WePlay! to Host Reshuffle Madness 2019

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WePlay! to Host Reshuffle Madness 2019

Just days after WePlay! announced that they will be hosting an amazing event with a $300K USD prize pool, we are in for another threat. In addition to that, there will be a new tournament starting in around a month from now. It’s called WePlay Reshuffle Madness, and it will have an impressive $50K prize pool.

What to expect

According to the official announcement, there will be over twenty teams in this event. What’s more, there will also be open qualifiers that will be available to any team. The open qualifiers will be held from September 6-9, 2019, whereas the group stage will take place just a week later.

Format of the Event

Every team that wishes to play in this event will have to go through the Open Qualifiers. Having said that, the top two teams from each group (there will be four of them in total) will advance to the Group Stage. All matches will be Bo1 outside the semifinals and the Grand Final, which are Bo3.

The Group Stage will be played in the popular Double Elimination format. In terms of the playoffs, eight teams from the group will play alongside the four directly invited ones into the quarterfinals. Unfortunately, the format will be a Single Elimination bracket, which means that the teams will not have a room for mistake.

Here is the prize pool distribution:

1st place – $50K USD

2nd place – $10K USD

Expect more info about the event soon. Also, make sure to read the full announcement HERE.

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Featured image via WePlay!

WePlay! to Host Reshuffle Madness 2019
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.