Dota 2: DPC China 2021/2022 Tour 1: Top Heroes

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Dota 2: DPC China 2021/2022 Tour 1: Top Heroes

We take a look at the best performing heroes through Tour 1 of China's DPC

The Chinese Dota 2 scene has been an arena of epic series for many years. People often consider it to be the second-strongest region in the world after Western Europe. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the matches here are always interesting to watch.

Unlike the DPC in other regions, the one in China began in early 2022. Despite that, we got to see loads of matches in January and provide you with weekly coverage. Now that the matches are over, it is time to take a good look at the heroes that the best teams in China focused on. Speaking of teams, PSG.LGD had no competition after Wang “Ame” Chunyu and the rest ripped through their competitors. Team Aster, RNGU, and EHOME were the other three teams in Division I that stood out. Needless to say, all of them used some of the best heroes in the game, so let’s go over some of them. We won’t include the heroes mentioned in the articles for WEU and EEU, which means that Bane, QoP, SB, Snapfire, and Weaver are also some of the top heroes in China.

Death Prophet

DP is one of the mid laners in Dota 2 that many people don’t think of until it is too late. The hero always had an important role in professional Dota 2, especially for some Chinese teams. That’s why it doesn’t come as a surprise she was one of the top heroes in the DPC.

Death Prophet can be an excellent option when a given team needs a tanky mid laner that is capable of pushing towers. Although the hero fits in this role well, her writing doesn’t seem that impressive. The hero played a total of 47 games, but it has a 38% win rating. In other words, most teams that picked DP were unable to win the game.

Interestingly, the hero has almost twice the win rating when playing for the Radiant Side.


Grimstroke is one of the interesting support heroes that can fit in many different setups. Needless to say, this reflects on the hero’s pick rating and makes him one of the go-to options for most Chinese teams. Grimstoke is powerful in the late game thanks to his ultimate, and since most Chinese teams like focusing on it, the hero is one of the preferred supports.

Despite his unique skills and team fight contribution, Grimstroke only has a 50% win rating out of 40 games. This is not that bad when compared to other heroes, especially supports. In fact, the only hero that has a high win rating is Disruptor, but he is one of the heroes that most teams pick when they want to utilize a specific strategy.


The next hero that also has a 50% win rating is Tidehunter. Despite not being the most popular offlaner in other regions, Tide proved himself as one of the best heroes in the current patch. Besides being hard to kill, the hero can do insane amounts of damage during the late game. That’s one of the reasons why so many teams decided to utilize his potential. 

Tide appeared in 36 games, which is not that bad compared to other offers, even though he is way behind Mars, who played in 48 matches. By the looks of it, this will be one of the heroes that will receive numerous changes in the future. We are yet to see whether the changes will be positive.

Ogre Magi

The next hero that shined a lot in China is Ogre. Although this hero was not that popular a couple of years ago, he became one of the go-to options for many teams. 

Although the hero works well in numerous lineups, his win rating is not impressive. In fact, the hero has a 36% win rating after he was picked 36 times. This means that he is not as successful as some of you might think. 


Unlike Ogre, a hero that most people pick to use as a support, Razor is mid laner or a carry, depending on the lineup. He is one of the heroes that people pick when they want to win a specific lane because he is famous for being one of the strongest mid laners in Dota 2.

Despite his strength, the hero is not the go-to option for every team because he only works well in certain scenarios. In order for the hero to shine, he needs to win the lane and get items that allow him to participate in team fights early on. 

It seems like most of the pro teams in China know how to utilize his potential because the hero has a 51% win rating from 33 games. This is not that bad, especially if you compare him to other top mid laners. 

Wraith King

While we are on the topic of core heroes, Wraith King is another option that many teams in China decided to use. While it is true that this hero is more prevalent in Europe, some of the top Chinese teams learned how to utilize his potential. This explains why Wraith King’s win rating is 65%, which is impressive, to say the least.

WK appeared in 32 games, which is not that much if you compare it to other carries, such as Weaver. However, he has a significantly higher win rating, which means that we will probably see him a lot more often in the upcoming tournaments.


The last hero we’d like to include in this article is Pangolier, one of the most versatile options in Dota 2. A couple of years ago, most people used the hero in the offlane because he is hard to kill. Some teams continue to put him there, but he can be seen in the mid-lane, where he does an excellent job against other top heroes.

Pangolier showed his skills in 31 matches and he has a 58% win rate, which is good compared to other names on this list. Unfortunately, some pro teams in China don’t use him as often as others, which is why he wasn’t picked as often as others.

Curious about the top picks in other regions? Check out which heroes stood out in EEU here!

Dota 2: DPC China 2021/2022 Tour 1: Top Heroes
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.