Fortnite: Everything You Need To Know About ‘Devourer of Worlds’ Season-Ending Event

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Fortnite: Everything You Need To Know About ‘Devourer of Worlds’ Season-Ending Event

Get ready for the biggest event in Fortnite history.

Fortnite: Battle Royale fans across the globe are ready to experience Chapter 2 – Season 4's season-ending event, known as ‘Devourer of Worlds.' Marvel Comics supervillain Galactus is readying his attack on Fortnite's current map, including Marvel-themed locations Stark Industries and Doom's Domain. As per usual, Epic Games has ramped up the viral marketing ahead of this event. Many anticipate that Devourer of Worlds will be the most significant in-game event in the game's three-year history. However, the bulk of Fortnite players are entirely in the dark about what will happen on December 1.

The developers have sent out daily teasers leading up to Galactus' arrival. Let's take a look at what we can expect come December 1, when the event goes live.

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Teaser #1 – This is our final stand to save all Reality

The first of several teasers feature multiple Battle Buses seemingly flying away from the massive supervillain Galactus. Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, has been working on improvements to the Battle Bus. The most recent update remove the balloon from Fortnite's iconic deployment vehicle. Could we see multiple Battle Buses fighting Galactus? Or could those vehicles be retreating somewhere else?

Teaser #2 – We can save the island if we work together. This is our last chance.

Teaser number two depicts a half Iron Man half Tony Stark image. Chapter 2 – Season 4 heavily showcased Iron Man, who Epic Games honored with the popular Stark Industries point of interest (POI). That location seems to be the center of everything taking place leading into next season. Fortnite fans should expect Iron Man and plenty of Battle Buses during the Devourer of Worlds event. The question remains, how does Iron Man plan to stop Galactus?

Teaser #3 – Think we've got enough Gamma Cells?

Fortnite's official Twitter account followed teaser two with another related to the Battle Bus. This time, we have a brief clip of a hollowed-out bus filled with a bunch of gadgets created by Tony Stark. These are Gamma Cells, according to the text under the third teaser. Weaponized Battle Buses equipped with Gamma Cells could serve as a weapon to fight Galactus. Other superheroes will likely involve themselves in this war, too.

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Teaser #4 – Fighting Galactus Tip #87: Don't forget your jet pack.

Teaser number four brought jetpacks into the fold. For those who don't know, Epic Games introduced a Stark Industries Jetpack in patch v14.50. Those will come in handy for the Devourer of Worlds event. Fortnite players attending the event will likely use jetpacks to view all of the action. The words “final battle” allude to this being the last of Galactus, but many believe that he will triumph.

Teaser #5 – He hungers for the Zero Point.

The fifth teaser ahead of the December 1 season finale pays homage to Fortnite's Zero Point, which has appeared in multiple past seasons. The Zero Point once resided under Loot Lake during Chapter 1 until it eventually eviscerated the old map and created the Fortnite Black Hole. The Zero Point is attracting Galactus to the map, likely due to the power it possesses. Perhaps the Marvel supervillain plans to destroy all of the superheroes with The Zero Point.

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Teaser #6 – You do know how to drive the Battle Bus.. right?

Teaser number six made more references to the Battle Bus. There's no doubting that players will be able to drive Fortnite's deployment vehicles during the event in some capacity. Four of the first six teasers featured the Battle Bus heavily, as did most of Chapter 2 – Season 4. It might be the only chance to stop Galactus.

Teaser #7 – The Battle Bus is locked and loaded. Now we wait for the big guy.

The latest teaser came just one day before the Devourer of Worlds season-ending event. Yet again, The Battle Bus remains a focal point in the cryptic tweets leading up to the Galactus' arrival. Only a few people outside of Epic Games know what will happen, but all parties are sworn to secrecy to preserve the element of surprise. What we do know is that the Devourer of Worlds will be the most critical Fortnite event to date.

How and When to Watch?

As you may have guessed, this event will be massive. We are talking much more significant than Travis Scott's Astronomical and the last season-ending event. Fortnite and Epic Games always find a way to pull players back into the game with these spectacles. You will want to queue into the event early to secure a spot; otherwise, you will have to watch a live stream. Epic is advising players to log in to Fortnite an hour before the event begins. The Devourer of Worlds playlist will appear 30 minutes before it goes live.

  • Pacific Time (US) – 1 PM
  • Mountain Time (US) – 2 PM
  • Central Time (US) – 3 PM
  • Eastern Time (US) – 4 PM
  • General Mountain Time (UK) – 9 PM
  • Australian Time – 8 AM on December 2

Check back here for any additional teasers that may come through leading up to the Devourer of Worlds Fortnite event.

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.