Valorant Patch 8.02 Notes Bring Back Esports Hub, Bug Fixes and More

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Valorant Patch 8.02 Notes Bring Back Esports Hub, Bug Fixes and More

After dropping tons of content in earlier patches, Valorant Patch 8.02 brings back the Esports Hub for the 2024 Valorant while including several QoL changes for the game.

Valorant Patch 8.02 notes reveal some art update changes to Viper’s abilities, while incorporating new features for the game’s Premier mode. The Esports Hub signifies the introduction of VCT capsules, which are cosmetic skin bundles players can purchase to support their favorite Valorant competitive team in-game. The VCT capsules will be available at a later date. The game doesn’t ship any major content or cosmetics, but ensures that player have a good experience playing the game on PC and console.

Viper’s Q Poison Cloud has been modified to look better, as Riot deploys an ‘art update’ for the agent’s kit. Jo-Ellen from Riot Games detailed the complete list of changes coming to the game’s 8.02 update, as players look forward to VCT capsules and quite possibly, a new ‘female duelist’ agent in the coming months.

The major update in this game is that the Esports Hub is now back for all players, especially for the VCT 2024 competitive season. The newest Valorant patch is very light on content, and focuses on including performance improvements, bug fixes and quality of life changes along a few other features that ensure that Riot’s popular esports titles runs well on all platforms.

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  • As we progress throughout the season, global events like VCT Masters Madrid will unlock in the hub with even better tournament visualizations and brackets so you can keep up with all the action.
  • Our live tag and filterable schedule page will let you know when matches are being played, and you can click out to the official streams directly from within the client.

Besides, Riot’s Valorant team have also shipped an ‘art update’ for the Snakebite Shorty cosmetic. All in all, the light Valorant update might not have much in store for players, but improves a lot behind the scenes. Art updates to important Valorant agents and cosmetics along with major bug and glitch improvements make up for the lack of content in Valorant Patch 8.02.

Valorant Patch 8.02 Notes Bug and Glitch Fixes

The bug and glitch fixes aren’t that many in this small Valorant update, but they are important. There a list of changes that improve the overall gameplay and player experience, as Riot ships a series of Player Behavior changes. The game fixes an issue with Auto Re-Enter Scope setting not updating properly.

A fix has been deployed for the issue with the in-game killfeed not numbering correctly with AoE abilities that kill several opponents in one go. The game also fixed an issue where the links to the Terms of Service and Penalties and Bans FAQ were not region-localized.

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With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sid has been writing about Esports since 2016. In times of crisis, Sid finds solace in movies and making art. Also, chocolate!