • Rocket Launcher – The Rocket Launcher is causing chaos over in Fortnite Remix, but it’s not quite as powerful in Reload thanks to differences in how people play. It’s build and splash damage is still impressive though.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Weapons Tier List – Rocket Launcher

B Tier

  • Maven Auto Shotgun – This season’s version of the Tac or auto. It’s not much better than any other automatic shotgun, more of a crutch for those who can’t aim a pump properly.
  • Stinger SMG – The Stinger works as a traditional SMG, okay for finishing off after a pump. You’ll be outplayed by a better aiming player with a shotgun though.
  • Combat SMG – This is quite like the stinger, just a little slower and easier to control. It doesn’t really have enough of its own niche.
  • Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle – An annoyingly inconsistent AR. The others in the loot pool just handle better at the moment.

C Tier Fortnite Reload Weapons

Fortnite Chapter 4 Weapons Tier List – Pistol

  • Combat Pistol – Not a great pistol. There are just too many better options in the loot pool right now.
  • Suppressed Pistol – Probably the least exciting of the Fortnite Reload weapons. Just not a good enough reason to carry this above any toher weapon in the world.

Those are the lower-ranked and best Fortnite Reload weapons. This is an interestingly lean loot pool. There’s still plenty of choice, but with only five slots you’ll still have to prioritize.

Most of these guns will be great for jumping into Fortnite Reload. We might even see the loot pool expand over time, so keep an eye out for future updates. The Fortnite servers could get more guns for Reload at any time.

All Fortnite Reload Weapons – Best and Worst Fresh Guns
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.