Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7 Leaks Reveal More About UFOs & Abductions
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor

Find out how UFO abduction will work at the tail-end of Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 6.
Fortnite Battle Royale is about to suffer an alien invasion. Many leakers within the game’s Twitter scene have uncased what players should expect ahead of Chapter 2 – Season 7’s launch on June 8. Thus far, we’ve learned that information stemming from patch v16.50 points toward an alien invasion of sorts. Fortnite personalities such as AussieAntics and Loserfruit received mysterious packages, including a DVD and portable player which took fans on an even wilder ride. Now, details have begun surfacing about UFOs in-game that will randomly abduct players leading into next season.
Alien Abduction Leaks – What Players Should Expect
More infos about the Alien Abduction UFOs:
– When they abduct you they restore your Health & Shield to 100
– They have a max capacity of 20 players
– They can mass abduct a squad/enemies
– They select abductees before abducting them
– They appear from the first zone— HYPEX (@HYPEX) May 26, 2021
HYPEX took to Twitter with explicit details about alien abduction in Fortnite Battle Royale. Here is what he posted first:
- When they abduct you they restore your Health & Shield to 100
- They have a max capacity of 20 players
- They can mass abduct a squad/enemies
- They select abductees before abducting them
- They appear from the first zone
Players queueing into casual matches will experience the alien abductions in full. The UFOs will heal players before releasing them back into the game. HYPEX followed shortly after with more information about this new mechanic:
- Takes three seconds to select/warn abductees
- Takes two seconds to abduct
- Only one spawns then they increase to five (I think)
- They appear 15 seconds after every storm
- Their chances of spawning (in zones order): 10%, 20%, 40%, 80%, 100%
The presence of UFOs and random abductions is about to cause chaos. It seems that players cannot avoid abduction either, but at least the flying objects restore health entirely. More UFOs will populate as each game progresses through different storm phases. Amongst all of the information, it’s not clear where the alien abductions will drop players. However, HYPEX confirmed that the flying saucers would not appear in competitive playlists.
Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7 is due to launch on June 8, and the circumstances surrounding the new season are strange. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this season and learn more about what Epic Games is planning!