5 Useful Overpass Smoke Line-ups for Counter-Strike 2
| Tags: CS2
| Author The Old One
Here is a list of 5 of the most useful Overpass smoke line-ups for Counter-Strike 2
With the end of another year of CS, we can safely say that the game is heading in a good direction. After the release of CS2, we have seen many pro players and streamers work on adapting from CSGO. Due to the massive game mechanic changes, many of Global Offensive's utilities are not useable now. However, after many events and tournaments, the state of utility usage has significantly improved and its effects can be seen on all levels of play. Almost every game has seen an improvement in aspects like using line-ups and coordinating utility with the rest of the team.
So, let's take a look at 5 of the most useful Overpass smoke line-ups for Counter-Strike 2 to help improve your match performance. Make sure you check out our massive library about CS strats and line-ups as well.
5 Useful Overpass Smoke Line-Ups for Counter-Strike 2
Overpass is one of the more diverse maps of the current active duty roster. It has a great blend of solo fragging potential and team-based strats. Every corner and area can be tackled with just gunfights and pure aim, but some basic utility usage can make life so much easier here. This is especially true for the T-side. Most of the angles and positions favor that side and allow for more effective line-ups.
Party to Bank
This smoke is highly effective while taking the A-Site. After fighting in Mid, if you have taken control of Toilets, the next step is to push toward the A-site. However, the problem that a lot of players face while moving to the A-site, even with a team, is that there are so many angles to play from. CT players can hide in so many spots and destroy any push whilst taking control of the bomb as well.
Credit: CS Tactics
So line-ups like the Bank smoke are necessary to block off some of the common spots where players tend to be. This gives room for the T-players to enter and clear the site without the fear of getting jumped out of nowhere.
The Bank entrance is also a common place for AWPers to station as it provides a long angle toward A-Short and Toilets entrance. So it is vital to block this off before walking up towards A-Main, or else the AWPer may find a pick and slow down the push before it even begins.
Party to Bins
Bins is another common spot for players from the CT side to play in. It provides a lot of ground to fall back to and players can also play proactively from here and push ahead if they see the opportunity. It also provides a lot of options to throw entry and bomb plant denying nades. So it is very important to block this position before going inside the Site-A as it has the potential to punish almost any entry.
Credit: CS Tactics
This smoke perfectly lands in the center of the gap in the fence, so the entirety of Bins gets smoked off. This forces the player off this angle, from there they can either push ahead straight to the crosshairs of the entering T-players or fall back. Therefore the odds of a successful and easy site take improve greatly.
The best thing about this line-up is that it can be thrown from the same spot as the previous one to Banks and these two pair up really well for an A-Site push, canceling out two very big spots that counter the hit.
Alley to B-Heaven
The B-site is much more forgiving for T-players to enter, but there is one position where the CTs can play that can completely turn off any attempted push toward the site. That is B-Heaven, from where you can see almost the whole site. It is great for blocking entry and denying bomb-plant as well. A lot of time AWPers position there as the long-range distance is perfect for the Big Green.
Credit: CS Tactics
With all this in mind, it can be understood very easily why it is important to smoke off this area of the B-site to be able to enter. The best thing about this smoke is that it is thrown from Alley, which is right in front of the T-Spawn. Therefore, as a T-player, if you decide for a fast hit to B, you can jump right out of spawn and throw it immediately before any info is given away to the enemies and before they can settle or position themselves in the site.
The smoke is also very deep, so the player in Heaven has to fall back, or if they need to fight, jump out of Heaven and expose themselves in front of the whole site. This makes them easy to take out from any spot in B.
Squeaky to Bridge
Once you’ve entered B-site, another really hard position to clear is Graffiti and behind Bridge. Due to the vertical aspects of the B-site, it gives CT players more opportunities to find kills from that spot and even go for fast retakes. Also considering that rotations from A are most likely to come through the same area, it is very important to have that gap covered, especially during the post-plant.
Credit: CS Tactics
This smoke is perfect for this issue. It can be thrown from the safe outside Squeaky and land inside the site. Not only does this cover players entering from Monster, but also allows players to walk up from Short and enter the site from Sandbags. Therefore players can focus on clearing the areas immediate to the entrances of the site and not worry about deeper angles.
Upper Tunnels Stairs to Mid-Toilets
Anyone who’s played on Overpass knows that most of the rounds have an initial fight in Mid where the Terrorists pop out from Connector or Fountain and the CT-side spawn at A and then run up along Toilets. This fight determines how the round is going to end up as the side with the upper hand at the end of the gunfight will have more players and utility to work with. So coming on top here with minimal utility is essential.
Credit: CS Tactics
Other than your basic flashbang entries and molotovs to create space, this line-up can also give some room for the T-players to walk into Mid and not be stuck inside Connector the whole time. As the Toilets entrance will be blocked off, that means no one from the CT side can find any value from there.
Another strong point for the line-up is how fast you can throw it. Since you have to stand on the stairs that enter to Upper Tunnels, you run out of Spawn with the whole team and throw this as they rush up towards Connector. This early smoke will give a massive advantage to the Terrorists fighting for Mid-control early on and allow for better A-Site hits and safe recovery back into Connector for a rotation to B.
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