Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

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Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

This article is here to help you out with all of the choices in Unicorn Overlord and their outcomes.

In Unicorn Overlord, the choice system is quite prevalent throughout the main story and is often implemented when recruiting a character, as choosing the wrong option will lead to potential missable characters.


That’s why we’ve prepared this guide where we will go through all the choices that you’ll have to make and discuss the consequences of each action, as well as the rewards. We know it’s pretty hard to make a decision once you’re put on the spot, which is why this guide was made, so that you can refer to it whenever you want.

Unicorn Overlord – All Choices

Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

Source: Vanillaware


There are mainly two types of choices that you have to make in the game – Character Choices and Story Choices. The former will come into play when you’re recruiting a character and more often than not decides the fate of said character. That’s what we’ll look at first so let’s get into it.

Unicorn Overlord All Character Choices

Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

Free or imprison Gammel?

Location: A Solitary Resistance

Region: Cornia


  • Set him free: Gammel leaves and vows to repay you someday. You’ll encounter him in the future.
  • Hand over to the town watch: Gammel will escape and plans to have revenge against you. You’ll also be rewarded with 10000G War Funds.

Execute or free Mandarin? 

Location: The Winged Knight

Region: Cornia


  • Set him free: Mandarin is freed and you’ll encounter him later.
  • Execute him: Receive 15 Divine Shards.

Accept or refuse Sharon’s offer?

Location: The Winged Knight

Region: Cornia


  • Accept her offer: Recruit Sharon as a playable character and unlock the quest The Cemeteries of Cornia.
  • Refuse her offer: Receive Hallowed Mace.

Spare or execute Mordon?

Location: The Battle for Barbatimo

Region: Cornia


  • Spare him: Recruit Mordon as a playable character.
  • Execute him: Receive 30 Honors.

Recruit or execute Melisandre?

Location: The Blade of House Meillet

Region: Cornia.


  • Recruit her: Melisandre is recruited only if Alain was deployed. Her assistant, Colm, is also recruited.
  • Execute her: Receive 30 Honors.


Side note: We highly recommend choosing the option to recruit all of the characters, as you’ll miss out on the chance of obtaining them if you pick the other option. Not to mention, the alternate rewards are easily farmable and not as valuable as a newly recruited character in your party.

Unicorn Overlord All Story Choices

Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

Bolt the gate or leave it be?

Location: Overworld

Region: Cornia


  • Bolt the gate: Enemy reinforcements won’t be able to attack in The Blade of House Meillet.
  • Leave it be: Enemy reinforcements will arrive mid-battle in The Blade of House Meillet.

Announce yourself or ignore Melisandre?

Location: The Blade of House Meillet

Region: Cornia


  • Announce yourself: Get to know more about Melisandre as a cutscene plays out including her and Alain.
  • Ignore her: Melisandre will warn the Liberation army of their approaching battle.


The choices in these will mainly give you more background information about the characters involved and you’ll get to know more about them thanks to additional cutscenes. 

The Rite of Covenant

Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes

The Rite of Covenant is the fanciest way of saying that you’re getting married in Unicorn Overlord, and it’s something that involves you giving the Ring of Maiden to the person you have maximum rapport with.


This technically isn’t a decision like the ones you have to make above, but we figured we might as well include this as you do need to choose a life-partner for Alain. How cute!


And that concludes our article for all the tantamount decisions you have to make in Unicorn Overlord. 

Again, we highly recommend that you choose to recruit the characters as they’re quite valuable and it’s not worth getting the alternate rewards for missing out on them.


If you want to check out more Unicorn Overlord-related guides and articles on our site, then be sure to check out this Shaman class guide or our team composition guide. 

Unicorn Overlord All Choices And Their Outcomes
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