Fortnite Doom LTM Guide – Loadouts and How to Triumph

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Fortnite Doom LTM Guide – Loadouts and How to Triumph

The Fortnite Doom LTM is a fun new take on the Marvel powers. It’s one-sided though, so how does it work and how can you win?

The latest Fortnite update has made some decent changes to Battle Royale, but it’s also added in a brand new LTM. These are pretty rare in Chapter 5, so it’s a fun chance to try something different.

Much like C5 S2’s LTM focused on the classic Floor is Lava, this one also redoes an older theme. If you remember the old Fortnite season’s Endgame LTM, this new one takes a bit of inspiration from that.

The Fortnite Day of Doom LTM once again pits players in a battle of Super Heroes versus Super Villains. Although, this time it’s using the newer items added for this season of Fortnite. The Fortnite Doom LTM is central to unlocking a free item too.

So far, the LTM has proven fun but there’s some issues with it being one-sided. It can be helpful to know a bit more about how Day of Doom works, and how you can triumph as hero or villain?

What is Fortnite Day of Doom?

Fortnite Doom LTM

The new Fortnite Day of Doom mode is an LTM. It’s a limited-time mode, a special version of the game with different rules that’s running for the next month.

The new mode divides players into two sides. One represents heroes with the new Avengers items and mythic. The other side joins Doom. They get Doctor Doom weapons and if they can manage to progress enough, they’ll also get access to the Doom transformation itself.

The Superheroes side can be underpowered at times. But they also respawn pretty freely. However, the Doom side gets better weapons from the off, the chance at getting the much stronger transformation, but limited respawns.

It’s an uphill battle for one side, but players skilled enough can definitely turn back the tides here.

Fortnite Doom LTM Rules

Fortnite Doom LTM

Dropping into the Day of Doom LTM, you’ll be put on one of two teams. Your task will depend on which side you’re on.

If you’re on the Doom side of things, you’ll have to collect the fragments of Pandora’s box. These will spawn across the island. Collect all of them and you can undergo the Doctor Doom transformation.

Once this happens, you’ll also turn off respawns for the opposing side. All you’ll then need to do is kill them off and you’ll win the game.

On the opposing side, you’ll want to try and stop this. Not the easiest task, but make good use of your hero Loadout and you might get there. Heroes have to exhaust the supplies of the opposing teams.

The Doom side has limited respawns, so taking them all out is the only way to win.

There are only 32 players in the game mode too. Wiping out another team is a bit more reasonable than it would be in the old 50v50 LTMs of past Fortnite seasons or Team Rumble.

Fortnite Doom LTM

Doom Changes and Buffs

The Day of Doom LTM was a bit much at first. Kind of one-sided. It’s had some big changes with the most recent hotfix. Epic has made these changes to the Fortnite Doom LTM:

  • Heroes regenerate shield up to 150 now.
  • Arcane Gauntlets have longer cooldown
  • Shockwave Grenade has a longer cooldown

All of these changes are aimed to make the Day of Doom LTM a bit better balanced. It should help to buff out the Hero side of things, which had been majorly struggling Doom would still seem to be the more powerful side, but this should help.

How to Win Day of Doom

Fortnite Doom LTM

That’s how the entire Fortnite Day of Doom LTM works. How can you win though?

As Doom, it’s a bit easier. Some players should just keep the heroes busy. The Doom attacks are solid enough to cause them real problems. Others focus on collecting the Pandora’s Chest artifacts as fast as possible.

Doom sides have the advantage. As long as part of your team is organized enough to keep Heroes busy you should smoothly get to the end game point where you can start to kill them.

Heroes on the other hand have a harder time. You’ll want to prioritize the enemies going for the artifacts, to at least slow them down. Ideally, you should have them down to few respawns by the time they collect them.

That then makes it a fair fight for the final stage. In that part, you’re still up against it. Even with the buffs Epic has included… you just don’t have as good of a loadout.

If you’re a skilled Fortnite player, great aim, and are completely cracked, you can still pull it off though. Just like wining any Fortnite round skill will always counteract worse loot.


The loadout you get to play with will depend on what team you’re in. Each time you respawn, you’ll get a different loadout from these pre-determined options:

Doom Loadouts

Fortnite Doom LTM

Doom Henchmen get the following items in their loadout:

  • Doctor Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets
  • Combat Assault Rifle
  • Monarch Pistol
  • Sovereign Shotgun
  • Shockwave Grenade (Infinite use)

Heroes get a more varied one. These are the different loadouts you can get when you spawn in as a Hero:

Fortnite Doom LTM

Captain America Loadout

  • Captain America’s Shield
  • Striker Burst Assault Rifle
  • Super Slap Splashes
  • Shield Bubble Jr
  • Dual Micro SMGs

War Machine Loadout

  • War Machine’s Arsenal
  • War Machine’s Auto Turret
  • War machine’s Hover Jets
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle
  • Chug Splashes

Iron Man Loadout

  • Iron Man’s Combat Kit
  • Iron Man’s Flight Kit
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle
  • Hyper SMG
  • Chug Splashes

Black Panther Loadout

  • Shuri’s Black Panther Claws
  • Striker Assault Rifle
  • Ranger Pistol
  • Rift-to-gos
  • Chug Splashes

Those are all of the items you can get! It’s a little bit luck-based, but these loadouts do have some of the best Fortnite weapons in it. Hopefully, you can pull the better loadout often enough to win a few rounds of Day of Doom before it leaves!

Fortnite Doom LTM Guide – Loadouts and How to Triumph
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.