The 10 Best Final Fantasy XIV Zones
| Tags: FFXIV
| Author Timo Reinecke

Here are our favorite Final Fantasy XIV Zones. Check out if yours made the cut and what spots you should visit on your next trip to Eorzea.
Final Fantasy XIV is a beautiful title that boasts one of the best-realized worlds in all of gaming. Despite being broken up across multiple zones, many of them are rich in detail and offer amazing sights and sounds.
To bring structure into this absurd ranking, we're ranking 10 of our favorite zones by their vibes. If we were to talk about quests, that would take forever so let's just talk about the prettiest and coziest places the world of FFXIV has to offer.
The 10 Best Final Fantasy XIV Zones
10. Rak'tika Greatwood
La-Hee is old Ronkan for “Good Morning” or “Wake Up”. That song alone is the only reason why anyone cares about this zone. Sure the vista or extremely overgrown trees amidst ruins, flowers, and rivers is a sight to behold and there are some interesting things to find here and there but we come and stay to listen to La-Hee, immortalized by Masayashi Soken's shrill voice at that FanFest a few years ago.
9. South Shroud
If you have spent a little or a significant amount of time in The Palace of the Dead, you're familiar with the South Shroud. A nice, cozy place that is only scary whenever Odin is about to spawn. You come here for the cozy vibes, be it at Quarymill or Camp Tranquil, forget that the Shroud used to be a nightmare to traverse, and wonder why the Amdapori wanted to hang out with evil forest spirits.
But you can't deny the place a certain charm, especially when you're sitting around Rootslake fishing or farming for Flax. There's nothing quite like it.
8. The Sea of Clouds
This zone might be a nightmare to traverse but hear me out there, it's very pretty. There is just something very aesthetically pleasing about a mountain range hanging in the sky. Whether you're looking out to spy the Void Ark in the distance or hang out with your Sky Pirate friends.
Once you unlock flying, it ain't so bad either. Sure you wouldn't want to lead a hunt train through this zone but it always makes a great background for taking screenshots.
7. Labyrinthos
I know some people don't like the layout of this Zone or the fact that is an entirely artificial biodome under Sharlayan but it is a pretty zone. Not only does it have a breathtaking scale but the vibes are just.. correct. It feels like visiting a local zoo or farm where you just run about and annoy everyone about their job.
And then there's the music of course. The mismatched instruments coming together to form a harmony perfectly captures the artificial vibes of this place.
6. Elpis
From the concept, it is very similar to Labyrinthos hence the low placement but there is just something about this zone that works. Be it the tranquil sky or all the critters running around. And there are bonus points because you get to learn everything you don't want to know about your favorite bosses.
5. Il Mheg
This fairy wonderland just works. Be it the tranquil flower fields that go on forever, the fantastical castle in the middle of the large lake, or its many cute or horrifying inhabitants. There are also extra points for all the creepy-looking bushes that dot the landscape.
The standout is the lake in the middle which is simply beautiful above and below water making it a prime destination for Screenshots.
4. Ruby Sea
If you introduce diving into your game, you best put a gigantic ocean in your expansion. That is the Ruby Sea which stretches between Doma and Hingashi. Above land, you'll find the occasional island, a tower that may have been ripped out of Dragon Ball, pirates, and a volcano.
Below there is much more to find. Sunken ships, a little town, creepy caves, and an entire castle. Oh and did we mention the Vulcano that houses one of the best dungeons of the Stromblood Expansion?
3. Thavnair
What is there to say about Thavnair that hasn't been said already? It is a beautiful place with a big beach, a jungle, and some beautiful locations to take screenshots at. And there's the music, exotic and groovy. And if you're really lucky you get to participate in the Hippo Racing.
2. Mare Lamentorum
I know the moon isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind when we think of cozy but Mare Lamentorum is really just that zone. The music has this tranquil, almost hypnotic vibe, and looking up to the planet you call home while flying over impossible craters never gets old.
And then there's the Bestway's Borrow which is home to the funny bunny people. They are quite frankly hilarious and their hijinks have yet to annoy me in a meaningful fashion. So if you're making your way up there, make sure to visit our friend the Watcher.
1. Mor Dhona
No one expected this mix-up, didn't they? You won't believe how horrible this place was back in 1.0 but seeing it slowly grow into a real town in the 2.x series of patches has been a real joy. And since then it has become our home base between major expansions.
There's nothing like coming back home, hanging out with Tataru and the good folks at the Ironworks, or admiring Warden of the Lake and hoping he doesn't steal your powers again. And now you can also hang out with the real gods of Eorzea or figure out how to get into the Crystal Tower again in hopes of finding a second catboy companion.
And that's all we have on the best Zones in Final Fantasy XIV. For more on the critically acclaimed MMORPG make sure to check out our coverage of the Dawntrail expansion here and stay tuned for more news all around FFXIV here on ESTNN.