Fortnite: How To Get Free Lara Croft Manor Experience Spray

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Fortnite: How To Get Free Lara Croft Manor Experience Spray

Learn how to get a free Tomb Raider spray in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 6 established another ground-breaking crossover, which has become Epic Games’ standard practice. Season 5 brought famous video game and movie characters like Master Chief, Kratos, Terminator and more into the mix. Season 6, dubbed Primal, continued that trend with Lara Croft of the legendary Tomb Raider video game series. She became perhaps the Battle Pass’ most recognizable character, equipped with many different styles and accessories. Lara Croft’s influence has now made its way into Fortnite’s Creative Hub, where players can earn a free spray in the Croft Manor Experience.

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Croft Manor Experience

Fortnite players can now partake in the Croft Manor Experience by queuing into the Creative Hub. There are a lot of mysteries to uncover as you traverse the landscape. Those who find success and complete the Croft Manor Experience will receive a code for an unlockable spray. That redeemable code is only valid until March 31, and the Creative Hub itself will remain unchanged until March 30. Players uninterested in completing the Croft Manor Experience can find the leaked redemption code below.

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Leaked Code for Lara Croft Spray

Reliable Fortnite leaker ShiinaBR uncovered the spray’s code rather quickly after the Creative Hub changed. I have confirmed that the code does work, and anyone interested in claiming it should follow the instructions listed above. The spray will be waiting in your locker if done correctly. It’s free and relatively easy to do without having to complete the Creative Hub. Players have until March 31 to claim the code.

Featured Image: Square Enix/Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.