Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto Boss Guide

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Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto Boss Guide

The Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto is actually the first boss you will encounter as soon as you start the game. It is a tutorial boss that serves above all to familiarize you with the game mechanics which, if you are not a veteran of the soulslike genre, you may find a little difficult to understand at the beginning. For this reason, it may not be considered the first real boss you will have to face (the first full-fledged boss is Pieta), but it is still mandatory to defeat in order to continue your adventure.

How to beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

Since this is a tutorial boss, what you will have to do in this fight is to focus on learning the game mechanics, in order to have an easier life when you find yourself in the more advanced stages of your adventure. As soon as you enter the arena, the Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Eight boss will charge at you. Our advice is to try to learn, here, the timing to perform dodges or saves, as these two solutions will be your best friends throughout the entire adventure.

Since Holy Bulwark Otto uses a two-handed heavy weapon, his movements are very slow. One of the attacks he will use most frequently is an overhead slam, which you can recognize by the fact that he will bring his weapon up to his head and then hit the ground violently. However, this attack is a great time for you to go on the attack. In fact, after using this attack, Holy Bulwark Otto will need a few cooldown moments before he can start fighting again, leaving you a good opportunity to hit him.

Furthermore, this Lords of the Fallen boss will also make use of another type of attack, namely a side-swing attack. This type of attack can be dodged very easily, but our advice is to use it to learn the parry mechanics, as it will not be a very difficult attack to parry. However, be careful that if he hits you, you will take bleed damage. Consequently, be careful not to fill the bar linked to this state, otherwise, you will start to lose your health until you recover.

Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto

Another type of attack to know to be able to overcome this Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Eight tutorial boss unscathed is the one in which the boss will spin his mace before hitting the ground. In this case, you can choose to either dodge his blows or parry them, the choice is up to you. However, use this attack to hit him once he finishes his move, as he will need a few moments of cooldown, and therefore you can use this moment to put him into a stagger state.

Finally, a move that you will have to pay particular attention to because he is capable of inflicting a lot of damage on you and killing you is the one in which he will raise his left arm high and head towards you. If he manages to catch you, he will grab you by the throat and have you impaled by his weapon, which will result in you losing a very large amount of health. For this reason, when you see that the boss is about to use this move, be ready to avoid it at any cost.

Once you have managed to defeat the Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Eight boss, another boss, The Lightreapear, will arrive in the arena to take his place in the fight. However, although it is possible to face and defeat this boss even during this encounter, it is a very complicated battle that has no equal. In any case, even if you die, you can continue with the game without having to defeat him, as this is not the right time and place to do so.

Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto

Lords of the Fallen Holy Bulwark Otto Boss Guide
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.