Dota 2: DPC Weekly Recap — China April 12-18
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Jaishil Mistry

All the highlights from our first week of competition in Season 2 of China's DPC League.
With a marvelous performance by the Chinese teams in the DPC Season 1, the region has now become extremely competitive. According to Season 1's world rankings, Invictus Gaming are rank 1, PSG,LGD are rank 7, Vici Gaming are rank 10 and Team Aster are rank 11. Other strong teams are Ehome, who recently added Sylar to position 1 and Team Elephant who just hired rOtK as the coach.
Lower Division
The top 3 teams for Lower Division, week 1 are Phoenix Gaming, Team MagMa and CDEC Gaming. Phoenix Gaming won 3 series while MagMa and CDEC won 2 each.
Phoenix Gaming with a lead of 3-0 in series and 6-1 in total matches played, have lost only one match so far against Aster.Aries. With 44 unique heroes picked by Phoenix Gaming, they are the most versatile team of the Lower Division. The most contested hero by Phoenix Gaming is Puck which they have either picked or banned in the first phase in 6/7 matches.
Team MagMa with a lead of 2-0 in series and 4-0 in total matches played haven’t lost a single match yet. Their KDA of 6.55 is the highest in the group while their versatility in heroes is the lowest. Their favorite hero is Mars which is almost always either picked or banned in the first phase.
CDEC Gaming with a lead of 2-0 in series and 4-0 in total matches played also haven’t lost a single match yet. CDEC Gaming’s average match time of 32 minutes is one of the quickest game closing time in the group. Even though they picked late game cores like Medusa and Dragon Knight, they are able to end the games quickly.
Also Read: DPC Weekly Recap — Eastern Europe April 15-18
Upper Division
Team Elephant, EHOME and RNG each won one of our series, whereas EHOME, RNG and Sparking Arrow Gaming (SAG) have lost one series each.
In the series between RNG and SAG, RNG won the series by 2-0 in which they won the first match by a kill score of 20-2 and completely dominated SAG. Game 2 was close and it was equal until the big team fight at the thirty-seventh, minute where SAG lost many heroes, bought back and lost again. Culminating in their surrender.
Our series between EHOME and RNG was a different story, however. EHOME won the series by 2-0. In spite of having a 5,500 gold lead at 21-minutes, RNG couldn’t convert it into a victory as they lost their cores multiple times around the map that gave opportunity to EHOME to push and destroy the throne. Game 2 saw a steady performance by EHOME throughout the game as they were able to gank and find kills every couple of minutes. The lead gradually increased to a point where RNG couldn’t fight back. They lost the control of the map and lost the game.
Also Read: DPC Weekly Recap — South America April 12-17
Then, when Elephant faced EHOME, it was Elephant who came out on top of the 2-0. They won the first match by a kill score of 28-6 and completely dominated EHOME. EHOME were not able to kill enemy heroes in any team fight after the mid game that resulted in a disappointing outcome for them. Game 2 was equal until 29-minutes but things fell apart after EHOME lost a big team fight. Their last team fight was more brutal as they lost their heroes, bought back and lost all of them yet again. All while killing only 2 enemy heroes.