Where to Find Fortnite Hover Jets – Get Best S4 Item
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Jordan Ashley

Where can you still find the Fortnite Hover Jets this season? Their spawn rate is down, but there’s a way to get lucky still.
Fortnite’s latest season is Marvel superheroes, great if you like more crazy and overpowered items. One item has proved to be absolutely essential to gameplay though, the Fortnite Hover Jets. This item is a must-carry, and it’s much rarer now.
Epic has now nerfed the spawn rate for the War Machine’s Hover Jets more than once. What exactly does this mean for players? While intended as an item nerf, this always had the opposite effect.
When it’s a utility item like this that’s an essential carry, it could mean you lose game after game without the Fortnite jetpack.
How can you make sure you’re getting the Fortnite Hover Jets in every possible game? This is how you can do it!
What are the War Machine’s Hover Jets?
The Hover jets are the OP item for mobility in this season’s loot pool. They’re supposed to be a Superhero item to partially make you into the War Machine character. In function, they’re closer to something older.
These are basically a new take on the Fortnite Jetpack. They play identically. Only now they have a boost (perfect for strafing), and cancel all fall damage (they’re risk-free!). With all of these changes, they’re much better than the old Jet Packs.
When the entire last circle is in the air strafing, you need these to win. You can’t just hide on the floor and hope. So, you’ll need to know where to find Fortnite Hover Jets.
Fortnite Hover Jet Spawn Rate
A recent patch to the game has buffed some under-used Fortnite items from the Marvel selections. However, to compensate they’ve also nerfed one of the most heavily used, the War Machine’s Hover Jets.
This item has been heavily used since the season began. In Zero Builds, it is 100% required to win a Fortnite game against anyone with skill and a jetpack of their own. In Builds, it’s also still incredibly useful, offering mobility like nothing else in the loot pool.
Epic’s move to “balance” these kinds of popular items, lately, has been to reduce their spawn rate. Which makes them just as powerful, and just as effective, but for fewer players. This means those who find the Fortnite Hover Jets have a much bigger advantage.
It isn’t really a way to balance an item, but it does make normal Fortnite more of an RNG-determined game. Unless you can grind to find the new style of Fortnite jetpack every game. An annoying part of looting to get added, but not outside the realms of the possible for the dedicated hardcore player base.
Where to Find Fortnite Hover Jets
Hover jets in Fortnite are simple to find in theory, they drop from chests. In practice, they’re becoming increasingly rare though. If you want to track them down every game, there are some tips and stages to your looting you’ve got to work in.
Avengers Chests Off Spawn to Get Fortnite Jetpack
Since the start of the season, it’s been important to find Avengers Chests off spawn. That’s even more important now though.
These chests have a chance at dropping a few of the Fortnite Marvel like the Captain America Shield. They still happen to contain Fortnite Hover Jets, just not anywhere near the same level of spawns.
Most chests drop Shuri claws. That and Monarch Pistols. Every now and again you might stumble on something better in here though.
They’re not a lot rarer, but your chances of getting one from the chests are significantly increased. What this means is that you’ll need to open a lot more of them.
Most POIs have at least three different Avengers Chest spawns. Ideally, you should head through each of these when you land. From there, it’s off to the next POI. By the time you hit a few, the odds are that you’ll find one.
If you don’t though, there’s a second chance.
Mod Bunkers Have War Machine’s Hover jets
Since C5 S2, Mod Bunkers have provided a middle/late game chance at some of the best Fortnite items. They each contain an Avengers Chest spawn and three guaranteed rare chests. Great if you’re trying to track down the Avengers items.
When the Bunkers open up, it’s important to head to one as fast as possible. You could even get to one in the storm if you don’t want to risk the mess of a Bunker stand-off. These spots will be one of your last chances to get your hands on the Fortnite Hover Jets outside of dead enemy players.
Scavenging in the Final Circles for a Fortnite Jetpack
Once that’s done, you’re firmly in the portion of the game where the only real looting to speak of is off the corpses of your defeated enemies. If you’re still in need, scavenging through dead players' loot can be surprisingly useful.
Not the most ideal solution to where to Find Fortnite Hover Jets, but it does work.
At this stage though, it might be better to take loot that’s been eliminated by a different player. If a player already has a Jetpack, they won’t take another. It could mean you can snag one after a Jetpack fight has been concluded. With all the noise and flying, these kinds of fights are hard to miss.
These three stages should ensure you get the War Machine’s hover jets in every game. Nothing is 100% though and Fortnite’s spawn system means you might still luck out. It’s frustrating to see an important item buffed by massively increasing its rarity. At the moment though, this is the only way to get the Hover jets in Fortnite. You could alternatively try out the now buffed Shuri’s Claws, which have been made much more powerful too.