Overwatch 2: Season 3 Twitch Drops Guide
| Tags: Blizzard, Overwatch
| Author Paul Goño

We look at all of the new Twitch drops coming to Overwatch 2 Season 3.
With the arrival of the new competitive season comes another round of prizes that fans can win, including a new limited-edition Ashe skin.
Season 3 is giving new and old fans plenty to look forward to. From limited-time events, a Valentine's Day dating sim browser game and a spanking new mythic skin for Kiriko, Blizzard is just starting to unveil everything they planned before the game's release date.
One aspect that Overwatch 2 has always been known for was its colorful variety when it came to loot. Will this season's Twitch drops be enough to catch the eye of long-time Overwatch fans? Will the drops be worth watching hours of gameplay over, or will we get an underwhelming line-up?
Blizzard will be releasing the full set of Twitch drops over the course of 3 months. Sprays, weapon charms and a free skin will be given away in waves, each one lasting 2 weeks. Each wave guarantees 2 prizes for players who watch for a total of 4 hours.
How Do I Earn Twitch Drops for Overwatch 2?
- Connect your Battle.net to your Twitch account
- Log in to Battle.net
- Go to your Battle.net Connections page (https://account.blizzard.com/connections)
- Click Connect next to Twitch and follow the instructions!
- Watch one of the many eligible Overwatch 2 streamers.
- You'll know if a streamer has drops turned on for OW2 if the stream has the “Drops-enabled” tag. Filtering streams under a category using this tag also works.
- After earning an Overwatch 2 Twitch drop, head over to Twitch.tv/drops to claim it for your account.
Wave 1 (February 7 – 21)
“Seven of Spades” spray
Watch your favorite Overwatch 2 streamers for 2 hours to unlock winning card starring Ashe's chivalrous partner-in-crime.
Socialite Legendary Skin (Ashe)
Watch Overwatch 2 streams for 4 hours to claim Ashe's fanciest skin to date!
Wave 2 (February 28 – March 14)
“Poster” spray
The Reinhardt meta just keeps getting better. Tune in for 2 hours to claim this poster as a reminder of the glory days.
Reinhardt was one of the tanks that received major power-ups this season. The crusader is already seeing much more use as a viable pick in Competitive queues. Recent hero changes were recently rolled out to introduce strong buffs to some of Overwatch's biggest tanks; and a severely limiting nerf for it's most popular healer. These seasonal balance changes serve to address player concerns, introduce new “metas” and to liven up the Overwatch 2 experience. Have to mix things up every now and then to keep things interesting.
Crusader Helm Weapon Charm
Stay watching for 4 hours total, and you'll be able to grace your armaments with Reinhardt's crusader's helm.
Wave 3 (March 21 – April 4)
“Commando” Spray
The last spray on this list offers a look at Gabriel Reyes when he spearheaded Blackwatch. Killing time for 2 hours awards you this spray.
Blackwatch Logo weapon charm
A relic from Overwatch's darkest chapter. Get 4 hours in to earn this weapon trinket.
To address past concerns related to Overwatch 2 Twitch drops, Blizzard included a brief FAQ section in their latest blog post.
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