Fortnite’s 6th Birthday – All Exclusive Quests 26.10 Hotfix

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Fortnite’s 6th Birthday – All Exclusive Quests 26.10 Hotfix

What’s new in Fortnite V26.10? The update has added loads of new content for Fortnite’s 6th Birthday and some key quests.

Fortnite’s Birthday celebrations are back for a sixth year! The game is celebrating another birthday and with it, we’re getting some limited time content and special treats. Anyone whos has played over the last six years likely knows part of what to expect from Fortnite’s 6th Birthday, Epic’s typical birthday fare. However, there are a few unique changes coming for Fortnite v26.10 compared to previous years.

If you’re jumping into the C4 S4 Battle Pass then you’ll be happy to know we’ve got some special quests with the Fortnite 6th birthday update. These are a vital source of extra XP if you can’t wait to unlock those higher-tiered skins and the upcoming bonus styles. There are also exclusive cosmetics coming as a reward. You can get your hands on the yearly celebratory cosmetics in Fortnite V26.10.

This is everything that’s changed and what you can find in-game over the coming weeks.

Fortnite V26.10 Update – Fortnite’s 6th Birthday Celebration

Fortnite’s 6th Birthday

The latest hotfix for the game has introduced our Fortnite’s 6th Birthday event. This is a week-long event where we have special birthday quests and items which celebrate the game reaching this milestone. One of the first changes you’ll find is in the loot pool itself.

Birthday Cake

Birthday day cake is returning for the duration of the Fortnite V2610 update. This is going to provide players with a small amount of shield and health. It’s an alternative to minis for your loadout in FN C4 S4. The cake comes around every year, but this year it’s a red velvet cake!

Birthday Presents for Fortnite’s 6th Birthday 

What’s a birthday without gifts? Just like in the Winter Royale update presents are all over the Fortnite map! You can find them as items which you throw to set up. Inside you’ll get some high-level loot. These are a quick way to get rarer items in the Fortnite V26.10 update.

Fortnite’s 6th Birthday


One of the most fun features Epic likes to bring back for a short time and then cruelly take them away again is balloons! These are items which you can activate to attach a balloon to you. You’ll immediately start to rise up and get height. Careful though, as they will pop and you’ll take fall damage. Once you set off a decent number of these you can get pretty high up. You can find them in packs in all the normal loot spots.

New Augments in Fortnite V26.10 Update

New Augments are coming to celebrate Fortnite’s 6th Birthday. The headline one is Jump Balloon. This is a Reality Augment which attaches a Balloon to you every time you jump. These can be a double-edged sword, great in some situations but they can become unmanageable. This Augment is quite similar to one of the original batches, which puts balloons on you periodically throughout the game. This Augment gives the player more control though which is an improvement over the original.

All of the new features will be available until the next update, Fortnite V26.20. Players don’t have too long to try all this out, but it’s a fun change to our normal loot for the next few months.

New Quests in Fortnite V26.10 Hotfix

As we’re getting a new event, there’s another set of quest to go with it! Coming just a week after the MHA Round 2 update and its quests, there have been plenty of opportunities to rack up extra XP now. These new quests for Fortnite’s 6th birthday have a bit of a difference though with exclusive free Fortnite cosmetics coming with them.

The new quests are available until September 26, so just a single week. Players will get XP for completing them. Finishing enough of these quests will get you special cosmetics though. These are all of the rewards in Fortnite V26.10.

  • Birthday Basher Pickaxe – Complete 1 Birthday Quest
  • Birthday Dash Spray – Complete 2
  • Slice O’Six Back Bling – Complete 5

To get these you’ll need to get through some quests. These are fairly simple. Most can probably be done in a single match. These are all of the quests you’ll find in the new Fortnite V26.10 update.

Wish the Bus Driver a Happy Birthday

During Fortnite’s 6th Birthday, you’ll be able to give the bus driver a different greeting. This quest is easy to complete, it only takes a single button press. While in the Battle Bus click the emote button to wish the driver a happy birthday. You only need to do it once.

Dance with Characters in Different Matches

For this quest, you need to find one of the Fortnite NPC locations and dance with them! Use any dance emote and they’ll join in with you. You’ll need to do this in two different matches. It doesn’t have to be any special dance, even default dancing on them will do.

Collect Birthday Presents

The new loot birthday presents will finish this quest off. You’ll only need to collect three of them. This one can likely be done in a single game if you pick up any you find as you go.

Land During Fortnite’s 6th Birthday

For this quest, you need to land during the event four times. This can just be over four games, or you could use one of the launchpads around the map and land 4 times in a row. Another quest that’s simple to do in a single game if you’re trying to speedrun things.

Consume Birthday Cake

In this one of the Fortnite V26.10 quests you need to eat the new birthday cake consumable. You can do this five times to finish the quest in full. You might need to wait until you take some damage halfway through this quest to get it fully finished off though since the cake does heal.

Use Balloons

Fortnite’s 6th Birthday

The final quest for Fortnite’s 6th Birthday is to utilize the new balloons around the map! All you’ll need to do here is use the balloon items 6 different times. This can be in a single game if you get the new Reality Augment.

Those are all of the new quests for the Fortnite V26.10 update. These are all pretty simple, you could likely get them done in a single round if you have some luck with looting. Otherwise, they shouldn’t be too much trouble to knock off over a few games.

Other Changes in Fortnite V26.10

That’s all of the new birthday content for Fortnite’s 6th Birthday. There are other more permanent changes in the update too though. Epic has unvaulted some reality augments, these are the returning perks.

  • Shell Slide – Get shotgun shells while sliding
  • Bloodhound – DMR shots mark an enemy (Doesn’t seem to work with snipers anymore)

Fortnite’s 6th Birthday

Competitive Changes

There are some differences in the loot pool for tournaments with the Fortnite V26.10 update. The birthday presents and balloons won’t be available in tournaments. Although, balloons will still be accessible through the Jump Balloon Augment. These changes only apply to active tournaments though, they won’t have any effect on the Fortnite Ranked mode.

That’s everything we got in the Fortnite’s 6th Birthday update. This is a fun little event and a nice chance to celebrate everything that’s changed for the year in the game in Fortnite V26.10. Make sure you get through those quests quickly if you want all the cosmetic rewards.

Fortnite’s 6th Birthday – All Exclusive Quests 26.10 Hotfix
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.