Palworld: How to Defeat Lily and Lyleen – Tower of the Free Pal Alliance
| Tags: Palworld
| Author Zlosterr

Are you wondering how to defeat Lily and Lyleen in Palwold? Let’s find the tower of the free pal Alliance and do that.
Palworld is all about the different Pals that come in a variety of forms. However, there are other things to do as well, such as defeating bosses that stand near the five towers.
Lily is one of such bosses, and she is known as the main name behind the Free Pal Alliance. Defeating her is not as easy as it seems because she will also be alongside her pal, Lyleen. The latter is a grass-type Pal that has its specifics, so let’s see how to defeat Lily and Lyleen in Palworld. Before that, though, let’s see where we can find these two.
Tower of the Free Pal Alliance Location
If you are wondering where to find the Tower of the Free Pal Alliance, you should go to the Frostbound Mountains region. Once there, look for the coordinates 182,30, which will appear in the bottom-left corner of the map.
Since Palword is a realistic game, once you decide to find the Tower of the Free Pal Alliance, you will need to have the appropriate gear to battle the cold. Once you find this place, you will see a cutscene that will introduce you to Lily and Lyleen.
How to defeat Lily and Lyleen
Now that you have found the Palworld Tower of the Free Pal Alliance, it is time to prepare for the fight against Lilly and Lyleen. The latter is not easy to go through because she can use different moves that do a lot of damage. For example, Seed Mine will allow Lyleen to do AoE damage with her seeds, and they will explode after a couple of seconds. In other words, you need to be able to run to dodge the bullet.
Another thing that Lyleen is known for is her special grass-type attacks. She has the Seed Machine gun that deals high burst damage, as well as a Grass Tornado, where you have to dodge two incoming tornados.
In addition to the special grass-type attacks, Lyleen can also use Poison Blast, a weapon that she uses when you are close to her. This means that you have to be really careful when you decide to approach her.
Other than that, Lilly also has Aqua and Bubble Blast, two attacks that are water-type. They work similarly because both do damage, but the Bubble Burst is one giant bubble, whereas the other one has several smaller bubbles.
Now that you know how to defeat Lily and Lyleen in Palworld, it is time to start the adventure and complete your task. This Palworld boss is not that hard to deal with, as long as you move around and be careful not to come too close.