How to Win Fortnite Chapter 5 – Dominate Games This Season
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Jordan Ashley
This is how to win Fortnite Chapter 5 games and start getting Victory Crowns!
Fortnite is a game between 100 players, but there can only be one winner. There’s no secret trick to racking up Victory Royales, but there are easy mistakes you can fix. How to win Fortnite often just comes down to making small but vital improvements.
In Zero Builds and regular Battle Royale, it’s easy to fall into patterns which can lead to you blowing games. If you want to step things up, then this is all you need to win in Fortnite Chapter 5.
How to Win Fortnite Rounds
Each round of Fortnite has a few key phases. How to win in Fortnite comes down to getting it right for the entire round. However, we can try and break down the important areas where you might be going wrong. Starting with the opening.
How to Win Fortnite Chapter 5 – The Early Game
1. Landing
The right landing spot will change depending on the game, but this is your first thing to consider. You need to go for one of the best Fortnite landing spots. How to win Fortnite Chapter 5 rounds starts with the right spot for you.
A good compromise is to jump towards the end of the Battle Bus route. A named location at the end of the route will provide more security. They’re quieter but the loot is the same no matter how late you drop.
2. Looting
When you first land grab whatever weapon is closest for self-defence. After that, there are a few different combos of items players go for depending on their play style.
- Short-Range Weapon/Mid-Range Weapon/Long-Range Weapon/Mobility/Meds
- Short-Range/Mid or Long-Range/Mobility/ Meds/ Meds
- Shotgun/SMG/Mid or Long-Range/Mobility/Meds
That’s the standard loadout. However, Chapter 5 has been weird. Snipers are basically a must carry and ARs have become kind of useless. Its best to keep your set up right for each season.
Look at the best Fortnite weapons and design your loadout about what works. Something close range is going to be needed, but otherwise you can cater to the meta and your own skills.
3. Pick the Right Meds
The meds slot is somewhere that’s worth breaking out into an independent tip for how to win Fortnite Chapter 4. Your choice matters. Now we can use parts of meds and move things are different. Both small and big pots work well now, as do the previously too-slow med kits.
4. Be aware of your surroundings while Looting
How to win in Fortnite means searching out your starting POI pay attention to those around you. If you hear anyone else in your POI, assume they will be a threat before you leave. Get what you need, then eliminate them. Otherwise, you might be looking over your shoulder all game, a problem to win Fortnite Chapter 5.
5. Upgrades, Holo-Chests, and Supply caches
Outside of your initial loot, Fortnite now has other ways to get better gear. Holo-Chests and Upgrades are currently on ice, but supply caches and Llamas can still be an effective mid-game upgrade.
How Win in Fortnite – The Mid Game
This is where we’re largely going to be engaging with enemies and rotating to the final few circles. It’s where a lot of players die and make mistakes.
6. Intel is Your Friend
Fortnite now offers on-screen sound effect visualization. Having this turned on is a key part of the best Fortnite settings. Turn it on, and pay attention to every indicator.
7. Build, Build, Build
This tip obviously won’t apply in Zero Builds, but in Battle Royale every encounter comes with building. This is probably one of the most important steps in how to win at Fortnite if you’re playing builds.
Mastering the 90, the ramp-up, box fights, it’s a lot. If you’re a complete beginner to building then head to Zero Builds for now and try some building training courses. After that, get the high ground and box up when you need to. Attack from strength to win Fortnite.
8. Get Set-Up for Fights
Over the course of your rotation, you’ll find unopened chests, caches, and opportunities to upgrade. Take advantage of all of them.
As you move through zones you should hope to have the loot you need to stay put in the end game. If you don’t, it might be time to head up to the rifting POI.
9. Rotate Safety – How to Win Fortnite Rounds
Rotation is moving from one area to a safe spot in the next. To rotate safety, take advantage of anything that’s not just running. Use the vehicle spawns that are around. Use launchpads around the map. Use the Grapple Blade. Staying alive while moving is important for how to win Fortnite in Chapter 5.
10. To Push or Not to Push?
The mid-game for a lot of players is where they push non-stop. If you’re still learning how to win Fortnite, this hyper-aggressive style might not be for you. However, third partying might be.
When you hear two enemies fighting, take a better position. Wait till one has nearly killed or just killed the other then strike. Don’t take fights you can’t win, even in the mid-game.
The End Game – How to Win in Fortnite Chapter 5
This is where things get tricky.
11. Positioning is Key – Don't Give Up Ground
The end game is partially luck and partially skilful positioning. Each circle has high ground and better positions with natural advantages. Once the circle gets small enough, try to take the high ground in each new one. This puts you in the best position for the final fight and to win in Fortnite.
Once you’re in a position of strength, don’t expose yourself without a good reason. In builds box up, in no builds find some cover. Avoid getting drawn out, don’t give up the high ground.
12. Attack from Strength
Taking fights in the last few circles should be a much easier decision. There’s no point in exposing your position to the rest of the top 5 to finish off one straggler. Let someone else grab that kill and gain vital intel instead.
13. Stop Coming Third
Once the game gets down to three players remaining you have two choices. Do you, hunt down the last remaining two yourself or wait for the others to fight first?
Don’t take a fight where the best-case scenario is you coming second, not to win Fortnite. Just wait for somebody else in the game to get impatient and start blasting rounds off or searching every bush. You can wait for your opponents to reveal themselves which gives you key intel on your last remaining opponent and make it easier to win Fortnite Chapter 5.
14. Watch for Your Mistakes
The last tip for how win in Fortnite is to watch for your mistakes. Sometimes you’re outplayed or RNG wasn’t on your side. Just as often as that there are games where you can pinpoint what you did wrong. Look back at the game and see where you went wrong. If you can improve on the mistakes you made, you’ll have a much easier method for how to win in Fortnite.