FF14 Duty Roulette Guide for 2024 (Reset Times, Rewards & More)

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FF14 Duty Roulette Guide for 2024 (Reset Times, Rewards & More)

When do duty roulettes reset in FF14?

Final Fantasy 14 stands out as an MMORPG due to a lot of things that has maintained its success for many years, especially the unique ways to grind for EXP in-game. So whether you're a sprout just starting out in the forests of Gridania (glad you're here) or a min-maxer Dark Knight who wants to reach 70 in a week, you're gonna want to pay attention to your Duty Roulette.

The Duty Roulette is a feature in Final Fantasy 14 that lets players participate in randomized dungeons, raids and past Main Scenario Quests for increased EXP rewards and rare game currencies. Besides FFXIV's story missions, roulettes give you the most experience points per run.

The rewards you get from your roulettes can be pretty awesome. That's why these special missions can only be completed once per day, making it important to know when roulettes reset and what they can offer. Here are the FF14 Duty Roulette Reset Times for every region. (Minor spoilers ahead)

FF14 Duty Roulette Reset Times

Ff14 Duty Roulettes reset daily at 3PM GMT. Here are the Roulette reset times for every region:


  •  12:00 AM

North America

  • 10:00 AM EST
  • 9:00 AM CST
  • 7:00 AM PT


  • 4:00 PM CEST


  • 2:00 AM ACT

FF14 Duty Roulette Types

  1. Expert – Light parties get dropped into the latest level cap dungeons. Unlocked upon completing all of the dungeons in the roulette. Item Level (IL) of 620 or greater is required.
  2. Level 90 Dungeons – Light parties get dropped into level cap dungeons not featured in “Expert”. Unlocked upon completing all of the dungeons in the roulette. Item Level (IL) of 590 or greater is required.
  3. Level 50/60/70/80 – Light parties get dropped into random LVL 50/60/70/80 dungeons. Unlocked upon completing at least 2 dungeons in the roulette. Item Level (IL) of 45 or greater is required.
  4. Leveling – Light parties get dropped into random dungeons not featured in the Level 50/60/70/80 roulette. Unlocked upon reaching Level 16 and completing the first 2 dungeons in the game. Completing the Leveling duty rewards 1 Level Up.FF14 Duty Roulette Guide
  5. Trials – Full parties get dropped into random trials. Unlocked upon completing two trials on the roulette.
  6. Main Scenario – Light parties get dropped into one of three MSQ dungeons. Unlocked upon reaching Level 50 and completing all 3 quests. Item Level (IL) of 42 or greater is required.
  7. Guildhests – Full parties get dropped into random guildhests you've cleared. Unlocked upon completing two guildhests or reaching Level 10.
  8. Alliance Raid – 24-man parties get dropped into a random alliance raid. Unlocked upon clearing 2 alliance raids. Item Level (IL) depends on your level.
    • 50-59: IL 70
    • 60-69: IL 175
    • 70-79: IL 305
    • 80-89: IL 435
    • 90: IL 565
  9. Mentor – A solo queue available to Level 90 veteran players. Prioritizes duties that have the longest queue times. Unlocked upon completing every dungeon expect for Extremes, Savages, ultimates and “The Coils of Bahamut”.
  10. Frontline – PvP missions that offer daily rewards. Requires a Soul Crystal to enter.

What Are Duty Roulettes Rewards For?

Duty Roulettes in FF14 offer tons of EXP and unique currency rewards, but not everyone knows what they're used for. Besides the usual EXP and Gil, there are Tomestones, special items used to get strong armaments. They can also be exchanged for special crafting ingredients, Minions and Orchestrion rolls in certain shops.

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics are used to get endgame gear in A Realm Reborn (ARR), Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers.

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Shop Locations:

  • Auriana, Mor Dhona (22.7, 6.5)
  • Hismena, Idyllshire (5.7, 5.3)
  • Sundry Splendors, Gridania/Limsa Lominsa/Ul'dah
  • Rowena's Representative, Ishgard
  • Enna, Rhalgr's Reach (13.7, 11.4)
  • Rowena's Representative in Kugane
  • Aymark, Eulmore (10.3, 11.7)
  • Mowen's Merchant, Crystarium

Allagan Tomestone of Causality

Allagan Tomestone of Causality are Level 90 drops that are used to buy IL 620 gear in Endwalker.

Allagan Tomestone of Causality Shop Locations:

  •  Cihanti, Radz-at-Han (10.9, 10.3)
  •  Khaldeen, Radz-at-Han (10.8, 10.5)

Allagan Tomestone of Comedy

Allagan Tomestone of Causality are Level 90 drops that are used to buy IL 650 gear in Endwalker.

Allagan Tomestone of Comedy Shop Locations:

  •  Cihanti, Radz-at-Han (10.9, 10.3)
  • Khaldeen, Radz-at-Han (10.8, 10.5)

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FF14 Duty Roulette Guide for 2024 (Reset Times, Rewards & More)
Paul Goño
Paul started writing for ESTNN in 2022, the same year he beat his first Souls game. An avid fan of RPGs, his all-time favorites include Baldur's Gate 3, Assassin’s Creed and Kingdom Hearts 2. Besides being a professional nerd, he still struggles to get over the broken PS2 memory card that stored years of his save files.