CSGO: FaZe Hopes To Regain Top-rating After Olofmeister’s Return

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CSGO: FaZe Hopes To Regain Top-rating After Olofmeister’s Return

The previous world’s best player is looking to work with FaZe on a permanent basis.

Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson breaks out of his previously announced retirement to take the place of  Marcelo “⁠coldzera⁠” David who left FaZe at the beginning of June after the team showed several frustrating performances which saw it drop out of the Top 30 world standings.

Olofmeister is considered one of the best lurkers in the game. He's been coming off the bench for FaZe since April 2018, and he helped the squad take first place in Epicenter 2018 in Moscow.

Olofmeister hopes to help FaZe make a decent showing in the BLAST Premier Spring Final. Beginning June 15, the prize pool for the tournament is set at $425,000 USD.

Olofmeister’s long career has been marked by some periods of inactivity. The first, due to a wrist injury, was when olofmeister was still with Fnatic in 2016. FaZe hopes that his current commitment to the team won't be hampered by such breaks.

FaZe's current CS:GO roster is now:

  • Håvard “⁠rain⁠” Nygaard
  • Helvijs “⁠broky⁠” Saukants
  • Russel “⁠Twistzz⁠” Van Dulken
  • Finn “⁠karrigan⁠” Andersen
  • Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer
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Jaishil Mistry
Jaishil "Drifter" Mistry is a Dota 2 analyst, esports journalist and a professional coach. He has high proficiency in draft and game analysis of Dota 2 matches. Connect with him on Twitter @DrifterDota