Battle Pass 2022 – Part II is Live
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Chetan Shekar

Find out what’s in store for you with the latest release of the Battle Pass 2022 – Part II.
Millions of Dota 2 fans rejoiced in the victory of Tundra Esports at The International 2022 last weekend. With the grand finale of The International 2022 wrapped up, the Dota 2 community is ready to launch the next stage of the Battle Pass 2022.
Part II of Battle Pass 2022 just got released and brings with it loads of rewards and a new game mode, Diretide. People can unlock the Conduit of the Blueheart Persona for the Crystal Maiden, the Immortal Treasure II, and other goodies with the Battle Pass 2022 – Part II that will be active between November 3, 2022 – January 12, 2023.
Diretide – Season’s Greevilings
Diretide is the new seasonal game mode that is available to play with the Battle Pass 2022 – Part II. People can choose from over a hundred heroes to play on a whole new map to collect Taffy in the Diretide game mode.
You can fight Greevils that are scattered throughout the map and collect the Taffy dropped by the Greevils before Roshan finds you. The new game mode requires players to score the Taffy in the enemy’s wells. Four wells for each team can be used to score Taffy.
Roshan will be awakened after each cycle and seek out the well with the most Taffy to destroy it. The first team to have all 4 of their wells destroyed by Roshan will lose the match in Diretide mode. You can also choose between different types of mounts to help you move across the Diretide map faster. Players can either choose a penguin, ogre seal, snowball, or a frosted toad as their mount in Diretide mode.
Candyworks & Treasure Emporium
Candyworks & Treasure Emporium is open to Dota 2 players, with the Battle Pass 2022 – Part II being rolled out. You can use the battle points you’ve earned by playing Dota 2 to earn Candy Sacks in the game.
Candy Sacks that can be claimed with the Battle Pass 2022 include various kinds of candy, including Helio Gumdrops, Stonehall Sweeties, Jidi-Pops, Redmaw Twists, and Silkmire Sugar Strings.
You can use The Candyworks tab in the Battle Pass 2022 section to fill slots with the candies collected through the Candy Sacks. These candies can be traded for Legendary Couriers, Roshan skins, Rare sets for heroes, customized Observer Wards, Arcanas, battle points, and treasures.
If you don’t have the right combination of candies to trade for the rewards that you want, you can use the recipes in the Exchange section of The Candyworks to obtain the candies you need. People who do not like the rewards offered in the Candyworks & Treasure Emporium can re-roll items for a fresh batch of items. You can re-roll up to 10 times per week.
Conduit Of The Blueheart – Crystal Maiden Persona
Many people have eagerly awaited Part II of the Battle Pass 2022 to get their hands on the Conduit of the Blueheart Persona for Crystal Maiden. The Conduit of the Blueheart Persona lends a new form to the Crystal Maiden by turning her into a frosty furry creature of the wild.
The redesigned character model for Crystal Maiden is an ageless wolf that is protected by the magic of the Blueheart. The ageless wolf comes equipped with new attack animations, spell animations, ability icons, and Hero Portraits for the Topbar and the Minimap icon.
The Conduit of the Blueheart Persona includes over 600 new voice lines that inspire players to be better in their support roles while playing Dota 2. You’ll need to reach level 148 with the Battle Pass 2022 to be able to unlock the Conduit of Blueheart Persona for Crystal Maiden. Casting Crystal Nova and Crystal Maiden’s ulti, Freezing Field, can be an amazing visual to watch while battling enemy heroes in the game.
Immortal Treasure II 2022
You can open the Immortal Treasure II 2022 chests during Part II of the Battle Pass 2022. The treasure chests have exclusive skins for Broodmother, Huskar, Necrophos, Dark Seer, Dragon Knight, Disruptor, and Queen of Pain.
The Bloodfeather Finery is an Ultra Rare set that can be acquired with the Immortal Treasure II 2022 chest. It includes the Bloodfeather Frock for the Shoulder slot, the Bloodfeather Boots for the Legs slot, and the Dancing Queen taunt for Queen of Pain. The Bloodfeather Finery has two styles that are a grand display of the rich taste that Akasha has for her outfits.
Cave Johnson Announcer Pack
You can equip Cave Johnson’s iconic voice for your Announcer and Mega-Kill packs in the game. Cave Johnson is the founder and CEO of Aperture Science. You can enjoy your Dota 2 matches with the authoritative tone of Cave Johnson to keep you company during your games.
New Taunts
Taunts can be hard to unlock in Dota 2. Part I of Battle Pass 2022 provided the Blades of Glory taunt for Bloodseeker at level 4. The Get Up And Trance taunt for Sand King at level 65. The Melon Massacre taunt for Tidehunter at level 145. The Joyless Pleasure taunt for Chen at level 231. The Dapper Duo taunt for Abaddon at level 429.
The latest update of Part II of the Battle Pass 2022 has introduced five more taunts into the game. The Rootin Tootin Riding Titan taunt for Elder Titan can be unlocked at level 39. The Temper Tramplum taunt for Primal Beast can be unlocked at level 91. The Pie of Malice taunt for Underlord can be unlocked at level 181. The More Than Mental Mass taunt for Dark Seer can be unlocked at level 353. The Inner Dark taunt for Outworld Destroyer can be unlocked at level 531.
Loading Screens
All-new loading screens are provided with Part II of the Battle Pass 2022. The Diretide 2022 Candy loading screen, Diretide 2022 Greevil loading screen, Battle Pass 2022 Diretide Versus loading screen, and the Battle Pass 2022 Nemestice Versus loading screen are included with the latest update.
There’s also an exclusive Voidstorm Asylum Arcana for the carry hero Razor that’s on its way with Part II of the Battle Pass 2022. Stay tuned for more updates on Dota 2.