How to Get Fortnite Iron Man Weapons – Best 2 Items

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How to Get Fortnite Iron Man Weapons – Best 2 Items

The Fortnite Iron Man weapons might be the OP item right, how can you collect all Fortnite Iron Man items every game?

Fortnite’s Marvel season has continued to add more and more superhero powers. Including a couple of new Fortnite Iron Man items which might be the most powerful in the game right now.

One big part of the new update is the Iron Man weapons. New items to give players the powers of Iron Man! Compared to their initial release back in Chapter 2, these are much more useful items.

Like the War Machine mythic, Epic has split Iron Man’s gear up into two different sides. Compared to other Mythics, surely this means they’re a little underpowered? Not the case, despite taking up two slots these are some of the best Fortnite items.

How can you make sure you’re getting your hands on these items every game? It’s tricky, but there are some ways to make sure you get some:

Fortnite Iron Man Items

Fortnite Iron Man Items

There are two items here, one for mobility and one for offense. Although, they pair better together. The Gauntlets are maybe the must-carry item out of the two. These have two functions.

Iron Man Gauntlets

The first is small repulsor shots. Little bursts of energy that deal about 30 damage. Nothing special right? They’ve proven to be ridiculously overpowered.

These have auto-aim. If you have your cursor near an opponent, they’ll simply lock on and hone in. They’re also fairly fast. While they won’t exactly outgun a shotgun in a sweaty Fortnite build fight, they have an important niche.

They’re the best item for countering Jetpack play. Looking at why these little auto-aim burst shots have become so powerful involves looking at some of Epic’s weirder balancing decisions this season.

Jetpack have crazy mobility with their little evasion bursts. They also have a glitch that makes players much harder to track. All this in the Chapter where Epic ditched hitscan makes jetpacking enemies quite hard to hit if they’re using their packs properly.

The Fortnite Iron Man weapons are. A braindead way to beam people, which given the messed up meta right now makes them invaluable. They’re especially good paired with the jetpack, or in Zero Builds where they have no counter.

Their second attack is the Unibeam, which is still pretty good but requires aiming. The next of the Fortnite Iron Man items is the mobility item.

Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

Iron Man Flight Suit

The second part of the set is the Legs, the things that allow you to fly! In a lot of seasons, this would seem crazy overpowered. Here it’s a bit weaker though.

In effect, the Iron Man flight works incredibly similarly to Chapter 5 Season 2’s Wings. You take flight, and can ascend, boost, or drive downwards to break builds and deal damage.

Unlike the Hoverjets, the flight suit doesn’t allow you to use another item in the air. With one exception. The Iron Man Weapons pair with the flight suit.

Both parts of Iron Man’s arsenal can be used in tandem. You can unibeam and use the propulsors in the air. If you have both pieces of kit this is quite a good solution. It definitely makes them a lot more viable.

Alone though, there aren’t the most overpowered items of the season. Although, with their current balance that’s probably more down to the strength of items like the Hoverjets.

How to Find the Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

That’s how it all works, but how can you track them down? There are a few ways to collect the Iron Man items, which will require quite a bit of luck.

The first, and earliest in timing of the game, is by way of an NPC. But there are also guaranteed chest spawns for the Iron Man Weapons.

Find Iron Man

A new Iron Man NPC location has appeared along with these Mythics. He sells the Repulsors. You can’t get the Hoverjets from him, but knocking one of these items off when you land is helpful.

There’s limited stock of these too which could prove frustrating. You’ll likely have a hot drop if you go for this. Typically, there’s a fight or two right out of the Battle Bus.

Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

Special Chests

Your next spawn point for Fortnite Iron Man weapons is the special chests. Like the Avengers chests or Doom chests, these are larger chests that drop one of two out of the items. These spawn in at every landing sight. They’re usually opened up pretty early though, so you’ll have to be fast.

Iron Man Armory

Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

A new feature was introduced with Fortnite Iron Man items. These are mid-game loot drops called Armory. These are huge rocket ship-looking drops. They’ll be marked on the map starting from a few storm circles in.

They’re hard to miss. There are two different types, each drops a different set of Mythics. These are:

  • Iron Man Armory – Iron Man’s Gauntlets and Boots
  • War Machine’s Arsenal – War Machine Hover Jets, Turret, and Arsenal

You can tell which one is which by the design on the mini-map. The War Machine one is black and white and Iron Man is red, since the two characters look apparently identical otherwise.

These are probably the best ways how to get the Iron Man weapons in Fortnite. It’s a simple way to collect the weapons without running from bunker to bunker searching Avengers chests. There’s often a fight to raid them though.

Fortnite Iron Man Weapons

Do The Fortnite Iron Man Weapons Spawn in Chests and Floor?

A lot of the “Mythic” items this season spawn in special chests like the Iron Man Weapons, but also very rarely on the floor or chest. How about these two new items?

So far, it seems they’re not easy to find outside of specific locations. Since there’s a guaranteed way to collect them later in game, it seems they’re going to be some of our more exclusive Mythics for this season. Items that you can’t just find on the floor.

They’re still important for winning Fortnite games, and there are plenty of spawns for the items. However, you do have to be more deliberate in your looting to get the Iron Man Weapons.

How to Get Fortnite Iron Man Weapons – Best 2 Items
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.