Fortnite: Switch Cup 2 Tournament Prize Pool, Format, Scoring System & More!

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Fortnite: Switch Cup 2 Tournament Prize Pool, Format, Scoring System & More!

Learn everything you need to know about Fortnite Battle Royale’s Nintendo

Epic Games and Nintendo have combined forces to produce the first-ever Switch Cup 2, a Fortnite tournament open only to players on Nintendo Switch. The developers have granted console players similar opportunities in the past, with the PlayStation-only Generation Cup and $1M USD Xbox Cup. Typically, these competitions offer either in-game cosmetics or cash as prizes. In this instance, players are competing for the “Lovely” cosmetic character skin, “Heart Blast” back bling and the “I am sitting down” spray before they arrive in the Fortnite Item Shop. Let’s take a look at all the essential details regarding this Nintendo-exclusive competition.

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Switch Cup 2 Format & Date

The Switch Cup 2, as previously mentioned, is open only to players on the Nintendo Switch console. It is a solo tournament for players, specifically on the Asia region’s servers. Keep in mind that competitors outside of the Asia region will be playing on significantly higher ping. The tournament goes live on February 3, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Here is the tournament structure you’ll need to know before queuing into the Switch Cup 2 on Asia servers:

  • It begins at 6 PM Japan time or 4 AM EST / 1 AM PST for Americans
  • Three-hour time limit
  • A maximum of ten matches

Switch Cup 2 Scoring System

Understanding tournament scoring systems is arguably the most important factor when entering a Fortnite tournament. The Switch Cup 2 utilizes a placement-heavy point system, so playing for late-game will be imperative for players looking to earn the tournament’s cosmetic offerings. Here is the scoring system for the Switch Cup 2:

  • Victory Royale: 20 points
  • 2nd place: 15 points
  • 3rd place: 13 points
  • 4th-5th place: 10 points
  • 6th-10th place: 8 points
  • 11th-15th place: 7 points
  • 16th-20th place: 6 points
  • 21st place- 25th place: 5 points
  • 26th to 30th place: 4 points
  • 31st to 40th place: 3 points
  • 41st to 50th place: 2 points
  • 51st to 75th place: 1 point
  • Each elimination: 1 point

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Switch Cup 2 Prize Pool

Instead of the usual monetary payout, Switch Cup 2 entrants will compete for brand new Fortnite cosmetics before hitting the item shop. Merely earning eight points will grant yield the “I am sitting down spray.” Competitors looking for the skin and back bling need to achieve a top-1,000 finish. Since this tournament is exclusive to the Asia region and Nintendo Switch, only 1,000 skins are on the line.

That covers all of the information we know thus far about this tournament. If you’re an early riser, be sure to set an early alarm for the chance to win the Lovely skin before anyone else.

Stay tuned to ESTNN for more Fortnite news and updates!

Avatar of Matt Pryor
Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.