Dota 2: New Chest Treasure of the Twilight Procession Released
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Eliana Bollati

You might have missed it amidst all the excitement of ESL One Hamburg, because no one was expecting it. But Valve has dropped the latest Dota 2 chest.
The Treasure of the Twilight Procession dropped earlier today, and it features a bunch of spooky new cosmetics. Including new sets for Tidehunter, Faceless Void, Shadow Demon, Slardar, Jakiro, Storm Spirit and Viper.
There’s also a chance for a rare Clinkz set or an even rarer Dark Willow set.
The price for this chest isn’t too bad in price, under the three-dollar mark for US players. However there are no ultra-rare or cosmically-rare item sets to collect in this treasure.
But there is something to sweeten the deal if you’re subbed to Dota Plus. Dota Plus subscribers will be able to recycle unopened bundles from to earn progress toward additional rewards. Recycling six unopened bundles will earn you another shot at one of the rare Clinkz or Willow sets.
Although it’s a nice surprise from Valve, the release of the chest has seen mixed reactions on Reddit.
Many fans while happy to see the new treasure drop, are still eager for the next big update. Which should bring with it the new heroes teased at TI9.
You can check out the new cosmetics and all the details about the new treasure on the Dota 2 client now.
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