Valorant 6.08 Patch Notes, Killjoy Gets Major Buffs
| Tags: Valorant
| Author David Hollingsworth

Valorant 6.08 Patch Notes are here and there's a lot to look at.
Valorant patch 6.08 is out and comes with a number of major changes. 6.08 brings the final Act of Episode 6, with many changes coming for new and old players alike.
Some of the highlights are the buffs to Killjoy, and some tweaks to Gekko, the game's latest agent. The patch also sees Icebox drop out of the Competitive pool, while Bind makes a return. The Shorty has also had a number of its skins updated.
Valorant 6.08 Patch Notes – Agent changes
Killjoy looks to be back at the top of the tier lists with the changes in 6.08. For players looking to support their team, Killjoy will be a huge boost, especially on defence.
- C (Nanoswarm) reveal radius increased to 350 from 525
- Audio updated Nanoswarm
- Updated visuals for Killjoy's ultimate
- Yellow UI indicator for Killjoy's ultimate removed for enemies
- Changed audio on her Turret and Alarmboy to make them stand out.
- Improvements to his Q (Wingman) plant and defuse audio
- Gekko's portrait is now much more readable and of higher quality in-game.
Valorant 6.08 Patch Notes – Shorty
The following skins have been changed or updated for the Shorty. This looks to be done to bring the gun closer to the level of quality of other weapons.
- Default Shorty
- Wunderkind Shorty
- Sidekick Shorty
- Karabasan Shorty
- Prism II Shorty
- Doodle Buds Shorty
That's the most notable changes coming in Valorant patch 6.08, you can read the full patch notes on the Riot Games page.