VALORANT’s next Agent is Fade
| Tags: Valorant
| Author Bence Loksa
After a lot of teasing from Riot Games, the newest playable character has been leaked.
Riot Games has been playing with the fans for a while now regarding VALORANT’s newest Agent, but after the match between DRX and ZETA VISION at Masters Reykjavík, we got the first official bit of information about Fade, the 20th addition to the tactical FPS.
In a Dev Blog earlier this year, Fade was revealed to be an initiator by Riot; who’s main theme will be fear and hunting down enemy Agents. While there is no official leak of sorts about her abilities, we can assume that blinding and deafening enemies will be a big part of her kit — at least that’s what her prison easter egg in VALORANT’s Shooting Range tells us. After a number of pictures showing her chasing other Agents, we can safely say that she will be the game’s scariest character to date. Plus, maybe she will bring a new mechanic akin to League of Legends’ fear; just like KAY/O bringing silences to VALORANT.
Fade's leaked kit
ValorLeaks, one of the biggest leaking accounts on Twitter also shared her abilities a while back. According to these leaks, Fade will have a controllable pet which she can use to hunt down enemies, two grenades which work a bit differently from other throwables in the game, as they stay in the air then bounce down before activating, and an Ultimate which is similar to Omen’s blind, but does a a bit more than the shadowy Controller’s base ability. Fade also comes with a new mechanic, Trail, which could be a reveal type ability – or something entirely different, but there is no information on that yet.
BountyHunter Ability | #VALORANT
> Prowler (C)
~ Send out a creature that can follow trails OR be controlled by moving your mouse. Upon reaching an enemy, they will be Nearsighted for 3s. Only 1 Creature per Trail.— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 29, 2022
BountyHunter Ability | #VALORANT
> Seize (Q)
~ Equip and Fire an Orb which will stay in the air for a max of 1.5s, and then slam to the ground. When the orb hits the ground Enemies within the radius will be tethered, and will take damage and be deafened.— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 29, 2022
BountyHunter Ability | #VALORANT
> Haunt (E)
~ Equip and Fire an Orb which will stay in the air and then hit the ground. Then it will go back into the air and turn into an eye. If Enemies get seen by the eye they will be revealed and a trail debuff is applied.— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 29, 2022
BountyHunter Ultimate | #VALORANT
> NightFall (X)
~ Send out a wave of dark mist. If the mist hits an enemy, they will be Deafened, Trailed, and Decayed.— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 29, 2022
Fans will get the first official gameplay look of Fade at the Masters Reykjavík Grand Finals on April 24. The new Agent will most likely be added in the Episodes’ Act 3; which starts just 2 days after the last match of the tournament. So get ready to play Fade, VALORANT's newest agent on April 26!