Best Valorant Agent Composition 2023 To Run On Haven
| Tags: Valorant
| Author Thealchemist

Dominate your Valorant ranked games on Haven with this agent composition in 2023
Valorant provides players with a wide array of options, boasting a diverse roster of eighteen agents. This extensive selection allows for significant flexibility when it comes to agent composition. The thumb rule is to choose at least one agent from each of the four roles to build your lineup. The specific composition you opt for, however, is entirely up to your personal preferences and the strategies you feel most comfortable executing.
Credit: Riot Games
Yet, some agents are more suitable to play on certain maps than others. Each agent possesses unique abilities, and the effectiveness of these abilities may vary across different maps. Hence, it is important to figure out a composition that works the best on a certain map and make yourself and your teammates comfortable on those agents to acquire optimal results from your ranked games or even tournament matches.
Haven, a map that has been part of Valorant since its closed beta, provides a lot of scopes to do experimentation with the agent composition. Nevertheless, there are certain agents that are undeniably essential for this map. Since this map has been around for such a long time, we had the opportunity to observe and evaluate numerous combinations and assess their performance. After carefully analyzing all the agent compositions from different stages and meta of the game, we have come up with the ideal one that you should run on Haven in 2023 to win all your ranked games.
Here is what we think is the best agent composition to run on Haven in the current meta:
- Duelist – Jett
- Controller – Omen
- Initiator – Breach and Sova
- Sentinel – killjoy
Agent Breakdown
Credit: Riot Games
- Agent Pick Rate: 52.6%
- Win Percentage: 47.7%
For the duelist role, picking Jett never really goes wrong. Yet, on Haven, the Korean speed star is a mandatory pick.
The first and foremost reason to choose Jett is to leverage the Operator to its maximum effectiveness. Haven is a gold mine for Op-ers, and following the Chamber nerf, Jett is unanimously favorite agent for wielding this powerful sniper rifle. Her dash enables her to execute the “kill and evade” maneuver effortlessly, allowing the team to consistently secure first bloods, especially on the defense side.
Even with the rifle, Jett can be extremely good on both the attacking and defending sides. The design of the map Haven greatly rewards aggressive playstyles, what better agent to use aggressively other than Jett? Her dash and updraft abilities greatly facilitate successful site rushes, allowing for swift and impactful engagements. Additionally, when it comes to retaking control of a site, providing Jett with appropriate utility enables her to secure crucial kills and regain site control effectively. For example, the double updraft from the top of the box near spawn outside the A site grants Jett a clear line of sight, and when combined with her Blade Storm ultimate, she can catch opponents on the site off guard on site, increasing the chances of a successful retake.
Credit: Riot Games
- Agent Pick Rate: 48.8%
- Win Percentage: 68.1%
For the Controller role, both Omen and Astra are reasonable choices. However, we have opted for Omen for the versatility of his abilities. You can also see Omen getting picked more than Astra on this map in the pro matches. This can be attributed to Omen's extra smokes, which prove to be highly beneficial on a map like Haven. Moreover, Omen's blind ability is considered superior to Astra's pull/stun on this specific map.
As we already said, Omen’s kit can be used to its full potential on Haven. The fact that his smoke ability regenerates every 30 seconds allows for multiple uses, making it incredibly valuable on a map with three sites to control.
Omen's teleportation ability can be effectively utilized to position oneself on various off-angles across the map, particularly when defending. For instance, Omen can teleport to the box in the Garage, the two columns in the A short cubby area, the ledge on B, and even the column at the entrance of the C site. While we do not recommend consistently playing those angles, placing yourself there every now and then can win you game-changing rounds.
Lastly, his paranoia is undoubtedly the best blind ability in the game, useful both in defense and attack on Haven. In attack, you can use it for a fast site execution, while in defense it will help you retake the site.
Credit: Riot Games
- Agent Pick Rate: 29.5%
- Win Percentage: 48.5%
Another agent that is a no-brainer to pick on this map. The open nature of the sites makes them a treasure trove for Sova mains. A perfectly placed recon bolt will clear out most of the angles of the sites if not all of them.
His other kits also provide huge value on this map. The Owl Drone can be used to scout key areas of the map to help your team gain essential map control. Inflicting damage with the shock darts is also easier on Haven. Furthermore, when it comes to Sova's ultimate ability, Hunter's Fury, after Ascent, Haven presents the easiest opportunity to secure kills with it.
If you want a thorough understanding of how to play Sova on Haven, check out our Sova guide.
Credit: Riot Games
- Agent Pick Rate: 11.7%
- Win Percentage: 47.5%
Breach is the ultimate support agent that will win you most of your games on Haven if used properly. However, his abilities need to be combined with others, especially Jett to get the most out of it.
Breach's flash abilities are invaluable for executing site rushes effectively. Whether it's on the A or C sites, utilizing Flashpoint can fully blind enemies who are positioned at the back of the site, creating an opportune moment for your Jett to swiftly eliminate them after dashing in. The same strategy can be implemented by combining Breach's signature stun ability, with the flash, further making it nearly impossible for opponents to hold the site.
Another ability, the aftershock is highly effective in clearing angles. On haven, deploying the aftershock in areas such as C long cubby, B-cubby, and A short can flush out anyone positioning there. As for the ult, its wide area of effect covers all three sites on Haven entirely, making it an exceptional choice for securing or reclaiming control.
Credit: Riot Games
- Agent Pick Rate: 29.6%
- Win Percentage: 52.6%
While both Cypher and Killjoy have their advantages on Haven, Killjoy's toolkit proves to be better suited for this map in most aspects, with the exception of Cypher's tripwires having unlimited range.
The fact that Killjoy is chosen over the other Sentinel agents on most maps has a lot to do with the insane efficiency of her Ult. The Lockdown is one of the few ultimates that can almost guarantee a round victory when utilized effectively. Whether playing on defense or attack, Killjoy's ult can be instrumental in capturing all three sites on Haven.
The other tools on her kits are excellent as well. The Alarm Bot and Turret are highly effective in gathering information, whether it's detecting lurking enemies or detecting a potential site push. These abilities provide valuable situational awareness, allowing Killjoy and her team to adapt their strategies accordingly. Furthermore, Killjoy's swarm grenades offer versatility in both stopping a rush and delaying spike plant or defusal, buying precious time for the team.
With Killjoy on Haven, you can set up all your abilities on one site, making that area almost impossible for the enemy to penetrate. Or you can have a light setup on two different sites for maximum information gathering if the opponent is playing a more passive and default strategy rather than aggressive rushes.
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