Most Popular Map at CSGO Majors Revealed

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Most Popular Map at CSGO Majors Revealed

HLTV.Org has assessed all previous CSGO Major data and ranked the maps based on their popularity has released some fascinating stats on Twitter about all the maps played at Majors. According to their data, Inferno is the most-picked map in CSGO Majors history as teams chose it no less than 244 times. 

Mirage is a solid runner-up with 221 matches, while Dust 2 is close behind with 150 games played. Overpass might crack into the top three soon as its game count stands at 136. 

Vertigo (58) and Ancient (48) are the least popular picks, but the latter has only featured in the last three majors. Vertigo, meanwhile, has been a mainstay since the StarLadder Berlin Major 2019. Ancient is a relatively new map, but it has been closing the gap fast with Vertigo.

Most Popular Map at CSGO Majors Revealed
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