Botany Manor Springdance Shrub, Fool’s Emerald and Oscilette – Chapter 5 Climbing Up

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Botany Manor Springdance Shrub, Fool’s Emerald and Oscilette – Chapter 5 Climbing Up

Botany Manor Springdance Shrub, Fool’s Emerald and Oscilette are the game's next set of puzzles, so let's take a look.

In this guide, we'll walk through Chapter 5: Climbing Up. You can check out our review of the game here, and other Chapter guides at the links below:

  1. A Fresh Start
  2. Survivors of Adversity
  3. Peculiar Petals
  4. Botanical Allies
  5. Climbing Up

Chapter 5: Climbing Up

Springdance Shrub, Fool’s Emerald and Oscilette

From the entrance to the Formal Garden, follow the path to the picnic blanket on the left. Read the Newspaper Article, and notice the blinking Morse Code message abbreviation “Attention”. Add the clue to Fool’s Emerald. Keep following the path to the Folly on the left and pick up the Springdance Shrub seeds. Turn around, go up the large staircase to the Side Terrace and go to the green table to the right. Read the Greeting Card and note that Springdance Shrub used to grow in the garden, add this clue to said flower. Turn around and to the blackboard. Read the Plant Chemicals and note that Fool’s Emerald contains Luciferin.

Read the Bioluminescence book on the table to the left, note that Luciferin causes it. Add both these clues to Fool’s Emerald. Pick up the Fool’s Emerald Seeds. Go down the stairs and walk around them to the right. Walk to the stepladder by the trellis to the Gardening Workspace and read the Telegraph Note, note that it’s at the Boat House. Add the clue to Fool’s Emerald.

Go to the green table on the left, read the Note about Lawn, note the object by the pond. This is a clue for how to open a secret room. Read the Military Codes on the same table, note that “KA” is short for Attention. Add this clue to the Fool’s Emerald. Go around and enter the shed, read the Growing Hydrangeas pamphlet on the left, note the pH level changes. Turn around and read the Pot Catalogue, and note the different pot requirements. Add both clues to the Springdance Shrub.

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Go through the trellis and up the stairs to the right to the Garden Paths. Note the Robin bird flying from the feeder to the birdhouse. Follow the path to the left, all the way through more arches down to an open stone building in the Bird Garden. Enter and go to the left. Pick up the Boat House key from the bowl and look at the Bird Poster, note that the Robin likes Red flowers.

Exit the building and take the left path back up to the Garden Paths to the table with chairs. Read the Pigment Research, note that a red Springdance Shrub requires 12-14pH. Read the Soil pH Research, note that the combination of Sandstone and Seaweed gives a pH of 13,2, which is within that range. Add both clues to the Springdance Shrub.

Go back to the Gardening Space and pick up a Sandstone pot in the shed (the yellow one). Bring the pot to the potting station in the Formal Garden, right across from the entrance to the Gardening Space. Replace the normal terracotta pot with the sandstone one. Add soil, but do not add any seeds yet. Bring the pot back to the Gardening Space and place it on the saucer on the table with the different bottles. Add seaweed to the pot and bring it back to the potting station to add a Springdance Shrub seed and water it.

Bring the pot all the way down to the open building in the Bird Garden and place it on the saucer on the workbench. Exit the building and go past the large pot with pink flowers to the workbench on the left. Look at the Bird Seeds, note that it attracts Robins, and add this last clue to the Springdance Shrub. Pick up the Bird Feeder and bring it back to hang it on the hook by the birdhouse with the Robin. Turn around and pick up the other bird feeder from the hook across the path. Bring this second feeder to the next hook along the path, back away to watch the Robin fly over and move the first feeder to the next hook along. Repeat until the Robin is in the open building in the Bird Garden. Be careful to always take the long way around to not scare the Robin away. Watch the Sprigdance Shrub bloom.

Go back to the Folly in the Formal Garden and take the stairs to the right down to the Pond Garden. Follow the path to the hand push lawn mower on the right and pick up the Handle in front of it. Bring it back to the Formal Garden and put it on the pedestal in front of the dried out fountain by the Side Terrace stairs.

Go back to the Pond Garden and follow the path to the Boat House gate. Unlock it and follow the path to the Boat House. Go down on the docks to the right and pick up the Telegraph. Bring it back to the fountain in the Formal Garden and walk across the lily pads into the Grotto. Put the Telegraph on the table, open it and read the Morse Code, note the code for KA, and add this last clue to the Fool’s Emerald.

Go to the potting station in the Formal Garden and plant and water a Fool’s Emerald seed. Bring the pot into the Grotto and place it on the saucer. Tap out the Morse Code on the Telegraph

_ . _

followed by

. _

and watch the Fool’s Emerald bloom.

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Go back to the Boat House, up the stairs to the left and through the door. On the desk to the left, read How Weeds Spread and note that Oscilette seeds are picked up by critters and taken to their nest. Add this clue to the Oscilette. Go to the table and look at the Critter Cards, note that the Red Squirrel bring forage back to their nest. Read the Boardgame Rules and add both clues to the Oscilette. Go to the table to the right of the fireplace and read the Animal Heartbeats, note that the Red Squirrel has a sleeping 120 BPM. Add this last clue to the Oscilette. 

Turn around and pick up the Oscilette seeds in the window opposite. Exit the Boat House and go down the stairs to the potting station. Plant an Oscilette seed – you don’t need to water it – and bring the pot back inside the Boat House. Put it on the saucer by the Phonograph in the corner. Inspect the Phonograph Records and put the one with 120 BPM in the Phonograph. Turn the hand crank and watch the Oscilete bloom.

Go back to the Gatehouse. Put the Herbarium in the Post Box. Watch the credits and enjoy the short epilogue scene after. To end the scene, go to the front of the classroom, to the desk on the left and read the Letter From Sister. Pick up the Forgotten Flora book next to it, turn around and place it on the reading stand on the teacher’s desk.

Congratulations, you have completed Botany Manor!

Botany Manor Springdance Shrub, Fool’s Emerald and Oscilette – Chapter 5 Climbing Up
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.