Apex Legends: ALGS Winter Circuit 1 Sees Orgless Teams Dominate

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Apex Legends: ALGS Winter Circuit 1 Sees Orgless Teams Dominate

Apex Legends Winter Circuit 1 ended with some interesting results for North North America and Europe.

The first Apex Legends Winter Circuit 2021 event is over, and there have been huge upsets throughout the two dominant regions. Over in Europe and North America, the big tier one organizations didn’t make the top three. However, several orgless or lesser-known orgs took over the competitive Apex Legends scene. Let's see what happened.

Top three European teams

The European Winter Circuit 1 has been in flux for some time, with some of the stronger teams falling off, with the rise of North in the second half of 2020 being a notable occurrence. Well, this narrative reared its head again, as the top team, orgless Mikkel, Can and Dan taking first. But who is this team? Well, it is only the three former North players Mikkel “Mande” Halle Hestberk, Can “Taisheen” Öztürk, and Dan “rpr” Ušić. The trio used comps like Gibralar, Bloodhound and Wraith to perform. Their comp mainly succeeded in getting plenty of kills in quicker games or playing the final ring in other rounds.

The same can be said for the likes of Totem Esports, Magicians and Third Impact. They all played a Gibraltar Wraith composition, with Magicians taking a Crypto over a Bloodhound in game six. These teams are the ones competing for the top rankings in Europe, with them being the other teams in the top four. This was only decided at the end of game six through point calculations.

Are teams with more reason to fight with their less iconic or orgless status the ones redefining the meta? It is certainly an interesting phenomenon in 2021’s first major Apex Legends Esports event for EU.

Top three North American teams

The results of the ALGS Winter CIrcuit 1 reflects a very similar narrative as the European narrative. The top team in North America is the rising star of North American Apex Legends, Sola Fide. Sola Fide is one of those teams on the rise for some time, consistently competing against strong teams like Rogue, NRG, CLG and TSM. But now Sola Fide kicks off 2021 with a bang, as they took first place in two out of six games played, with their second victory grabbing 17 kills. The win and kills alone in game one and three put them in contention for topping the ladder in the finals.

On the other hand, the other two teams getting the spotlight are Ranked Is Harder and YouLikeThatMate. Both of these teams are orgless squads, with Rankeis Harer being the team sponsored by Rockstar in the Esports Arena events.

The only known organization close to these three teams is CLG in 4th, TSM in 6th, TL in 7th and even more further down. It is quite the twist in the tale of usual Apex Legends esports.

Teams will need to adapt even more as Season 08 Mayhem arrives on February 2, bringing out new changes and a new Legends. Maybe this will shake the meta up further and change the way teams are playing?

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Craig Robinson
After several years volunteering as an esport writer, Craig decided to make it his go-to career. He has specialized in a variety of games, with his recent focus on Rainbow Six and Apex. Craig has written for Esports News UK, Ginx TV & Hotspawn Esports.