Apex Legends: Everything We Know on Nintendo Switch Launch

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Apex Legends: Everything We Know on Nintendo Switch Launch

Apex Legends is financially coming to the Nintendo Switch on March 9. Image via Respawn Entertainment / Nintendo.

Apex Legends has continued to expand its access over the last year, entering the likes of Steam, gaining cross-play and more. The trend continues with the game now coming to the Nintendo Switch, with several other goodies along the way. Here is everything we know about Apex Legend’s Nintendo Switch Launch.

Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Release Date

During its appearance in the Nintendo Direct, Respawn Entertainment announced that Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Launch is coming on March 9. The announcement comes after months of Respawn Entertainment teasing endlessly that a Nintendo Switch release date is soon.

Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts teamed up with game development studio, Panic Button Games to help complete the port to the smaller screen console. The Apex Legends Nintendo Switch launch also features smart optimizations dedicated to the port over. Players can rest assured that the Apex Legends Nintendo Switch launch will run fine and as well as any other console or platform the game currently runs on.

Nintendo Switch cross-play

The launch onto Nintendo Switch comes with full integration with the game’s cross-play feature. Any player who has played Apex Legends on any platform can continue their account on the Nintendo Switch.

Apex Legends cross-play only released in October 2020, with a full release later in the year. The Nintendo Switch is the first time a new console gets access immediately to the feature, meaning Nintendo Switch players can jump straight into their main account or start anew if desired.

The Nintendo Switch launch also comes with cross-party queuing and club functionality to party up with players.

Nintendo Switch Double XP Event

The Apex Legends Nintendo Switch launch comes with a few goodies to help players jump in. The first 30 levels of the Season 8 Battle Pass will unlock. Nintendo Switch players will get an excellent boost to catch up to other players as the Battle Pass will be through several weeks of progression on March 9.

A two-week event for double experience accompanies the launch of the Nintendo Switch. Players can grind new levels and get a fast track experience of getting skins or a Legend they want. This is not the first time a new platform launch comes with goodies. The Steam launch brought with it some cosmetics themes around Valve products in Apex Legends.

This is all the relevant information related to the Apex Legends Nintendo Switch launch. For all the Apex Legends and Nintendo enthusiasts, we hope you have a pleasant launch day experience.

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Craig Robinson
After several years volunteering as an esport writer, Craig decided to make it his go-to career. He has specialized in a variety of games, with his recent focus on Rainbow Six and Apex. Craig has written for Esports News UK, Ginx TV & Hotspawn Esports.