Rocket League Drive Days Event. New Cars, Unique Challenges and More
| Tags: Rocket League
| Author Nathan Williams

The all-new Rocket League Drive Days is here with a brand-new car for you to unlock.
What is The New Rocket League Drive Days Event?
Drive Days is an event that just launched with new challenges for players to complete. The event will take place from April 26th until May 18th. The event is open to everyone from casual to competitive players with new items being rewarded to them if they complete the challenge associated with it. The new Redline car which is unlockable by getting 15 assists in online matches while using the Buffstuff wheels shares the Breakout Hitbox. These items are only available for a limited amount of time so get out there and try to complete as many as you can to build your collection up.
The Golden Toolkit (Unlocked by winning 20 online matches) unlock items from the Nitro, Impact and Accelerator Item Series'. These can be earned up to 5 times to give you some new items for your garage.
All the challenges are available below for you to see.
Drive Days Car Show
Along with the challenges 10 cars are available for you to purchase in the item shop for a limited time. These cars range from 500-800 credits per car. On May 3rd new cars are expected to be released as well. As with most Rocket League items these cars are not guaranteed to ever be released again so grab them while you can.
Octane ZSR (Cobalt) – Octane Hitbox – was originally released in 2016 and has only appeared once more since then in Champions 4 Series crates.
Mamba (Saffdon) – Dominous Hitbox – was originally released in 2022 and was only obtainable from Blueprints.
Peregrine TT (Sky Blue) – Dominous Hitbox – was originally released in 2020 and was obtained through Momentum Series Blueprints.
Breakout Type-s (Crimson) – Breakout Hitbox – was originally released in 2016 and was obtainable through Champions 3 crates.
Cyclone (Titanium White) – Breakout Hitbox – was originally released in 2018 and was obtained through Zephyr Crates.
Jackal (Pink) – Octane Hitbox – was originally released in 2021 and was obtained from either the item shop or Dorado Blueprints.
Diestro (Forest Green) – Dominous Hitbox – was originally released in 2018 from Ferocity Crates.
Centio – Plank Hitbox – was originally released back in 2017 and was only obtainable from Overdrive crates.
Insidio – Hybrid Hitbox – was originally released in 2020 and was only obtainable by Season 1 Series Blueprints.
Twinzer (Titanium White) – Ocrane Hitbox – was originally released in 2018 and was only obtainable from Impact Crates.
Limited Time Game Mode Heatseekers Doubles
Heatseekers doubles has just been released again for a limited time. The game mode which has always been 3 players is now back for you to play. Heatseekers is a game mode where you launch to ball back and forth to try and get the ball into the opposition goal. When you touch the ball it will automatically fire towards towards the opposition's goal at high speeds. Be careful though because if you hit the opponent's backboard the ball will head straight towards your own goal. To win this game you need to be the first team to 7 goals. This game mode is like car tennis so head out on the court with your friends and enjoy this casual game mode.
More Info
More info on the Drive Days event can be found on the Rocket League website or on their social media pages.