What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite? C5 S3’s Key Feature

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What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite? C5 S3’s Key Feature

Fortnite has had tons of different items and features over the years. One name has been given to two separate features though, so what is a nitro booster in Fortnite?

Playing Fortnite, it’s easy to lose track of what items, features, and mechanics have been in the game. There are many fun things that exist for one season, and are then lost to time. Chromes a good example, but a Nitro Booster in Fortnite is something similar.

Nitro has been the name of more than one different feature in Fortnite. Depending on what Fortnite map code you’re playing. It’s a tad confusing, so it’s easy to get muddled up and wonder what is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite.

The answer will depend on what you’re playing. Nitro as a feature was a headline part of Chapter 5 Season 3. It isn’t in the current season, but one form of it did persist past the end of that season. Plus the core mechanic is still accessible in some game modes.

Elsewhere in the game, the Rocket Racing elements that have been included have brought in another meaning to what is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite. This is what it all means and what Nitro has been over Fortnite’s seasons.

What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite?

What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite

Nitro was the main feature of a recent Fortnite season, Chapter 5 Season 3. Otherwise known as Wrecked.

This season was focused on two different factors. There were cars which got special add-ons, but also Nitro. The two kind of went hand in hand.

Nitro was a new status that got applied. Similar to Slap in the previous Chapter. This gave you unlimited stamina for a brief time. However, it had some more interesting features too.

Nitro gave you an overall speed boost, a kind of boost that made even going on foot a lot easier. However, you could also smash through buildings and materials a lot easier. Meaning you could break the stalemate of a Fortnite build fight, without needing to take a wall through the sheer power of your ping.

The Nitro Booster in Fortnite effect was applied by running through a nitro barrel, using a Nitro Splash, or using the rings of nitro around the map.

Over the course of the season, the Nitro effected was nerfed a bit. Like the best Fortnite weapons, it was tuned down as players realised how useful it was. The feature of breaking builds especially got toned down, but Nitro remained very useful. Especially for rotation.

Another feature of Nitro was the ability to walk on water! This meant if you sprinted, you didn’t have to start swimming. Since this was tied to sprinting it was a lesser seen part of the Nitro Booster in Fortnite. However, it had its uses, outside of the skull water where it got in the way.

Fortnite Nitro Booster in Cars

The Nitro Booster effect in Fortnite was a key part of the cars season, so how did it work with vehicles? Nitro was just as powerful in a car. Most memories what is a nitro booster in Fortnite might be more down to the vehicle gameplay.

Just like on foot, you got a speed boost. You could also sash build and builds a lot easier. The momentum applied nitro to fast moving cars could make them difficult to control.

Nitro was activated in cars by using a splash near it, by driving through one of the nitro barrels.

What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite

Is There Still Nitro Booster in Fortnite?

That’s how Nitro worked, but is it still here? The Splash and other consumable items were taken out, and currently there’s no way to access its effects.

However, one Nitro-element has remained. The rings around the map. These still provide the initial speed boost. However, it doesn’t apply Nitro to you afterwards anymore. The feature essentially isn’t in the game right now.

Can Nitro Booster Come Back to Fortnite?

Nitro might be gone for now, but what about the future? The game frequently cycles items and even mechanics like this in and out. It could make a return in the Future in some form.

Some previous mechanics like Chrome have been vaulted seemingly for good. However, Nitro seems a bit easier to reintroduce At least for the unlimited stamina effects it brings.

We’re not expecting the nitro booster in Fortnite to return this season, or probably next. However, keep an eye on Fortnite news. It might turn back up eventually.

Nitro in Creative

Nitro in Battle Royale might not be around, but Fortnite Creative usually offers a way to re-discover old content. There’s Fortnite weapons only in Creative. Some maps even have unreleased Fortnite weapons sometimes.

What about Nitro? Nitro Splashes are in Fortnite Creative. Not too many major maps make of it just yet. However, it might be especially useful for vehicle-based maps.

The box breaking effes6s probably aren’t wanted in 1-v-1 Fortnite maps. For more casual game modes though, the Nitro Booster in Fortnite could have a lot to offer. Keep an eye out for the splashes in maps if you’ve missed this unique way of playing.

Nitro Boosts in Rocket Racing

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That’s Nitro in the base game, Battle Royale. But there’s a different form of nitro in the game. If you’re wondering what is a nitro booster in Fortnite, it could be in reference to Rocket Racing content.

Since Chapter 5 launched more modes, big parts of Rocket League have crossed over with Fortnite, including the nitro speed boost. This is just a normal speed boost though, it doesn’t have any of the extra effects that it gets in Battle Royale.

What is a Nitro Booster in Fortnite? C5 S3’s Key Feature
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.