Clash Royale: CRL West Spring Player 1v1 Ranking Breakdown
| Tags: Clash Royale Esports
| Author Alex Mcalpine

The Spring season for Clash Royale League: West has concluded, and Team Liquid is the winning team!
After a rocky start, TeamLiquid managed to pull together and finish off strong with key performances from their whole roster. Now let’s take a look at ESTNN’s final 1v1 rankings.
1st – Boeufmac from Team Liquid finishes with a drastic climb in rankings. He rose 30 spots and ended up at the top after sweeping Immortals and beating Sergio Ramos 2-0 in the playoffs.
2nd – Razzer of Complexity comes in second with another steep climb of 21 ranks. His consistent performance throughout the season and finishing off two high ranked players (Mikel and Javi14) on Fnatic in the playoffs lead to his second-place finish.
3rd – Immortals representative Royal takes the third spot, which is no surprise after his insane performance in CRL last year. Royal swept Complexity in the playoffs to push up the final ranks in his +11 rank increase from the previous week.
4th – The rookie on Immortals, LaPoKaTi had a stunning CRL debut. LaPoKaTi had an outstanding performance throughout the season and is an integral part of Immortals success.
5th, 6th, & 7th – Team Liquid dominates the leaderboard with Kanariooo, DiegoB and Surgical Goblin finishing in 5th, 6th, & 7th, respectively. This proves how valuable each player on the team was to their success and why they finished first.
Notable Mention – ThunderStruck from NRG accomplishes the second highest rank increase this week, gaining 24 ranks and finishing 15th overall in our 1v1 rankings.
Final CRL West: Spring Rankings
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