Apex Legends: Season 8 Mayhem Gameplay Trailer Reveals Fuse’s Abilities And More

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Apex Legends: Season 8 Mayhem Gameplay Trailer Reveals Fuse’s Abilities And More

Apex Legends has released a gameplay trailer, featuring some new gameplay changes, Fuse's abilities and more.

Respawn Entertainment is back with another hype trailer for the upcoming Apex Legends Season 8 trailer. The new gameplay trailed demonstrates plenty of new features, including Fuse's abilities, Battle Pass teasers, a Golden Magazine and more. Here is what it all means for the next season of Apex Legends.


Walter Fitzroy is his real name – born in a world of chaos where he thrived in the mayhem. He's the Champion of Salvo, confirming what we knew about the character from a recent teaser trailer. But we now know more about his abilities, bio and more.

Ultimate Ability: Fuse fires a shell in the air that deploys a cluster bomb over an area. The ability has a wide radius and can easily get over cover as the clusters drop from the sky. Natural counters to this ability are Wraith and Gibraltar. Perhaps Wattson is a counter, but we will need to playtest to make sure the interaction is there.

Tactical Ability is the Knuckle Cluster: The Knuckle Cluster appears to fire two waves of explosives at the area, which appear to do moderate damage at a minimum.

Respawn Entertainment has yet to allude his passive ability. There are still a few secrets out there on this new Legend.

King’s Canyon Obliterated

An image of the new King's Canyon location in Apex Legends, a futuristic military installation in a deep, rocky valley
Respawn Entertainment highlighted this area as a revamp for the King’s Canyon in Season 8- Mayhem. Image via Respawn Entertainment.

King’s Canyon is getting another overhaul in the latest season, this time to update the top left of the map. A space ship has crash-landed in the area, leaking oily water into the Swamp as the ship came down. Artillery felt the ship’s brute force before bringing it down, as there is destruction all over Artillery.

The new overhaul is all about making fewer choke points, more interactive loot spots at the top left corner of the map and better rotations throughout that area.

There are now more opportunities to loot with the redesigned area, with different ways to navigate it. Some of the old Artillery buildings and mountains are gone, bringing players to whole new places to explore. The same goes for the Tunnel as it too is missing walls.

Furthermore, the Swamp part of the map is now Spotted Lakes, with highly elevated Ziplines, and erectable towers to construct. Players can choose to build these towers to get an elevated position ideal for snipers. Although these towers make a lot of noise, so there is a risk-reward system in play. The fresh feel is going to make King’s Canyon feel very different for all skill levels.

Gameplay Changes

With every season, Respawn Entertainment find a way to spice up the regular gameplay in Apex Legends. One of those ways is through perks, attachments and more. The new season brings a new weapon, the 30-30 Repeater and a Golden Magazine.

Gold Magazine: The Golden Magazine attachment carries the same ammo capacity as a purple, except the magazine as an autoloader perk built-in.  The Golden Magazine appears to scale with Rampart’s LMG Magazine passive, as she is featured going on a rampage in the gameplay trailer.

New Weapon, the 30-30 Repeater: The 30-30 Repeater a lever-action rifle, that appears to pack a punch, especially to heads in close and mid-range firefights. The base value of the weapon appears only to carry six rounds at a time. The apparent downside to the weapon is its slow rate of fire and a long reload speed. Anyone who wants to reload this weapon needs to individually place rounds in, making it one of the longer reload speeds of any weapon. That Golden Magazine certainly looks appealing for the 30-30 Repeater.

Battle Pass: The new Battle Pass features Legendary Skins for Bangalore and Lifeline. But the biggest prize of them all is a new reactive Legendary Skin for the Longbow. The weapon is heavily detailed, but when the weapon lands a kill, it grows red. That will certainly feel good for those that manage to get that skin.

That's all for the gameplay trailer. Season 8 Mayhem is nearly here, with its release set for February 2. There isn’t long left to wait to get your hands on the next Apex Legend and other goodies coming to the game.

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Craig Robinson
After several years volunteering as an esport writer, Craig decided to make it his go-to career. He has specialized in a variety of games, with his recent focus on Rainbow Six and Apex. Craig has written for Esports News UK, Ginx TV & Hotspawn Esports.