MATUMBAMAN Shares Life Update And Future Plans

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MATUMBAMAN Shares Life Update And Future Plans

The former Dota 2 star is currently serving his mandatory military service in Finland 

Dota 2 enthusiasts got a pleasant surprise when the ex-pro player and TI7 victor, Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen, graced Yazied “YapzOr” Jaradat’s stream during the Berlin Major 2023. The Finnish player, who previously hung up the mouse after The International 11, provided insight into his present life. 

MATUMBAMAN disclosed that he is currently serving his military obligations in Finland and discussed his plans for the future. Fans were thrilled to hear from the popular player, praised for his versatile gameplay during his professional career.

MATUMBAMAN On Military Service And Future 

YapzOr started the conversation by asking how long is MATUMBAMAN on break from the military. 

“For this week only. I mean I have weekends off mostly too, but a longer break this time. I only have like one month left of my service.”

YapzOr was taken aback when MATUMBAMAN revealed that he only had a month left in his military service, as he had previously assumed it was a two-year commitment. 

“One Month? What the f*ck? That felt fast. Only 6 months? I thought it was 2 years, no? What will you do after one month?” YapzOr asked. 

“So 15th of June I’ll get out (finish military service). Just in time for Summer. I’ll do only haram stuff. I drink, I party, I sail, and maybe I go see Clement (Puppey) in Estonia. Or Zai in Sweden. I don't know, who knows?” the ex-Team Liquid star answered. 

MATUMBAMAN's recent appearance on Yapzor's stream showed that his friendship with former teammates Clement “Puppey” Ivanov Puppey and Ludwig “zai” Wåhlberg remains strong, even though he stayed away from Dota 2 lately. He did not talk about a potential return, but fans will be happy to see him after so long regardless. 

MATUMBAMAN Shares Life Update And Future Plans
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