Fortnite: How To Destroy Hiding Places In Season 7
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor

ESTNN guides players through finding and destroying hiding places in Season 7.
Week four challenges are underway in Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7. Players have been working hard toward leveling up their Battle Pass to unlock Rick Sanchez and the exclusive skin styles offered this season. One of the week four quests tasks players with destroying three hiding places. ESTNN is here to guide you through the process of completing the challenge and earning yourself 30K experience points (XP).
Where and How to Destroy Hiding Places
You can find “hiding places” anywhere around the current map. The two you’ll want to look for are dumpsters and porta-potties. All five locations marked on the map above will be the best options to investigate. The various major points of interest (POIs) contain multiple dumpsters and porta-potties. Once landing, search out three hiding places and either shoot or pickaxe them until they break.
Be sure to stay away from Team Rumble for this challenge, considering the hiding places do not spawn in that game mode. Stick to Solos, Duos, Trio or Squads to complete the quest. Your reward is 30K XP for doing nothing more than destroying some inanimate objects. Chapter 2 – Season 7 rolls on, and there is plenty of time remaining. We’ll be sure to update you on any further quests that appear in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and updates!