Lords of the Fallen How to Respec Guide

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Lords of the Fallen How to Respec Guide

In a game like Lords of the Fallen, where it is possible to experiment with different types of classes and builds, it is normal that we feel the urge to try new things until we find the one that best suits our way of playing. For this reason, in this Lords of the Fallen how to respec article, we have decided to give you all the information you need on this feature.

How to respec in Lords of the Fallen

Fortunately, the ability to respec in Lords of the Fallen will be available from the early stages of the game, so you won't have to wait long before you can change the points you decided to spend, as happens in other games of the genre (an example is the recent Lies of P). However, despite this possibility, you will still have to be careful in the world in which you decide to spend your points.

The first thing you need to know about how to respec in Lords of the Fallen is that first of all, you will have to gain access to the Skyrest Bridge, which serves as the main hub area. However, this area will not be available from the start, but you will have to pass the game's tutorial area, and defeat the Holy Bulwark Eight boss, and continue the story a little longer before you can access this area.

In fact, once you have defeated Pieta, which can be considered the first real boss of the game, you will be able to enter the Skyrest Bridge area. Once defeated, you will meet Pieta again but this time she will be friendly. Her role, in fact, will be to help you strengthen your Sanguinatrix and to respec your abilities. Obviously, as per tradition, you will have to give her the right materials in exchange. Consequently, if you want to respec in Lords of the Fallen, you will have to go to another merchant located in the same area, Molhu, and buy the Rebirth Chrysalis.

lords of the fallen how to respec

However, in order to interact with Molhu you will first have to go to the realm of Umbral, as this merchant is not found in the realm of Axiom. Then, from the Skyrest Bridge Vestige, go to the Umbral realm and head towards the stairs located near Pieta to find Molhu. In addition to selling the item you need to respec in Lords of the Fallen, this merchant also sells other items and materials that will surely come in very handy during your adventure, so keep his location in mind.

Once you have obtained the appropriate item, you can begin the respec process in Lords of the Fallen. However, keep in mind that it is possible to respec per item, so if you later want to respec your skills again, you will have to buy another Rebirth Chrysalis. The bad thing about this whole process is that purchasing this item will cost you 8000 Vigor, a fairly high price to find at the beginning of the game.

If you are wondering how to obtain this Vigor, we can tell you that in Pilgrim's Perch, there is a good place to farm it. All you have to do is teleport to Blind Agatha's Vestige located in the Bellroom which will allow you to find an enemy called the Ardent Penitent, or the one with a cylindrical helmet. Kill him and you will receive 600 Vigor as a reward. In more or less ten minutes you will have accumulated the amount of Vigor necessary to purchase a Rebirth Chrysalis.

lords of the fallen how to respec

Lords of the Fallen How to Respec Guide
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.